doa5u impressions thread


FSD | Nichol
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Seems some directional throws can be broken. Someone broke my 6T at one point when I was playing Ein.


Well-Known Member
Just watching bits of the stream again (mostly Ein). HOLY CRAP I didn't notice Jacky has his auto parry from VF. Don't jab against him, EVER. Them hi counter throws though...


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Just watching bits of the stream again (mostly Ein). HOLY CRAP I didn't notice Jacky has his auto parry from VF. Don't jab against him, EVER. Them hi counter throws though...
Sorry, what's this about? (I've never played VF)


Well-Known Member
Sorry, what's this about?
When Jacky is in neutral and just standing there he autoparries any jabs thrown his way. I'm not sure if this applies to ALL high punches but jabbing against him if he's just standing there is a no-no. It resets the situation to neutral, he doesn't get advantage but don't get cute with him when he's just standing there.

On the flipside if he's just standing there any and ALL throws landed upon him are instantly registered as Hi counter throws. So have fun with that.


Going through some of the earlier stream stuff he actually has his 66P+KP from the original VF5 and the punch looks like it might track. Could be useful, guess things might not be too bad for Akira after all.

Also the move I thought was new that I referred to earlier is just his uncharged power launcher. Useless, nothing to see here.
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Well-Known Member
So, after watching the streams, here's what I got:

Leon=holy shit! guy's a beast. Think I'll be putting time with him
Ein=not sure about him
Rachel's looking awesome as expected, can't wait to get my hands on her
Gotta say I'm liking Momiji the more I see of her. I'm wondering if her double jump moves can be crouched
Not enough play of Jacky to get anything new
New stage bgm's are awesome, forest one is my favorite
Akira throw nerf is:mad: he better have gotten something to compensate
No new outfits in the build:(

I'm actually looking foward to this a lot more now
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Active Member
I want this game now!!!

But Eliot he lose his guarenteed Setup after he hits with H+K
and lose the deep stun with 7p on counter hit.

That must be really a joke! :(


Active Member
This is the stuff I remember seeing for Christie on stream yesterday, but it needs confirmation from someone who was actually there:

-JAK 44p gives a bound stun
-she can also do a variation (?) of 4p+k from her roll
-her old 4p+k can also be used to enter her roll like shown in the trailer (would be cool if you could loop the 4p+k>roll>4p+k); apparently frame advantage was changed to +10 uncharged, +15 charged so no more free 6p
-I think I saw her 7p strings return, but I was really tired, so it might be wishful thinking (I think one looked like 7p and then went into her BT 4pp)
-she can enter the roll from JAK 44


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...looks like I may be picking up Helena once again. I'm happy to know that 33P4P may no longer be the end-all-be-all finisher for her, so maybe Helena will stop looking ugly xD

Also, has anyone tried Pai in training at all? I don't care to know much, just if her 66H+K bounds again after a launch. (EDIT) Nevermind, I just caught a glimpse of it on the stream. Seems they still don't want her to use that bound =/ Here's what I did notice for her, though.


:P::P::P::7::K: now has the same blowback properties as :P::P::K::K:, so it seems it can now wall splat.

:h::+::K: now has a stun that can be followed up with other hits (a high stun that leaves you in BT)

More to come if I see any other players use her.
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Well-Known Member
P(P) causes a bind state.
New move 6P+K > P causes a bind state.
BT PPPP causes a bind state.
New sit down stun that leaves her in BKO is +44, even with fastest SE this should guarantee CB.
F+K and BT PPK can be cancelled into BKO.
8PP and 6P can be cancelled into BT.
New move 66F+K puts Helena in BKO and works as a re launcher in singles as well as tag.
Her go to force tech combo 33P4P > 6P no longer works as 6P doesn't force tech. Although BKO 2K, BT 4K and BT 66K still force tech.

That's all I've seen so far.

Eeeeeeeexelent! ;)

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
I want this game now!!!

But Eliot he lose his guarenteed Setup after he hits with H+K
and lose the deep stun with 7p on counter hit.

That must be really a joke! :(

:( And here's the worst part...that was Xcaliburbladez playing as him...the player who not too long ago won the DOA XVI tournament. If he just barely scraped by with a win against a new Rachel player the rest of us are screwed.


Well-Known Member
Well, keep in mind that playing against a character that you don't know the movelist/potential of is difficult. You can't read/anticipate them like you can a character you know, so I'm sure that played a part in it.


Active Member
:( And here's the worst part...that was Xcaliburbladez playing as him...the player who not too long ago won the DOA XVI tournament. If he just barely scraped by with a win against a new Rachel player the rest of us are screwed.
Hey don't fret. The game isn't completly finished, who knows? Eliot might have something new in stored for the future. You'll just have to bare with him until they fix/change him. I feel you though, I tried to main Eliot once. I failed epicly. I respect you guys who main Eliot.
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We'll if people can still play doa5 ultimate today. I would really hope they try out Hitomi, Tina, and some more of Leifang. Watched a little bit of the stream yesterday, and loved the bgm for forest. I was also very impressed with Lisa and Christie.