Digi's DoA5:U thoughts & expectations

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New Member
hold guard + directional to jump. simple mechanic to reintroduce. give all characters added evasive options/more moves & mix ups.

why would anyone be against that. DoA is so grounded it's sad.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
I'm actually glad there's no jumping in DOA and that it's very grounded. It sounds like it would be very awkward and could get annoying fast when people are jumping around all over the place trying not to get hit. Maybe instead they could have each character have a way to move backwards more quickly/safer like Kasumi's backhand springs or Eliot/Gen Fu's cartwheels.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually glad there's no jumping in DOA and that it's very grounded. It sounds like it would be very awkward and could get annoying fast when people are jumping around all over the place trying not to get hit. Maybe instead they could have each character have a way to move backwards more quickly/safer like Kasumi's backhand springs or Eliot/Gen Fu's cartwheels.

*no jumping*
*Ninjas and Lisa have a specific jump command*

Otherwise agreed. But what would all the other characters' backups be? I could see Bayman rolling, but like...Tina, Mila, Bass, Leon, Hitomi, etc, etc?


New Member
Sad thing is that the game is probably going to remain a grounded, RPS, counter hold fest smh.

Guess people don't understand the concept of being able to tech jump and having mix ups off jumping moves.

So stupid IMO. Why would anyone applaud basic fighting game movement/evasion options to be removed from the game.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
-Jumping never worked like it did in other fighters, as in hopping over a grounded opponent. It basically was a tech jump to avoid lows. In its place, All characters in the game were given aerial attacks, with others having aerial maneuvers that allow jumping over downed opponents to get back turned advantage. In Doa it is a specialized technique not an universal mechanic.

-I think you are misconstruing these players views as not wanting the original jump feature returned, as them not wanting a good game. This is not the case at all. I was upset with its removal at first, but most of what you are asking for is clunky and convoluted. It is much more streamlined and deliberate.


New Member
imma just back off. cause this is going no where. and it's never gonna be changed so it is what it is.




I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
Believing that is fine, However, the game has made great strides since Doa2 and is far from that. The players here may not agree on every single aspect of the game, but they are here fighting for an even better Doa5(U). Anyway, at the end of the day, this thread is based upon your thoughts and expectations.


I like you ideas au_im_digimon, but personally I don't believe that TN will do it.
DOA still remain just something casual to play IMO.


New Member
High level player and his thoughts on DoA in its current state: after I mentioned my disappointment about the replies in this thread.

This was a single post in my FB PMs:

lol you tried talking to DOA players.
I sold that game about a month or two ago. The game is just bad (on a competitive level that is.) I've come to terms with the fact that it will stay the same. I want more for the DOA Series but it will not change. I'm done wasting my money and time on the game.

Whats the point in trying to learn match ups? Just Counter better.

Whats the point in learning frame data? Everything is - anyway just counter better.

Whats the point in trying to space with either movement or a jump? (like you asked for) Strings travel full screen and realign even if they are stepped. They would not make the jump backwards far enough to matter even if they added it.
I'm tried of guessing. I'm mostly done with the game. Now keep in mind I CAN play the game. I can even "win" in it but I'm just tried of the bullshit in the game.
I'm tired*
I may enter DOA tournaments just to beat people that still play the game for the lolz.

He asked that he remain nameless. To avoid any type of drama. And he doesn't post on the forums at all anymore for the same reason.

More/bigger evasive movement options (even if they ARE universal...and yes I mean jumps IDGAF), more strict counter hold system, and less tracking are the essential things needed for this game to truly take off the ground IMO.


Well-Known Member
High level player and his thoughts on DoA in its current state: after I mentioned my disappointment about the replies in this thread.

This was a single post in my FB PMs:

He asked that he remain nameless. To avoid any type of drama. And he doesn't post on the forums at all anymore for the same reason.

More/bigger evasive movement options (even if they ARE universal...and yes I mean jumps IDGAF), more strict counter hold system, and less tracking are the essential things needed for this game to truly take off the ground IMO.

I'm not really seeing the issue with"just counter better". I mean, that's essentially just saying "have good reflexes and instinct".


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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
The nameless person who wrote that PM was au_im_digimon.

I should know. I used to write hatemail to myself when I was feeling down.

Deleted member 473

It could be Havik....


Well-Known Member
Sad thing is that the game is probably going to remain a grounded, RPS, counter hold fest smh.

Guess people don't understand the concept of being able to tech jump and having mix ups off jumping moves.

So stupid IMO. Why would anyone applaud basic fighting game movement/evasion options to be removed from the game.

-Jumping never worked like it did in other fighters, as in hopping over a grounded opponent. It basically was a tech jump to avoid lows. In its place, All characters in the game were given aerial attacks, with others having aerial maneuvers that allow jumping over downed opponents to get back turned advantage. In Doa it is a specialized technique not an universal mechanic.

IMO I am for jumping to return in the DOA series. You said jumping never worked like it did in other fighters which is true (VF5FS being the best). However, that doesn't mean that it can't be reworked to make it more efficient and viable. Honestly, if TN spent more time on reworking other mechanics instead of bringing in new things we might have a better game. Hopefully they do this with DOA6.
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