Who makes the cut in DOA 6?

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Well-Known Member
See there is a difference between making clear definitions and simply feeling. In the case of being original and the others not; you are completely wrong. You may "feel" that her being heavy doesn't help her case, but it actually does. AND with this demo we will just use numbers instead.

There are TWO heavies in DOA6 both being male. This game prefers female fighters so there should be at least one heavy female. She even has a better chance than Momiji in this regard because she further balances out the types of fighters in the game. NOW if Momo is announced and Rachel isn't, this is solid proof that the DOAX3 voting thing did help with creating the roster for DOA6.

I also want Rachel and Momiji in (more Rachel than Momiji, I like her more and I think she's more unique to the roster), but either their both in in the base game or their both DLC. I would be really, really, REALLY MAD if Momiji is in the base game and Rachel is out. I've already hate enough the japanese community for not choshing Tina, Lisa and Christie for DOAX3. I don't need to hate them more -.-"


Well-Known Member
My main is guaranteed to not make it in the launch roster, so much so I was planning out who to main in 6 before it was even announced lmao

At least if Rachel and Momiji aren't in the base roster they'll be dlc. Mains of Naotora and VFs won't get their mains at all in 6.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
My main is guaranteed to not make it in the launch roster, so much so I was planning out who to main in 6 before it was even announced lmao

At least if Rachel and Momiji aren't in the base roster they'll be dlc. Mains of Naotora and VFs won't get their mains at all in 6.
1) You already have Hitomi, who's way better than Ein. What the... xD
2) Naotara can eat shit and die. Worst guest decision ever.


Premium Donor
1) You already have Hitomi, who's way better than Ein. What the... xD
2) NAOTORA can eat shit and die. Worst guest decision ever.

The 4th phase

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
So Ein is not in?

well at least Hitomi is in.

Naotora was alright, nothing special tbh. I am sure nao mains will find someone else to get attached to.


Premium Donor
Naotora could likely return as DLC down the line since she was quite popular in Japan actually. it also makes me laugh when people hate on Naotora since everyone wants to act like she's trash, but alot of these are the same people who claimed she was "new main" when she dropped and calling her names like Nao Chan and all that xD I swear people be flip flopping >.>

Even if she wouldn't make the cut it would be nice if they made an original girl or something who uses a kick style like hers, minus her signature kicks and her ii clan stance. That would definitely fit a Korean girl imo if they made a girl who's style revolved around long range kicks


Well-Known Member
Because of their attachment to Ryu Hayabusa they are not mere guests. They have been intertwined with the Team NINJA universe for years...

I think you need to check out the definition of original:

"Present or existing from the beginning; first or earliest."

In this adjective definition of the word Marie Rose is not original at all, but Rachel is in the sense of Team NINJA's world because she appeared in the reboot of Ninja Gaiden. So in that sense Rachel is more original than Marie Rose. Which also means if Genfu isn't in the game... how fucking stupid.

Here is another definition:

"created directly and personally by a particular artist; not a copy or imitation."

So they all apply to this one...

Then there is this one:

an eccentric or unusual person.

This applies to Rachel too as she is the only female heavy in the game. Marie Rose I guess is unusual because she is tiny and has no... nvm.

AND to make it sink in even further since you said "original for DOA." Rachel's move-set technically came from DOA4's spartan. So EVEN there even as a NINJA Gaiden character she is more original than Marie Rose as a DOA character!

SO with that being said, does anyone want to take on my bet or continue this debate out further?
give it up, buckwild.


Well-Known Member
Updated list.
  1. Kasumi
  2. Helena
  3. Hayate
  4. Hayabusa
  5. Jann Lee
  6. Zack
  7. Diego
  8. Rig
  9. Hitomi
  10. Leifang
  11. Ayane
  12. Marie Rose
  13. Honoka
  14. Bayman
  15. Bass
  16. Tina
  17. Mila
  18. Christie
  19. Kokoro
  20. Lisa
  21. NiCO
  22. Brad Wong
  23. Eliot
  24. Raidou???
  25. Ein???
  26. Nyotengu
  27. Phase 4
Gen Fu is looking less and less likely for the base game. But, I don't really get the hate-boner people seem to have for him. I could see them including Ein for story reasons. But, I'd rather have Leon personally.


Well-Known Member
Updated list.
  1. Kasumi
  2. Helena
  3. Hayate
  4. Hayabusa
  5. Jann Lee
  6. Zack
  7. Diego
  8. Rig
  9. Hitomi
  10. Leifang
  11. Ayane
  12. Marie Rose
  13. Honoka
  14. Bayman
  15. Bass
  16. Tina
  17. Mila
  18. Christie
  19. Kokoro
  20. Lisa
  21. NiCO
  22. Brad Wong
  23. Eliot
  24. Raidou???
  25. Ein???
  26. Nyotengu
  27. Phase 4
Gen Fu is looking less and less likely for the base game. But, I don't really get the hate-boner people seem to have for him. I could see them including Ein for story reasons. But, I'd rather have Leon personally.
i think its raidou. i still believe phase is counted in the 25 because its a dlc pack excusive for the deluxe edition, right? which comes with phase4. so its not like you’d be getting a costume for someone you dont own. but if its not her, it has to be genfu. hes the last legacy character i think. so.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry for the pro-legacy players, but I hope that 24th and 25th goes to Rachel and Momiji. I need the first one as a female main.

But, but, I would prefer having other two characters in the base roster better than Momiji and someone other than Rachel. I wouldn't like the fact that Team Ninja chooses Momiji over Rachel. Give the vigoorian more love or the same, but not less xD


Well-Known Member
i think its raidou. i still believe phase is counted in the 25 because its a dlc pack excusive for the deluxe edition, right? which comes with phase4. so its not like you’d be getting a costume for someone you dont own. but if its not her, it has to be genfu. hes the last legacy character i think. so.

Heres the thing with the numbers.
Deluxe Set= Phase 4 but not Nyotengu necessarily (25)
Collectors Edition= Phase 4 but not nyotengu necessarily (25 buttons)
Collectors Edition Preorder= Phase 4 and Nyotengu (26 buttons)

I firmly believe Phase 4 is counted in the 25 costume for the deluxe set.. she comes in the deluxe version so why not? The deluxe set will eventually be sold separately but characters not included in the base game have had costumes in packs before so its not like that would matter. I think Nyotengu does not have a costume. She is a preorder so anyone who preorder gets her but if you buy the deluxe version just after release, you dont get her so team ninja left her separate. She probably comes with her own set of costumes like DLC characters tend to do.

The thing with me is the buttons that come with the JP collectors edition.. you get 25 out of the box but apparently 26 if you preorder. That tells me phase 4 has a button because she is included in that version (YES it can look different to Kasumi, hasnt stopped TN yet has it now), and nytoengu only gets one if you preorder making the total 26. That leaves 1 empty slot..either is some generic button with "DOA6" on it or its another character (assuming its specifically characters on all of the buttons)

My guess its whoever the boss is, or Gen Fu sneaks in. But I really think the final total for release day will be 25 or 26.


Well-Known Member
With Eliot wearing Gen Fu’s outfit, I think that cuts Gen Fu out of the final 2 among the base roster.

Meaning the last 2 characters are probably Momiji & Rachel. HYPE!!
Last edited:

Macca Beam

Well-Known Member
Because of their attachment to Ryu Hayabusa they are not mere guests. They have been intertwined with the Team NINJA universe for years...

I think you need to check out the definition of original:

"Present or existing from the beginning; first or earliest."

In this adjective definition of the word Marie Rose is not original at all, but Rachel is in the sense of Team NINJA's world because she appeared in the reboot of Ninja Gaiden. So in that sense Rachel is more original than Marie Rose. Which also means if Genfu isn't in the game... how fucking stupid.

Here is another definition:

"created directly and personally by a particular artist; not a copy or imitation."

So they all apply to this one...

Then there is this one:

an eccentric or unusual person.

This applies to Rachel too as she is the only female heavy in the game. Marie Rose I guess is unusual because she is tiny and has no... nvm.

AND to make it sink in even further since you said "original for DOA." Rachel's move-set technically came from DOA4's spartan. So EVEN there even as a NINJA Gaiden character she is more original than Marie Rose as a DOA character!

SO with that being said, does anyone want to take on my bet or continue this debate out further?
i probably shouldn't bring this subject up again, but i want to point out a flaw in your logic.

"original" is a broad word with many meanings. the subjects in question, however, can be narrowed down to a more specific description, and there's a very clear cut definition for it.
"An original character is a character created that does not come from an existing copyright"

you can easily see most of the definitions for the word original alone don't make a lot of sense in the context of fictional characters. "Present or existing from the beginning; first or earliest" would rule out every character that weren't part of the original game. Lisa Hamilton and Mila are not DOA original characters because they weren't there at the beginning, but that's false. and nobody actually uses the word original to refer to "an eccentric or unusual person", as there are about a dozen other more natural sounding adjectives for that.

the same logic can be applied to the moveset. using the chronological definition, you could say it was "originally there", it has been around for longer than some others. but as far as originality is concerned... the definition of this noun is very focused, and this is what people often think about when they use/see the adjective original.
"the quality of being novel"
"freshness of aspect, design, or style"
"the quality of being special and interesting and not the same as anything or anyone else"

we all know Rachel's moveset was a derivative of Spartan's moveset, therefore it falls short on this department.

just like with Mila, Rig, Momiji, Phase 4 and Diego, Marie Rose has an original moveset because an overwhelming portion of it are moves exclusive to her only. not even Honoka managed to steal anything from it.

tl;dr: semantics, semantics

p.s. i'm all for Naotora not coming back just so i don't have to see people mistyping her name again. it's so easy to type a vowel twice, but you just had to give your L key a slap on the ass.
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