The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well-Known Member
By the way I think that the majority of the fans of DoA5U will buy anyway Marie Rose now: believe me, it will be a torture for me to see everyone to play with her... XD

... There ain't no way I'm waiting 6 months to play any character. Heck, I wouldn't even wait 3 months... 2 months.... 1 month.... 3 weeks... but I'm impatient.

Chances are if I like every character they release, I'll buy them all separately on their release... as opposed to waiting much longer for a slightly cheaper bundle. It'd probably be a save of like $5-10 anyway. It's not like that extra $10 is going to do much for me, the wait would affect me more than $10 lol.... but that's just me o_o


Well-Known Member
Yeah idk why we have to wait 3 months just for one character. Now brand new original ones like MR are a bit ubderstandable but while Phase 4 is wuite original, she barely is different from Kasumi. I think 1 month seems more reasonable.

Number 13

Well-Known Member
The cheaper bundle (we don't even know how much cheaper) that comes out at least six months from now won't kill Marie Rose individual sales. First off your overestimating a players endurance. Should they just throw the $6 immediately or wait roughly six months to save a few bucks? Unless your incredibly economical minded in general or would just play other games regularly in the meantime most will just say "fuck it" and cave.

Especially if they have to constantly fight against said DLC character enticing the player even more to either learn to play the character or learn to beat the character. Not to mention said player might not even like the other new characters to begin with. Someone who wants to buy Marie Rose could very well have no desire to get Phase Four or whatever new character that is revealed afterwards.

If anything, TN announcing this cheaper bundle was a publicity move to save face, but them specifically saying it won't be available until six months from now is a tease and they are probably hoping people will just cave after a ridiculous time weight and just buy them individually thus making TN more money.


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Honestly, people have waited this long for Marie Rose, so a lot of people have already made up their minds about buying her or not. I definitely felt the same way when I played SFxT regularly and people were using DLC (on disc, mind you) characters. And it just annoyed me seeing the DLC characters on my character select, but I wasn't allowed to use them yet because I didn't buy them. This is exactly why I didn't like Core Fighters, because I like to have access to the full roster, not just some of the roster.

Long story short, I will be buying Marie Rose is 2 days. I'm excited for her and so are many others. Just because TN announced a character bundle doesn't mean they're telling us we should wait for said bundle. They're just letting people know that a bundle is coming for those who choose to wait. But for those of use who can't wait, we can still buy Marie Rose when she's released.


Well-Known Member
That 'bundle' date is awfully close to September, which has some significance for DOA5. I think it'll be fun to come up with the title for the next version.

How about... Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Arcade Hardcore?

And maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit with this one but for next year I think Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Arcade Hardcore 2015 Ver.


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I would rage if Team Ninja pulled a Capcom and released yet another version of DOA5U. I'd rather they just add DLC to the current game.


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How about... Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Arcade Hardcore?

Dead or Alive 5, Dead or Alive 5+, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, Dead or alive 5 Ultimate Arcade, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Hardcore.



Well-Known Member
If anything, TN announcing this cheaper bundle was a publicity move to save face, but them specifically saying it won't be available until six months from now is a tease and they are probably hoping people will just cave after a ridiculous time weight and just buy them individually thus making TN more money.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
So if TN continues their trend of "wait 3 months before arcade-exclusive character X gets released to consoles" and TN said a discounted character bundle pack will be available 6 months from now then that means we're probably getting 2 more characters. It also looks like they're going to hold off and release the next stage with the next new character (which again...we are getting another one b/c the DOA5UA site still says New Stages)


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The way I see it, phase4 may have cost them much less than any other character in the design department.. which means it may give them a big return in the long run.. all the more chance for them to gamble with good ol tengu.. cuz lets face it.. as much as alot of us want him, releasing him is a gamble for them..

I really hope he comes back..
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