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Standard Donor
Okay, I retract my last "question." Instead, I'll replace it with: "Make DOA5 and use the Japanese version of DOA3 as your starting point." I've realized that I don't want another port. I want something new at this point.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
For those who enjoyed Dead or Alive 3 more than Dead or Alive 4, what was it that made you enjoy it?

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
Guaranteed setups, the damage output of holds, how each character was unique with their playing style. Though I enjoy DOA2U the most, I know I like DOA3 bettter than 4 overall.


Well-Known Member
For those who enjoyed Dead or Alive 3 more than Dead or Alive 4, what was it that made you enjoy it?
Frame advantage, guard crushes that worked, wall game that made people fear the wall, back staggers, catch holds that were unique to certain characters (fuck that entire cast having OH, if anything only the grapplers should of had those in 4.) the damage on the defensive holds was better, felt more like a tool, and less like something to just throw out there like in doa4. Ground throws were actually useful... That's all I can really think of right now.


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What I enjoy about DOAs 2 and 3 is the consistency. Your opponent has good tools, so you have an idea of what options your opponent can choose from. Whereas in DOA4 and Dimensions, all your tools are bad so your opponent is less likely to make an educated, predictable move. DOA4/D are more random and chaotic because you're constantly trying to out-guess the other player due to this lack of good options. In DOA2/3 you can say such-and-such is a good option during such-and-such moment. This isn't possible in 4/D because all your options are bad so your opponent is just trying to use the one you're less likely to hold. I have learned so much from listening to my own podcasts, it's not even funny.


This is actually why I use Alpha-152.

I can play as her like she isn't following the game's rules.
But one thing I've always had to agree with is that the whole cast should not have had offensive holds.

Should have been character specific things in this. I don't think I've noticed a difference in good changes since DOA2 to DOA3. After that, the game just seemed to become x y z.

What would you say to not being able to counter after 1 or 2 critical stuns?


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
-I have been thinking, and here are somethings that will flesh the game out more:
  • All Grappler standing throws should impact @ 6,7 and 8 frames respectively.
  • All Grappler crouch throws should impact @ 3,4, and 5 frames respectively.
  • All Non grappler standing throws should impact @ 9,10 and 11 frames respectively.
  • All Non grappler crouch throws should impact @ 6,7, and 8 frames respectively.
  • All Grappler standing/crouching combo throws(DH's) should do 2-3x more damage than non grappler standing combo throws when completed. Ex. If the standard non grappler combo throw does 80pts, than a grappler's combo throw should range from 160-240pts of damage when completed.
  • All combo throws for grapplers should be scaled 3-2-1..etc. Making the 1st non escapable throw the most damaging, with the consecutive escapable throws being weaker sequentially.
  • Offensive holds need to be removed and "Catch throws" need to reinstated.
  • Catch Throws should return to their Doa2/Doa3 speeds respectively.
  • Grapplers should have a lot more(varied) hit throws.
  • Air throws should go back to their original Doa3 "catch" height. Approx around the shin area.
  • Ground throws should regain their "catch" properties against rising opponents.
  • If every fall must be techable, there should be some distinctions made between fall types:
    • There should be select fall types that only allow you to tech with: :F:, :P:, or :K:
    • There should be select fall types that only allow you to tech with: :F::+::P::+::K:
    • There should be select fall types that have two types of recover: Exact Techroll and regular Techroll. Those who do an exact techroll should not receive any damage. Those who do not should be punished with 20-35pts of damage.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
-Having played Doa2u for a couple of days now, I see what some have been saying about doa3's buffering system. Doa2U did it the best, and it should go back to that games configuration. Movement and everything else is nice and tight. Also, I feel Slow Escaping should go back to Doa2/ Doa3 style. From my expertise, I can say that it did enough without becoming a dominant technique(ala Doa4). The Majority of Staggers are escaped leaving you at a small disadvantage, but not allowing you(for the most part) to gain frame advantage and reverse the situation. This forces you to stay in a defensive position and employ Fuzzy guarding techniques. In other words, the player that gained the advantage still keep that advantage.

-How do you guys feel if TN redone the DH command to:
  • :7::P::+::K:
  • :4::P::+::K:
  • :6::P::+::K:
  • :1::P::+::K:
    with parries:
    • :9::P::+::K:
    • :3::P::+::K:
    -This will remove all accidental DH'ing from the game?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
unless you have a P+K attack...
Or you could change it to :F+P+K: but I don't see the point of taking it away from the :F: button.

I've been playing DOA1U a little bit and I'm gonna pop in the US version of DOA1 I have into an emulator so I can play with my Chun Li stick when I get a chance.

You can tech the danger zone/ground bounce with :F+P+K: in DOA1U, this isn't a suggestion but what if they implement that into the 3.1 wall? How would you guys feel about that?


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
I've been playing DOA1U a little bit and I'm gonna pop in the US version of DOA1 I have into an emulator so I can play with my Chun Li stick when I get a chance.

You can tech the danger zone/ground bounce with :F+P+K: in DOA1U, this isn't a suggestion but what if they implement that into the 3.1 wall? How would you guys feel about that?
-Using :F::+::P::+::K: to tech the wall slam? If so, I would not mind. However, Since we know the above average players will tech the majority of the time, they should have it so that if you guess correctly which direction they are going to tech, you get the free attack follow up(launcher).

-Speaking of Doa1, I would not mind if they added some Doa1 style combo throws(Ex. :P::~::236::h::+::P::+::K::~::4::6::h::+::P:), and titled them "advanced" throws. this way those who put more time into the game can get more (damage) out of it.


Well-Known Member
I agree with making points about advantage, disadvantage, guaranteed damage etc. I don't agree with specific things that are needlessly complicated, such as having different commands to tech different types of falls. It's just not necessary. Make it a command if you feel tapping any button makes it too easy to do unintentionally, such as F+P+K (ala Virtua Fighter), but keep things like this universal.
Fall specific commands is like a subsystem. Players old and new will be alienated by such bolt on subsystems in the game. There are already more elegant and still quite precise solutions on offer.

Using F+P+K to tech wall slams is a good idea too, so logically matching it to falls and maybe other types of recoveries would strike a fine balance between intuitive play and allowing skillful intention on the part of the player.

I'm surprised something hasn't been mentioned in this particular thread yet (If we're going to get down to such specifics) and that is getup kicks and the wakeup game.

Getup kicks need to be reexamined to allow them to serve their purpose of giving the standing player a chance to create breathing room and space, but their invincibility, range, and quick recovery is a bit of a problem currently.

They can maintain a 3 height recovery kick, but should employ some vulnerabilities, like allowing opponents to crush them based on correct choice of height in their ongoing attack, and simply choosing to block should give a meaningful chance to follow up and go back on the offensive.

This is an area where stepping should be useful, and tracking lowered a little.

I'm curious generally on how people feel sidestep attacks should be implemented - as a part of free stop dodge movement (universally) or best priority for sidestep should be as part of command moves with those properties?

While we're at it, upgrading sabaki attacks and stances in character specific ways will also be welcome.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
personally I don't agree with the different macros to tech, but I feel the window for entering the macro to tech should be decreased. In addition, the "macro" to tech shouldn't be "Any button"... it should be one macro or button such as :F+P+K: or :F:.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
* DOA seems to have the smallest number of characters out of all current on-going fighting game series. Will Team Ninja be adding a significant number of characters to the next game?
* Since DOA2, DOA has always been known for its large multi-tiered stages. The stages in Dimensions were quite lacking in comparison. Could you please put more emphasis on larger, more impressive stages like in previous games?
* Please also remove the vehicles, dinosaurs and other random factors running through a stage that could kill you. These are very frustrating to many players and its upsetting to lose to a random factor like this. It requires no skill on either opponent's side.
* In two recent interviews with Team Ninja and Perfect Legend, PL asked what TN did to fix multiple issues with DOA4 for Dimensions. Team Ninja answered all of them with "We didn't think these issues were a problem so we left them alone." It doesn't seem like Team Ninja actually knows what fans' issues with DOA are. How do you plan on fixing this?


Well-Known Member
One simple thing to add:

DOA was a pioneering game in terms of online play. Will Team Ninja consider building future games from the ground up to utilise latency masking technology such as GGPO to handle improved online play?

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
For offline tournament purposes UNLOCK EVERY CHARACTER!

Or at least make it simplified like how you could buy costumes from Zack's shop.

My DOA4 data got corrupted TWICE so I still don't know who I have to go through with in Time Attack to unlock him again. And just cuz I don't play him I DON"T CARE.

But other people do so yes rectify this. If they wish "special costumes" can the trickier ways of obtaining.

Oh yeah please don't exclude anyone (characters) from DOAD, just improve them.

I don't think they would but some characters should really get a chance to shine.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
How about this one:

Make DOAD's gameplay changes available in DOA4 via patch update.

I think this would really be a good idea as it seems unlikely they go the route of another DOAU. This would probably be less expensive on their end.

All they would really need are the new moves, attributes, and a playable Alpha 152. I woulda said costumes too but I am trying to be reasonable.


Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
How about this one:

Make DOAD's gameplay changes available in DOA4 via patch update.

I think this would really be a good idea as it seems unlikely they go the route of another DOAU. This would probably be less expensive on their end.

All they would really need are the new moves, attributes, and a playable Alpha 152. I woulda said costumes too but I am trying to be reasonable.


No, please stop with the DOA4 updates, it will be like the Gears of War 2 updates. The game will keep getting worse with each one they do. A new game needs to be done for consoles, point blank.

This comment is directed to all who feel that there will be or is some kind of update for DOA4 that will help it, there isn't one. If there is, it will be wasteful to update it becuase who is going to pick it back up again just to see if the game is better than what it was? DOA 4 died with Itagaki and that was the end of its chapter. It is time to see what the new/old guys can do with the series.

As of now there are kind of 0 for 1, DOA: D was a bad move for that handheld, hopefully now they see that mistake and can get back on the right track.

Red dragon

paris: i agree with what your saying about the doa:d game. On the same ticket it depends on what kind of update they come out with. It would take one hell of an update to attempt to fix the move set problems with doa4. On the other hand, even a few tweaks can't be that bad either. Added costumes, new unlockable characters, etc.

I also think a new doa is needed. Hopefully, like you said, a console version would be best. If possible, i hope the next doa will be 360 exclusive. Ps3 is a pain in the ass in my opinion.

But yea, the new group screwed up with doa:d.


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Standard Donor
I also think a new doa is needed. Hopefully, like you said, a console version would be best. If possible, i hope the next doa will be 360 exclusive. Ps3 is a pain in the ass in my opinion.
I don't understand the logic here. If the next DOA was multi-platform, why would it also being released on PS3 keep you from being able to play it on 360?
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