DOA5U The Official Tier List with Discussion Thread


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"too early" kinda became never for many of the characters in DoA5U though. Some of the match-ups are from DoA5, sadly enough.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor

v :akira: 5-5
v :alpha152: 4-6
v :ayane: 5-5
v :bayman: 5-5
v :bradwong: 6-4
v :christie: 4-6
v :eliot: 6-4
v :genfu: 4-6
v :hayate: 6-4
v :helena: 4-6
v :hitomi: 5-5
v :jannlee: 5-5
v :kasumi: 5-5
v :kokoro: 6-4
v :leifang: 5-5
v :lisa: 6-4
v :mila: 5-5
v :pai: 4-6
v :rig: 5-5
v :hayabusa: 5-5
v :sarah: 4-6
v :tina: 5-5
v :zack: 5-5
v :ein: 6-4
v :jacky: 4-6
v :leon: 5-5
v :marierose: 6-4
v :rachel: 6-4
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Matt Ponton

Staff member
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I just did a gut check of 6-4. It could possibly be 5-5.

Bass has the tools to properly punish someone pretty hard and rev up his pace. However, Kokoro's one of those characters who might not have too many guaranteed options, but makes up for them in damage.

I personally have issues playing against the character (and any DOA4 characters) as i just don't know what to expect. I think her lack of tracking hurts her and opens her up for Bass to stun easier with SS :P: than other characters.


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Can Bass properly deal with Kokoro's spacing? She's literally the second or third hardest character for Hayabusa to out-space, in my experience. Because of Bass' speed, I imagine his spacing can be very important (though since he can keep up momentum after he starts a roll, I can see where you wouldn't have that neutral-game reset problem as you do with Hayabusa).

Matt Ponton

Staff member
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Can Bass properly deal with Kokoro's spacing? She's literally the second or third hardest character for Hayabusa to out-space, in my experience. Because of Bass' speed, I imagine his spacing can be very important (though since he can keep up momentum after he starts a roll, I can see where you wouldn't have that neutral-game reset problem as you do with Hayabusa).

Bass' strength is mid/long range. I think if both players are equal, his mid range pokes beat hers in terms of stun setup and net damage.

In comparison, I think Busa's strength is short/long range, with his mid range only being effective once he initiates stun.

@Mr. Wah What is it that makes you say Bass vs Ein is in Bass favor?

Again these were just on my gut instinct while at work. Ein's strength is as a whiff punisher, so good Ein's know when to turtle and when to get in your face. If Bass is able to get him to turtle or "wait it out" then he'll be beat down by throw damage, and Ein's best throw is his :3::3::H+P: but outside of that Bass has nothing to fear about guarding too much.


Well-Known Member
@Mr. Wah I was still curious because I don't hear much about Bass lol. What are Bass options to deal with 2P spam from Ein? After it I have a 9 frame jab, 12 frame mids, 12 frame low and a 12 frame tracking high. I believe the mids and 12 frame high get outdamaged by your P+K but what other options do you have?

I considered this one even because of my strengths at range and in close range it's not exactly like Bass is walking all over me...though that BT game...:eek:. If you take the momentum I'm in a really shitty situation.


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Though it's only been like a week since she came out, has anybody got a general idea of how Marie does against most of the cast, and where her tier placement is?

Naturally, nobody will know for sure until everybody has adjusted to her, but I'm curious to see where people think she stands at this point in time.


Well-Known Member
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Though it's only been like a week since she came out, has anybody got a general idea of how Marie does against most of the cast, and where her tier placement is?

Naturally, nobody will know for sure until everybody has adjusted to her, but I'm curious to see where people think she stands at this point in time.
My early impressions are that she's 5-5 or 4-6 with Hayabusa.


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Just looking at the MUs you have for Ryu again. Some of these numbers I find a bit off, and I'm assuming they're there because someone provided a MU chart for those other characters and listed their opinion v Ryu from that end. Alternatively, they may just be numbers carried over from vanilla (which is drastically different, as we know). As such, I would appreciate those who filled these numbers explaining why they feel they are accurate (there could be considerations I haven't made):
Akira 6-4
Jann 6-4
Mila 5-5
Tina 6-4
If no one cares to discuss these, I'll just go ahead and give my two cents on them.

Additionally, Gen and Momiji. I'm just going to come right out and say I don't feel these two are accurate. Momiji I discussed before at length and Gen... I mean, I can go over it if you want, but it's basically the same old thing. Gen is Gen and he's autpiloting easy mode to net huge unescapable damage and constant resets. Ryu doesn't have the speed to really rush him down, and Gen can do alright on keep-out despite lacking Hayabusa's range tools. Essentially, I don't see that being an equal match up at all. Currently, Ryu-Gen and Ryu-Momiji are at 5-5. I feel both are 4-6, with Ryu at disadvantage.

On a side note, I will personally contest the majority opinion on Sarah, Hayate and Kokoro until the day I die, but I won't bother trying to sway the community opinion on those because I know they will never concede.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Can we not just give Gen Fu 6-4 across the board? I'm not even joking. If someone can explain how their character blows up Gen Fu, I legitimately want to know. He has like every tool in the game, except range (and he's not even that bad at range). Everything goes into a reset or guaranteed damage. Why do people talk about Rachel being OP and then pretend their character is 6-4 against Gen Fu?