Mortal Kombat thread.


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im getting ready to pull my hair out over Tanya. i have never seen so many people so utterly pissed off that a company actually listened to their fans for once. NRS utterly ruined her initial design she was nigh unrecognizable and everyone knew it, so for them to take the time and fix her should be be praised not ridiculed. i keep hearing shit like "they gave into the whiners" then turn around and ask NRS for shit themselves. to top it off they cant possibly fathom why people would be upset over white washing black characters which we barley have any to begin with in fighting games in general. just the amount of stupidity i have read in the past 5 hours has just exhausted me.

Pink Nitro

Well-Known Member
I just really hated her hair. If I wanted to look at a bobcut like that I'd go look at Momiji in her second hair style.

But yea, not a fan of what they did to Tanya, her lack of pupils gave her a distinct look, coupled with her dark skin tone.


Well-Known Member
Pretty cool of NRS to go to those lengths! Although she still looks like a really tanned white chick.


Well-Known Member
Tanya will be a good substitute for me now that Jade's dead (cries) but when I saw her originally even though I was happy she was in the game I did think she looked pretty awful. And now she actually looks like Tanya. Its a shame that people think her updated look is pandering when it is just making her the way she is supposed to be which is black.


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Game developers can't possibly know what they are doing... so the players like to think.

i would trust a hardcore fan with control over an IP over a developer any day design choice wise. a developer knows why they made something, but only the fans know why they loved it so much. even when fans flat out tell them why the developers can still fuck it up to absurd degrees and have done so on many occasions.