
Well-Known Member
Pursuer needs nerfs.

Fuck that guy.

Pursuer is piss easy. Most of his attacks you can just literally walk into his shield arm to dodge. You could also just parry him to death. I'm assuming this is about the first Pursuer battle and not the others. Grab a blunt weapon like the mace and hit him until he dies. Even with 85 AGI, the only move you might have trouble rolling through is the horizontal swipe. Everything else, either roll past his shield arm or walk into his shield arm.

Dark Souls Protip: Blocking is for chumps. Roll through everything. Get 105 AGI to steamroll the game.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Cool story, but no.

The Pursuer is either too hard if you don't have the right upgrades/equipment, too easy (but long, boring and tedious) if you do, or absolutely moronic and silly if you're using the ballista.

I don't consider any of three to be appealing and whatever idiot thought that players would enjoy any of them is out of his mind.

He's a horribly designed boss, end of story.


Well-Known Member
No, Pursuer can be beaten easily on any character type if you know how to roll. The only thing I can agree on is that he has an unusually large health bar, but even then it doesn't take long to kill him with +0 gear.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
In a game like Dark Souls, I find it absolutely hilarious to use the ballista on the Pursuer. Made my night when I did it.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Holy balls Lightning builds got hit hard.

At 32 Attunement:
Lightning Spear now has 4 casts from about 12-14.
Great Lightning Spear went from 10 casts to 3.
Sunlight Spear went from 4 casts to 2.

Pictured Mind

Well-Known Member
Holy balls Lightning builds got hit hard.

At 32 Attunement:
Lightning Spear now has 4 casts from about 12-14.
Great Lightning Spear went from 10 casts to 3.
Sunlight Spear went from 4 casts to 2.

At lower attunement lightning spear only has three casts. I got confuzzled as fuck when I only saw three instead of ten.

Happy with the nerf tho. Lightning was hella overpowered.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
The damage is lowered too (patch says it got damage buffs but lots of sources are saying it got nerfed in error and I'm seeing a big damage gap right now). That needs to be fixed.

That many cast reductions is ridiculous though. The number of casts were definitely high but cutting them in half instead of giving them 1/4 to 1/3 their original casts would make me a little happier about it. Lightning in PVP is already a joke as it is, you can dodge it all day or run up and smack someone mid cast if you felt brave.

Looks like I'm back to my DS1 Pyromancer build until that damage fix is cleaned up.

Pictured Mind

Well-Known Member
The damage is lowered too (patch says it got damage buffs but lots of sources are saying it got nerfed in error and I'm seeing a big damage gap right now). That needs to be fixed.

That many cast reductions is ridiculous though. The number of casts were definitely high but cutting them in half instead of giving them 1/4 to 1/3 their original casts would make me a little happier about it. Lightning in PVP is already a joke as it is, you can dodge it all day or run up and smack someone mid cast if you felt brave.

Looks like I'm back to my DS1 Pyromancer build until that damage fix is cleaned up.

Yes apparently the damage got nerfed by about 25% while it's supposed to be buffed. I have no idea how they managed to fuck that up but let's not talk about that.

I agree three casts is way too low. Meanwhile things like dark orb still have 20 and soul arrow has 30.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Now into the DLC area (and totally forgot I was in the Covenant of Champions while I was fighting the Rotten). Looks nice (I spy the half T-Rexs from DS1...)

Pictured Mind

Well-Known Member
Now into the DLC area (and totally forgot I was in the Covenant of Champions while I was fighting the Rotten). Looks nice (I spy the half T-Rexs from DS1...)

I battled the rotten an hour ago and noticed that fountain behind him. Figured it was for the DLC since it mentioned something about the sunken king.


Well-Known Member
Lightning Spear damage was supposed to be increased by 25%, but instead got -25%.

As far as pvp goes, miracles are better than ever. Lightning Spears were always a useless joke spell in pvp (outside of ganks), the real offense is in Wrath of the Gods, Heavenly Thunder and Blinding Bolt, the latter two got large buffs. Also, Emit Force is good against low AGI users since they are forced to roll sideways. High AGI users can roll through it though, so mileage may vary.

I'm glad casts were lowered for LS. Miracles were always supposed to be more defensive but they managed to have the best PVE spell in the game and in huge numbers. Either keep the casts low or give me 30 Crystal Soul Spears.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Sounds like the lightning tweaks were made in respect to PvE without a lot of consideration for PvP.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Is it just me or is the story the same as the first one, but worse? Maybe I should read every item description like an asshole...
Basically, it is, and it was done intentionally so. Most analysts I hear seem to think that it's a meta-commentary on the redundancy of games, and what consumers expect and are comfortable with but also trying to satiate the desire for something new.

Which is a decent concept, but when storytelling is the thing you live and breathe for in life, you kinda wish it had a little more depth than that. This is basically what I was addressing in my last post.


You don't play a game like dark souls for story lol.

It is almost entirely absent so you can draw your own interpretation. And that's all the analysts are doing, drawing upon the familiar and coherent to make sense of the game. When that fails, they attempt to form what they feel is safe. In this case, the original story is safe, so they cling to that.

The absence of story telling is often better than direct story telling. Especially since the majority of games and movies these days have some of the most ham-fisted, cliche, shitty story telling known to man. It's wonderful to see that element just straight up removed for once. Nobody does it right anymore and I'd much rather draw my own conclusions than watch some wretched cutscene explain a bunch of crap nobody cares about.

You know the original devil may cry was supposed to be almost entirely without story? It was basically Dante arrives in a castle and starts fucking shit up. That was the entire plot. Like an old-school castlevania but flashier. But the director thought a game without story wouldn't sell, so they inserted small cutscenes so we had to keep hearing him talk. Once they became comfortable with that, that made him keep talking, and the cutscenes got longer and longer as the series went on. Worst mistake ever.
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Pictured Mind

Well-Known Member
You don't play a game like dark souls for story lol.

Of course I don't, but there are people who do.

It's also fun to feel like you have accomplished something at the end of the game. I just sit on a fucking stone chair like "hurr durr I beat the easiest boss ever."

At least in the first one you could be the "dark lord" or prolong the age of fire.