What would you like to see in DOA6?


Premium Donor
Helena's PP2KP string from DOA4 would be a nice addition to this.
They could tbh since there's no CB anymore to really justify it being out still. I'm using the move now in Dimensions and it does leave her BT and -11 on block and -9 on NH so I don't see why it shouldn't return besides them maybe reducing the +9 FA on block unless similar strings with that ender have that in LR


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Standard Donor
I don't think it is ungrateful at all. I have for almost 2 decades bought every single DOA game available, Collectors Edition for both consoles in DOA5, OST music for all games, figurines, a lot of DLC in DOA5 pre DOA5LR, traveled to Eurogamer Expo to try out DOA5 before it's release and bought all Ninja Gaiden games + Japanese versions of many DOA games and a huge variety of DOA merchandise. I, for one, feel I have the right to complain and post my opinion about a game that I love and have supported for almost 20 years. What I've seen so far in DOA6, does not achieve the level of greatness that I know they can get and once had (pre. DOA5). I have the right to speak out and tell them what I feel is missing. If TN don't want to listen, that's fine, but this is a forum, where fans can discuss and tell their opinions about the game that they love. And if a lot of us complain, maybe it's because we are not happy with what we see? If we all were happy all the time, it may be because they are doing exactly what we expect.

If Team Ninja were to listen to us, show us a stage that resembles what past DOA games used to do and I'll be good. But what they have shown so far does not match my expectations.

Miyabi is the Japanese town stage and it is connected to the Hidden Garden stage. There is a stage transition there. We just have not seen it.
He said it makes you LOOK like ungrateful brats, he never said you were. I do agree with him, the game isn’t even out yet and you guys already come up with things they have to improve. We haven’t even seen the final build yet, nor have we played on those stages ourselves. It’s too early for that stuff, we’ll get to see more stages soon, some might be big and some might be small.

I can’t wait for DOA6 so all these speculation threads can be terminated.


Well-Known Member
i want a new playerbase


Active Member
He said it makes you LOOK like ungrateful brats, he never said you were. I do agree with him, the game isn’t even out yet and you guys already come up with things they have to improve. We haven’t even seen the final build yet, nor have we played on those stages ourselves. It’s too early for that stuff, we’ll get to see more stages soon, some might be big and some might be small.

I can’t wait for DOA6 so all these speculation threads can be terminated.

I simply don't agree, it is not too early to discuss and complain about the games visual aspects. I said the exact same thing when DOA5 was in it's development stages. People over the years have complained about the exact same things. And now TN is doing the exact same things to DOA6. If you look at every single video out there, it is not the difficult to put two and two together and imagine the rest. And if we don't complain now, they can't make the changes before the game is released !


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Standard Donor
I simply don't agree, it is not too early to discuss and complain about the games visual aspects. I said the exact same thing when DOA5 was in it's development stages. People over the years have complained about the exact same things. And now TN is doing the exact same things to DOA6. If you look at every single video out there, it is not the difficult to put two and two together and imagine the rest. And if we don't complain now, they can't make the changes before the game is released !
DOA6 is never gonna be “perfect” so forcing them to pursue perfection is unrealistic, there are always gonna be people that’ll complain about DOA6 no matter how good it is. Sometimes people have to learn how to be satisfied with something instead of complaining about everything. I mean the stages look good and look like fun to play on, who cares if the stages are a bit smaller, the stages look intense and have a lot of danger zones which makes the stages lively and interesting. Players these days are too involved in the development of games.


Active Member
DOA6 is never gonna be “perfect” so forcing them to pursue perfection is unrealistic, there are always gonna be people that’ll complain about DOA6 no matter how good it is. Sometimes people have to learn how to be satisfied with something instead of complaining about everything. I mean the stages look good and look like fun to play on, who cares if the stages are a bit smaller, the stages look intense and have a lot of danger zones which makes the stages lively and interesting. Players these days are too involved in the development of games.

Again I don't agree. DOA and TN has done this before and DOAD even showcased bigger stages than DOA5 ever did. I know that the focus is on fighting entertainment, gimmicks and eksplosions, but when they have achieved level of greatness of stages and the newer stages don't match the level of previous DOA games, it just comes across as lazy, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Ok, i did some research, and by research, i mean i booted up my DOA 3, DOA 2U and DOA 4 copies, and while i will show the footage here once i edit everything together. I can safely say without any doubt. DOA 5 and DOA 6 stages aren't small compared to previous titles, not much at least.

DOA 2 U, arenas are actually very small, with some biggers, there is barely any kind of slope or uneven terrain in the stages, there is a lot of transitions though, some more than others.

DOA 3 has some big areas like Lorelei, but that is in DOA 5 as well exactly with the same size and areas. Zack island in doa 3 is considerably smaller than DOA5's version as well. It also features a lot of just small arenas as stages.

DOA 4... Well, not that big either, seaside market, the upper area is kind of small, and the lower area is just doa 3 zack island. The big stage in that game is certainly that tokyo stage, but the bigger area is not that big again, and there is two transitions to two super small areas. The street stage, i laughed, it is super small, with invisible walls on both sides, and random cars appearing from all sides, whoever thought that was a good idea needs to get his concepts right.

I haven't played DOA 6 yet, but i've seen enough footage, and the stages, and i mean that collision, space/wise, are DOA 2U/DOA 3 stages through and through (with the DOA 5 danger zones added in in some places). The dinosaur stage has the first area with few slopes, water terrain, and is the size of a regular arena in DOA 2 U, the transition goes into a bigger, giant arena that is way bigger than the octagon stage in DOA 3 for instance. Miyabi, while we haven't seen the bulk of it, seems comparable in size to the DOA 4 upper area of the tokyo stage, just without the fences, and then it transitions into Hidden garden, which is a small arena again.

Say what you want about how those stages look, art direction and usage of colors and lighting, that stuff matters and you're on your right if DOA 6 doesn't appeal to you visually, but when it comes to collision, space, gameplay, DOA 6 stages are just as big, small and varied as DOA 2 U and DOA 3. And while some people like to praise DOA 4 stages, the stages that it does different from doa 3 and doa 2 u, are actually terrible stages. And we have to keep in mind that there are stages that we haven't seen yet.


Here the video i promised:
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Active Member
Ok, i did some research, and by research, i mean i booted up my DOA 3, DOA 2U and DOA 4 copies, and while i will show the footage here once i edit everything together. I can safely say without any doubt. DOA 5 and DOA 6 stages aren't small compared to previous titles, not much at least.

DOA 2 U, arenas are actually very small, with some biggers, there is barely any kind of slope or uneven terrain in the stages, there is a lot of transitions though, some more than others.

DOA 3 has some big areas like Lorelei, but that is in DOA 5 as well exactly with the same size and areas. Zack island in doa 3 is considerably smaller than DOA5's version as well. It also features a lot of just small arenas as stages.

DOA 4... Well, not that big either, seaside market, the upper area is kind of small, and the lower area is just doa 3 zack island. The big stage in that game is certainly that tokyo stage, but the bigger area is not that big again, and there is two transitions to two super small areas. The street stage, i laughed, it is super small, with invisible walls on both sides, and random cars appearing from all sides, whoever thought that was a good idea needs to get his concepts right.

I haven't played DOA 6 yet, but i've seen enough footage, and the stages, and i mean that collision, space/wise, are DOA 2U/DOA 3 stages through and through (with the DOA 5 danger zones added in in some places). The dinosaur stage has the first area with few slopes, water terrain, and is the size of a regular arena in DOA 2 U, the transition goes into a bigger, giant arena that is way bigger than the octagon stage in DOA 3 for instance. Miyabi, while we haven't seen the bulk of it, seems comparable in size to the DOA 4 upper area of the tokyo stage, just without the fences, and then it transitions into Hidden garden, which is a small arena again.

Say what you want about how those stages look, art direction and usage of colors and lighting, that stuff matters and you're on your right if DOA 6 doesn't appeal to you visually, but when it comes to collision, space, gameplay, DOA 6 stages are just as big, small and varied as DOA 2 U and DOA 3. And while some people like to praise DOA 4 stages, the stages that it does different from doa 3 and doa 2 u, are actually terrible stages. And we have to keep in mind that there are stages that we haven't seen yet.


Here the video i promised:

You may be right in the arena stage size may be almost the same size in the games. I feel every time I see a stage in DOA5 it feels empty and lot smaller than before. And as I tried to write earlier it is about the way TN create with perception in their games. Look at some of those pictures floating around with the Uncharted map. It's TN not utilizing the foreground, middleground and background. I know I'm not the only one complaining about the size of the stages, but it may be you feel trapped.
When I see gameplay from DOA6 Lost Paradise, the top floor seems so small compared to the Experimental Playground from DOA4 and other stages. And from what I see it is because the stage is surrounded by trees, the waterslide and other things. And also many of the stages had many areas to fall down town. You need to take that into consideration. The whole stage is one big area. So DOA2U The Dragon Hills may have smaller areas, but the outlook on the stage (background), 5 different fight areas, in 1 single stage. That is a huge stage. Aerial Gardens DOA2U is also a huge stage because it is a endless falling arena, but everything seems so big and grand. And it's again because the stage is not totally surrounded by stuff all the time ! There is space to see the background and it has 4 areas you can fall down onto ! The whole game the way it's paced seems grander and greater !




Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Ok, i did some research, and by research, i mean i booted up my DOA 3, DOA 2U and DOA 4 copies, and while i will show the footage here once i edit everything together. I can safely say without any doubt. DOA 5 and DOA 6 stages aren't small compared to previous titles, not much at least.

DOA 2 U, arenas are actually very small, with some biggers, there is barely any kind of slope or uneven terrain in the stages, there is a lot of transitions though, some more than others.

DOA 3 has some big areas like Lorelei, but that is in DOA 5 as well exactly with the same size and areas. Zack island in doa 3 is considerably smaller than DOA5's version as well. It also features a lot of just small arenas as stages.

DOA 4... Well, not that big either, seaside market, the upper area is kind of small, and the lower area is just doa 3 zack island. The big stage in that game is certainly that tokyo stage, but the bigger area is not that big again, and there is two transitions to two super small areas. The street stage, i laughed, it is super small, with invisible walls on both sides, and random cars appearing from all sides, whoever thought that was a good idea needs to get his concepts right.

I haven't played DOA 6 yet, but i've seen enough footage, and the stages, and i mean that collision, space/wise, are DOA 2U/DOA 3 stages through and through (with the DOA 5 danger zones added in in some places). The dinosaur stage has the first area with few slopes, water terrain, and is the size of a regular arena in DOA 2 U, the transition goes into a bigger, giant arena that is way bigger than the octagon stage in DOA 3 for instance. Miyabi, while we haven't seen the bulk of it, seems comparable in size to the DOA 4 upper area of the tokyo stage, just without the fences, and then it transitions into Hidden garden, which is a small arena again.

Say what you want about how those stages look, art direction and usage of colors and lighting, that stuff matters and you're on your right if DOA 6 doesn't appeal to you visually, but when it comes to collision, space, gameplay, DOA 6 stages are just as big, small and varied as DOA 2 U and DOA 3. And while some people like to praise DOA 4 stages, the stages that it does different from doa 3 and doa 2 u, are actually terrible stages. And we have to keep in mind that there are stages that we haven't seen yet.


Here the video i promised:

Like FP mentioned on Discord, some areas are not very common to be in so they likely cut some portions. Also I looked at some of the past footages (as well as yours) and it just feels like the characters look proportionally smaller to the stages by a few margins (specifically the top of Lorelei).

CRIMSON previously had a room that was cut in DOA5LR where if you went in there you couldn't get out etc.

As for stage sizes, it might be the change in the game's overhaul throughout the years of latest installments that makes one feel like stage expanse seem smaller (or bigger) with each iteration. Though again, back when Itagaki glorified the Xbox due to it simply being the better hardware at the time, I hear they had constant issues on keeping the stages at a stable playable rate due to loss of VRAM on trying to make them bigger.


Well-Known Member
The character models in 5 are actually quite a lot bigger than DOA2U and 4 in both size and polygons, also tbf the room they "cut" wasn't in the original Crimson and the lower section was smaller in the original too.

I don't get the feeling that the stages are smaller at all honestly, they feel and look like how DOA stages always have. Especially when a lot of older DOA stages were literal squares and circles with nothing else going on.


Premium Donor
It's also probably due to her size as well too since I don't recall that being an issue with Kasumi or anyone else


I want better voice actors. Especially for Lisa. She sounds like a 13 year old white girl.
Diego’s voice is really generic and unfitting too


Well-Known Member
I want better voice actors. Especially for Lisa. She sounds like a 13 year old white girl.
Diego’s voice is really generic and unfitting too
Wendee Lee is queen, what on earth...
That being said, I wish she could voice Ayane again, it’s much better than the one we have now for her.