Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z


Master Ninja
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I think I'm going to need to get my hands on this as soon as possible. It looks like an absolute blast and also looks like a wholly separate franchise in every way from NG other than featuring Ryu. That's something I'm good with. I like games that set out, from the beginning, to just be about ridiculous fun.


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i hope this guy survives the game hes an interestig character and i would preffer if TN didn't keep killing theirs off
(RIP Regent)

something that would be extremely badass is to activate bloodlust,do all the attacks but have them kick in only after he redues his ninja garb


Well-Known Member
i hope this guy survives the game hes an interestig character and i would preffer if TN didn't keep killing theirs off
(RIP Regent)
Regent definitely takes home my Best Ninja Gaiden Villain Award : D
I don't think they'd kill off Yaiba at the end of the game. If anything I'm hoping his fight with Ryu ends in a stalemate somehow. Given Yaiba's personality and Ryu being the iconic character that he is, the turnout for this game's story is pretty unpredictable at this point until a set antagonist is revealed.

Fiend Busa

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Hopefully the ending will be something like where these 2 are battling it out but then get overrun by zombies and work together and cast the ninja gaiden sigma 2 team ninpo and destroy everythingggg


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i wonder if Yaiba will even have ninpo.i wonder how this guy would stack up to Hayate and the other ninjas cause at the moment i think hes the 2nd most powerful character in the NG verse.


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I'm not sure about him being the second strongest since, at the end, he's just a human brought back to life with cybernetics that might not go mono y mono with a warrior with Fiend/Vigorian blood flowing through their veins. Compared to, let's say, Rachel bring a Vigorian Fiend hunter, He might now be able to hold his own all that well. Or at least try to get off a lucky win if they were caught up in a fight with one another. How he'll stack up to the other girls, I'm not don't know since he lacks ninpo abilities from as much as we've seen of him in action so far.


Master Ninja
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Rachel is barely aware of her surroundings. This is the girl who failed to recognize a slow ass giant tentacle monster as a threat (or possible even as a presence). I'm guessing Yaiba is at least five times stronger than Rachel and that's being conservative. Also...who cares? These aren't linked universes in any real form. I can promise you Yaiba will not ever show up in a canonical form in a normal Ninja Gaiden game.


Well-Known Member
Never did cross my mind he'd appear in a canon NG game. The speculation is all part of the fun of hyping a game up, that's all : P


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Cyber you can't promise shit regarding that,we now have a fiend hunter in DOA.

Also lets not forget how long Ryu stood on that portal to hell before it summoned a boss,only moving at the last second.hes not the most aware person either.

Rachel's best asset is her strength and Ryu easily matches and probably surpasses it now have Yaiba who can stop a flying car with a single punch from his new arm.id say he beats out Rachel.


Master Ninja
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I'm all for cracking a joke at someone's expense but I didn't think some of you people actually took the fiction that seriously. Kinda depressing. Anyway, I'll come back to this thread when it's not a fan fiction speculation thread. That'll likely be when myself or someone I consider respectable gets hands on with the title.


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Oh for the love of god I'm not going to get into an argument about this it's just speculation that happens in every series between fans.I got annoyed at you Cyber because you made a promise that you yourself have no power of keeping which is one of thousand things that annoy me personally.

Fiend Busa

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Rachel is barely aware of her surroundings. This is the girl who failed to recognize a slow ass giant tentacle monster as a threat (or possible even as a presence). I'm guessing Yaiba is at least five times stronger than Rachel and that's being conservative. Also...who cares? These aren't linked universes in any real form. I can promise you Yaiba will not ever show up in a canonical form in a normal Ninja Gaiden game.

Well Yaiba put Ryu on his knees so no competition there

Btw Yaiba is in the same world as NG


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it does when its the actual creators of the series making it,they CAN claim its non canon but until then im treating this game how Revengence is treated canon but separate from the main plot.


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