The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Rachel the fiend Slayer

Well-Known Member
i feel u don't know what a male chauvinist is i truly doubt u understand the definition of the phrase only because most of the guys on here are asking for equality amongst the characters outfits please refrain from chastising people with a lack of/ incorrect knowledge

Resserecting an old ass topic? lol

I was upset because not only did people ask for more male costumes(not that I'm against it) but people kept saying that the girls shouldn't get anymore costumes at all

Everytime a girl got something new some people would shit on her and call her names like "this bitch/whore/slut/ect got another costume while this guy didn't" and one lerson even made a petition for no more girls costumes, and all that. That's why I said it was chauvinist

But I don't careabout that anymore so can we drop it? this site has enough fifhts as it is

When is the patch coming out and when are the new costumes releasing?


Well-Known Member
one lerson even made a petition for no more girls costumes

No, they didn't. They made a petition for more guy clothes. Chauvinist pig!
I luv my girls and hope we get a lot more for them, but I don't want the guys to be neglected. I hope we'll get more for them too
They said this in the very first post, unless you're talking about someone else.


Well-Known Member
We need more manly stages...Burai Zenin, anyone?

I definitely miss the old stages. One of the reasons why I loved DoA 2-4 is because unlike every other fighting game the stages weren't boring old rings. They were just cool locations. For example seaside market wasn't a fighting ring set in a market setting, you just literally had fights in middle of an actual market.
DOA5 stages are ok but they're not as beautiful, colorful, magnificent, exciting and memorable as these. :)


Well-Known Member
"A real loser is someone who's so afraid of not winning, they don't even try."

-Grandpa (Little Miss Sunshine)

Hence why I said at least in a non tourney match. In casual matches, winning is barely a factor at all.

Most people will just give up and leave when completely dominated, since they want to have fun when playing a game, not just get curbstomped with nothing they can do about it. And we want people to stay, not leave. If you aren't gonna hold back, at least actively tell them how to beat you, so they can try to fight back that way.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
If the opponent is obviously completely outclassed by their best, yes. At least in a non tourney match.
It's not about winning. It's about knowledge. If I play someone and they purposefully limit themselves, I don't know their real options and the real risk/reward of those options. That means that I'll develop bad habits for dealing with certain situations. And that is very bad, especially if I'm learning a new game. Plus, what's the point of winning if the other guy isn't even trying? "Oh, yeah, I beat up Colpevole in Persona! Huh? Oh, it looks like he was playing with his feet." I'd feel terrible.

Also, if you're not the type of person who when beaten would look back at replays and see what you did wrong and instead would complain and quit, you're not the type of person who would have fun with fighting games anyways.

Rachel the fiend Slayer

Well-Known Member
@Rachel the fiend Slayer: Quit trying to start stuff a real chauvinist would most likely not even play a game where half of the cast is female with many having similar/greater abilities then the males.

What the hell? Are you insane, I never started shit, don't make me look like I did.

Guys, do yourselves a favor and just stick Rachel on ignore. I did it some time ago and my number of eye rolls have dropped substantially ever since.

Then why are you having my name in your mouth if your ignoring me, dumbfuck piece of shit ass turd

Sorry but I'm outta here I tried to be reasonable but this bullying shit is aggy as fuck


Well-Known Member

I really don't want this topic to close like last time so Rachel ignore the people your against and people against Rachel ignore him to (not the character but the user above lol)

Fighting can't be the best thing we need right now :(


Well-Known Member
Also, if you're not the type of person who when beaten would look back at replays and see what you did wrong and instead would complain and quit, you're not the type of person who would have fun with fighting games anyways.

You see, I never save replays of my losses, and yes, I will complain; BUT! What I will not do is quit. I'm by no means the fastest learner, however, I'll always come back strong. And I know this isn't referring to me, had to reply anyhow lol.


Well-Known Member
It's not about winning. It's about knowledge. If I play someone and they purposefully limit themselves, I don't know their real options and the real risk/reward of those options. That means that I'll develop bad habits for dealing with certain situations. And that is very bad, especially if I'm learning a new game. Plus, what's the point of winning if the other guy isn't even trying? "Oh, yeah, I beat up Colpevole in Persona! Huh? Oh, it looks like he was playing with his feet." I'd feel terrible.

Also, if you're not the type of person who when beaten would look back at replays and see what you did wrong and instead would complain and quit, you're not the type of person who would have fun with fighting games anyways.

But of you can't even handle them holding back, you are miles away from learning how to handle them going all out.

You are.encouraging sink or swim, but most people need to learn basics and work their way up, not be stuck in the deep end when they cam barely swim. They'll just get outta the pool.
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