DOA5UA 2.00/DOA5LR 1.01 Balance Changes (Location Test)


Active Member
The giant swing damage buff off Tina's tackle is nice. Looks like they changed the stun property off her 4K variants, but not sure. Also did they make Mila's low punches negative now on NH?


Well-Known Member
Hitomi's 66K now launches a BT opponent (lol seriously TN) and 3H+K is unsafe. Sighs.
Kokoro's P+K is unsafe. At least no one used this move.
Momiji 7K nerf is heartbreaking. -25 are you kidding me.

Kasumi's relatively untouched thank goodness.
And Marie Rose and Phase-4 get some buffs.
At least these aren't terribly big changes. Still, TN. Why dem nerfs? Just buff everyone except Sarah, Ayane, Christie and Gen Fu.


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Marie Rose got buffed, and Leifang got a nerf in her CB. Now I gotta think twice before throwing it out there. That hurts...


Well-Known Member
Alpha got nerfed only a tiny bit this time. However, if you ask me, the shortened wall splat distance is a HUGE buff for Alpha. So many times my opponent would just randomly magnetize to the wall and it'd ruin my combo :(
I can live with this.

On the plus side, Phase 4 is FINALLY as fast as Kasumi now. She really needed that. The reset grab is also really appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I'll take the rachel 2+h+k buff, also i'm pretty happy with the 3ppp+kT buff so i guess now i can use more then one combo, she really needed her 66k buffed though.


Well-Known Member
From what I could understand of the translation it looks like Brad is getting a bit of a buff.
2 new strings - 6kppp & 7kppp
46pp crumples on counter hit
Can transition to laying stance from 33k
Can transition to laying stance from kk2k
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Matt Ponton

Staff member
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If anyone can come up with a proper, manual translation of this, I'd be forever grateful and we'll credit you for this on SRK.

I'd do it but I'm at work, and my Japanese isn't 100% so there'd be a handful that are just plain guesses. :( Maybe @EMPEROR_COW