Wall of Shame


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Mother f......

Aside from myself who has ever even been capable of playing the damn character?!

And I'm not talking about sitting back and tossing out ultra reactable 24 frame low sweeps from range on a 2 bar connection like Virgin Knight does.
thats rude virginknight is my friend


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The Travaske15 series.
For those of you not in the know, this guy is a Phase 4 player who gets incredibly salty every time he loses. He plays a sub-par, at best, Phase, but here are some of the things he's said.

"yea trollver u better mute me you fuckin cowardly ass inbred".
Not entirely sure what that means, but he definitely did not finish the sentence there, lol.

This next one is funny. One day, I must have caught him on a good day, because he complimented my Eliot, saying it was the best he ever fought. He got one game on me and I believe I left after I got 6 on him.
Now keep that bit of context in mind when you read what he said, months later, after I tried to confront him about on him talking smack about me in a PS4 party.

"Ha you still on my dick I see. Im glad to see you care so much to type long and invalid love messages to me. Im surprise your wack ass even have friends...even INTERNET friends at that. Btw my phase 4 is Good lol. But your SHITTY ELLIOT will never be as good as XcaliberBladez. Now your going to be blocked as of today. BYE SHITTY ELLIOT ONLINE PLAYER :D"
Let the record show that I've been to an offline tournament, and he has not. Also, the only time he ever went offline for anything, was when Sweet Revenge played a set with him, and that final score was 110-5, in Sweet Revenge's favor.
Ggs, Travaske, ggs. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Let the record show that I've been to an offline tournament, and he has not. Also, the only time he ever went offline for anything, was when Sweet Revenge played a set with him, and that final score was 110-5, in Sweet Revenge's favor.
Ggs, Travaske, ggs. :cool:

Wait... is a typo or did you really mean "110"?!


Well-Known Member
I meant Sweet Revenge won One-Hundred Ten games, and Travaske won Five. Lol.

Oh my... It's not the huge disparity that surprised me (if a player is superior to another, the gap of course remains constant even on the big numbers), but that Sweet Revenge decided to fight 115 matches one after the other with a player evidently not on his level (as there are many others) and without becoming bored xD