DOA5U wanted Costumes

Hoya Destroyer

Well-Known Member
but....those aren't monsters at all or anything. those are just the same thing you always ask for "regular character, with skimpy clothing". we already have that.

just putting horns on the head isn't enough. I'm talking full on fiend/monstrous transformations.

The most important thing is to make sure the outfits look good. I think my suggestion for the female Fiend, looks VERY good.
If I use Alexei, from NG2 as an example (below), you can see he maintains a very humanoid form as a Fiend - not so different from my female suggestion. Assuming that black stuff covering his body is some kind of organic exoskeleton, TN could just use the same material to cover the females figure (where necessary). Just like they did with Rachels purple Fiend outfit.


Sexism at it's finest
If a gay guy only wanted to see the DoA guys in skimpy outfits, would he be called sexist too? Not many would think he saw males/his own gender as mere sex objects etc. Really, he most likely just wants to look at something he finds attractive.
That how I feel about females. In general terms, I think they are just as capable as males. Its just in a DoA context, I want to see the most attractive females possible.


Well-Known Member
If a gay guy only wanted to see the DoA guys in skimpy outfits, would he be called sexist too? Not many would think he saw males/his own gender as mere sex objects etc. Really, he most likely just wants to look at something he finds attractive.
That how I feel about females. In general terms, I think they are just as capable as males. Its just in a DoA context, I want to see the most attractive females possible.

And make the guys least eye-catching for the rest who enjoys them...? It's more of the image comparison actually. You posted an armored male then a female in straps and strings which does not seemed like an equal counterpart.

How is wanting skimpy outfits for the guys sexist when:
(1) There are 7 swimsuit packs for the girls
(2) There are a couple of fetish-themed outfits for the girls that resembles a swimsuit (Rachel and Christie's dominatrix costumes, Helena's succubus costume, etc.)
(3) There's only ONE all-male pack that gives an ample amount of leg exposure

Hoya Destroyer

Well-Known Member
And make the guys least eye-catching for the rest who enjoys them...? It's more of the image comparison actually. You posted an armored male then a female in straps and strings which does not seemed like an equal counterpart.

How is wanting skimpy outfits for the guys sexist when:
(1) There are 7 swimsuit packs for the girls
(2) There are a couple of fetish-themed outfits for the girls that resembles a swimsuit (Rachel and Christie's dominatrix costumes, Helena's succubus costume, etc.)
(3) There's only ONE all-male pack that gives an ample amount of leg exposure

Equal counterpart? I have no moral obligation to do any such thing. Im posting ONLY what I want to see.
I never said you, or any gay guy was sexist. In fact my whole point was that if a gay guy can find another guy attractive, without people saying "oh, men are just sex objects to him". Why cant I get the same benefit of the doubt, when it comes to females.


Well-Known Member
Equal counterpart? I have no moral obligation to do any such thing. Im posting ONLY what I want to see.
I never said you, or any gay guy was sexist. In fact my whole point was that if a gay guy can find another guy attractive, without people saying "oh, men are just sex objects to him". Why cant I get the same benefit of the doubt, when it comes to females.

It's more on the manner of people's perception and basically it's beyond your control what others have to say. You can try to justify. A few may see things your way and garner appreciation but others will still be reluctant to appreciate and find them repulsive.


Well-Known Member
It's just like that winter costumes you suggested too.

Men: Fully-geared
Women: Scarves, caps, gloves, bikini

It's like degrading the other side and saying: "You're not entitled to be stripped. So cover up."


Well-Known Member
Kokoro - I'm thinking like a wood nymph, a living cherry blossom tree. That, or the Ring girl lol.
My god yes! Being such a big horror fan myself i would definitely welcome Kokoro as Ju-on/Sadako. No idea what else would go well, maybe someone as a zombie nurse lol?


Well-Known Member
It's just like that winter costumes you suggested too.

Men: Fully-geared
Women: Scarves, caps, gloves, bikini

It's like degrading the other side and saying: "You're not entitled to be stripped. So cover up."

not to mention that's just dangerous. the hell kinda bimbo would go out in the snow in a damn bikini? That's just degrading to women if only because of the implications that women are too stupid to comprehend temperatures.

My god yes! Being such a big horror fan myself i would definitely welcome Kokoro as Ju-on/Sadako. No idea what else would go well, maybe someone as a zombie nurse lol?

Um....yes on the bubble head, no on the nurse outfit, no on Kokoro. maybe make Kasumi that type of creature (minus the face) to be a counterpoint to her usual elegance. since i hadn't come up with anything else for her yet. lol.

Dr Snipe

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
My god yes! Being such a big horror fan myself i would definitely welcome Kokoro as Ju-on/Sadako. No idea what else would go well, maybe someone as a zombie nurse lol?

Heather is that you? Come back to Silent Hill we miss you.

Hoya Destroyer

Well-Known Member
It's more on the manner of people's perception and basically it's beyond your control what others have to say. You can try to justify. A few may see things your way and garner appreciation but others will still be reluctant to appreciate and find them repulsive.

Pretty much.

The options that you put up were really genericly sexist i couldnt help but make the joke (male: super muscles and armor women: pvc Bikini)
Also the fact that you think the only way for a women to be attractive is for them to wear as little clothing as possible is

Yeah, I can see why you made the joke.
I think the DoA girls look attractive in pretty much anything they wear. They just look MORE attractive in skimpier clothing, to me.

It's just like that winter costumes you suggested too.

Men: Fully-geared
Women: Scarves, caps, gloves, bikini

It's like degrading the other side and saying: "You're not entitled to be stripped. So cover up."

Its not my intention to degrade the other side. Im just not interested in seeing guys in skimpy clothing.
People who are interested in that, should promote it, IMO.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Its not my intention to degrade the other side. Im just not interested in seeing guys in skimpy clothing.
People who are interested in that, should promote it, IMO.
So what you're saying is: promote what you personally want to see, even if others don't?

In that case, I'll continue to promote no more skimpy clothing for the women, 'cause that's what I'd like.



Active Member
If a gay guy only wanted to see the DoA guys in skimpy outfits, would he be called sexist too? Not many would think he saw males/his own gender as mere sex objects etc. Really, he most likely just wants to look at something he finds attractive.
That how I feel about females. In general terms, I think they are just as capable as males. Its just in a DoA context, I want to see the most attractive females possible.

Thank you! This is what I'm saying. No one has any qualms about stripping Gill from Street Fighter down to a grotesquely shaped pair of underwear but if you want to see a girl wearing something similar, you're a sexist pig who wants all women to return to the 1950s. To all these idiots, I just want to say eff off.

Dr Snipe

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Thank you! This is what I'm saying. No one has any qualms about stripping Gill from Street Fighter down to a grotesquely shaped pair of underwear but if you want to see a girl wearing something similar, you're a sexist pig who wants all women to return to the 1950s. To all these idiots, I just want to say eff off.

Naked men don't incite uncomfortable situations where rape may occur. Plain nature some men can't keep their jimmies in check.


Active Member
Naked men don't incite uncomfortable situations where rape may occur. Plain nature some men can't keep their jimmies in check.

So everyone should pay a price for the actions of a few people, a statistical irrelevance? That's the dumbest thing I've ever read in my life and I've read some doozies. I even dealt with two guys that said "Time has no meaning when you're playing Street Fighter" and your quote was even dumber than that. Congratulations.

Let me give you an idea of exactly how stupid this ideology is: So because 0.05% of people can't stop from drinking alcohol, should we prohibit everyone from driving? THAT is how completely moronic you sound right now. If some guys can't keep their jimmies in check, then you send those men to places where people named Bubba make sure they experience how it feels to be the victim.

Don't punish 99.9%+ of people for the actions of a few scumbags.
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Well-Known Member
There's an equal counterpart as to why no one has qualms about Gill (throw in Urien if you want) in underwear and that's Elena. It's not intentionally done when they designed the characters but I see it as a concept of fair share.

It's not that the majority aren't aware that we now live in the time where thongs are the new undergarments and that bloomers are obsolete, it's just gone waywardly over-the-top.

Dr Snipe

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
So everyone should pay a price for the actions of a few people, a statistical irrelevance? That's the dumbest thing I've ever read in my life and I've read some doozies. I even dealt with two guys that said "Time has no meaning when you're playing Street Fighter" and your quote was even dumber than that. Congratulations.

Let me give you an idea of exactly how stupid this ideology is: So because 0.05% of people can't stop from drinking alcohol, should we prohibit everyone from driving? THAT is how completely moronic you sound right now. If some guys can't keep their jimmies in check, then you send those men to places where people named Bubba make sure they experience how it feels to be the victim.

Don't punish 99.9%+ of people for the actions of a few scumbags.

Somebody lives in a bubble. "A few people" ok.


Active Member
Somebody lives in a bubble. "A few people" ok.

Like you? You probably live in the world being brainwashed by the media. Crime is at its lowest level since the 1950s. Why? Because the media glamorizes every little crime out there, people get terrified at the rate of being sent to prison and being assaulted by other guys. Let me show you some REAL statistics.

The National Crime Victimization Survey, which uses a narrower definition of rape, found that only 0.5% of women and 0.06% of men, age 12 or older, were raped in 1995. By 2010, these numbers had decreased to 0.2% of women and 0.01% of men.

Oh and the 2010 rate? 27.3 per 100,000 people. That means 99,972.7 out of 100,000 people do not rape. You might as well outlaw all driving because 33,000 people every year die from alcohol-related crashes

So yeah, try again?


Well-Known Member
Thank you! This is what I'm saying. No one has any qualms about stripping Gill from Street Fighter down to a grotesquely shaped pair of underwear but if you want to see a girl wearing something similar, you're a sexist pig who wants all women to return to the 1950s. To all these idiots, I just want to say eff off.

No. the issue is that he wants ALL the girls to be stripped down like that. One characters who's known as the stripperific one is one thing. Wantting every "costume" for every character to just be floss, is something else entirely.

that said, I find Elena hot as hell, but that's because the outfit actually makes sense for her as a character, its not just random floss.

the issue is mostly the fact that just floss/bikinis/strings just for the sake of nudity is, well, extremely stupid. Just outright moronic. There's literally no reason for it, no excuse.

For example.

Mila's only two "swimsuits" that suit her are the volleyball top one, and the jacket on the new one. The floss and random bikinis? Don't really suit her as a character. She's boyish, so more sporty stuff suits her. That's why I'm totally against the out of fucking nowhere floss that came with the jacket.

if you want Tina to wear floss, fine, that's her thing. But all you'll do is get eyes rolled at you for asking for the same for most of the other female characters.

The outfits should at least make a lick of sense. a bikini or two is fine, but this is a big part of why people are sick of the constant random slutty floss outfits. Because the only possible reaction is "WHY is that on Hitomi/Mila/Lei Fang/etc?"

If you want to just see the doa girls naked, go watch some hentai.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
why the fuck did you like my post i was talking about you ManekiNeko. Hoya is a pervert but until i see him ranting about women staying in the kitchen, not voting, or "learning their place" that's all he is.

i actually like the fighter costumes Bayman's MMA outfit is one of my mains, BUT i can see why people wouldn't want the guys having revealing outfits. i wouldnt want some guy in a bannana hammock wrestling me either not cause i think hell rape me but cause its just akward and uncomfortable. double standard? yes, but that's just the way it is.