DOA5LR New character expectations (Spring 2016)

Who is the new character?

  • Genra (or his inheritor)

  • VF Character

  • Shiden

  • Irene

  • Ms. Monday

  • Rio

  • Niki

  • New male

  • New female

  • Other (Donovan, Miyako, etc.)

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If by twenty you mean like 3-4 max [MR, Honoka, Kokoro, maybe Hitomi or Lei Fang] sure. There are plenty of mature women in DoA that outnumber the cute/moe. Even if the next character is another moe character they still are a minority on this roster. This isn't Arcana Hearts.
Plus Kasumi, momiji, Ayane, and since Ultimate dlc seems to try selling Mila as one too.

Either way I just want more badass girls







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I'm just going to make a small mention that during my discussion with Hayashi he mentioned that the character gender hasn't even been decided yet. The character is still in the design phase, which basically means anything at this time is possible.

so basically they just announced they are making a character and then announced the deadline they have for making the character. seems like a recipe for disaster but hey whatever works.

im guessing what he means is one of the concepts they've worked on is getting finalized they just dont know which one yet.


Well-Known Member
so basically they just announced they are making a character and then announced the deadline they have for making the character. seems like a recipe for disaster but hey whatever works.

im guessing what he means is one of the concepts they've worked on is getting finalized they just dont know which one yet.
Maybe the are intentionally waiting for feedback from community hopes/assumptions to form the new character.


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I'm just going to make a small mention that during my discussion with Hayashi he mentioned that the character gender hasn't even been decided yet. The character is still in the design phase, which basically means anything at this time is possible.

I just hope they get enough time to test it before we get our hands on it (assuming people with last gen console even get any new characters).

Matt Ponton

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I just hope they get enough time to test it before we get our hands on it (assuming people with last gen console even get any new characters).

Well, the rest of the questions I've asked him basically seem like he's trying to recreate the magic (success) they had with Marie. Marie got such a great response sales and community wise that they're trying to recapture that lightning in a bottle basically. Hence, why I think they went with "japanese school girl with big breasts" as 'original character' #2. Don't think it worked out as well.

Obviously, I think the chances are in favor of being a character with the target audience of the Japanese due to the Japanese not bickering over character choices and the West already given up hope on supporting the game.


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I don't think the West has given up on the game, but there are a lot of stressful factors you have to look past in order to not give up hope:

1. Player feedback is a mixed bag with Team NINJA. Want Tengu back? Well the price is that the Tengu will be female. If they get enough requests for something they start asking if people want it, and if not enough people beg... Team NINJA doesn't care. Team NINJA loves to watch us beg from what I can tell. Even the whole localization of DOAX3 is a good example of how business is done at TK.

I will not fault Team NINJA for all of it. But in the end they are the ones who chose to team up with the creators of Dynasty Warriors. You see a lack of quality in Koei's work these days (and years before that I suppose). They probably want TN to follow them in their path of making mindless, repetitive trash that oblivious fans buy anyway.

(This is going kinda ot, but for the people that still play Dynasty games... how do you do it? I played Orochi 3 for Hayabusa and gosh, it's like the graphics were still PS2 and running on the same mechanics of 2001. How do you people play this stuff again and again?)

2. The online is still a thing for the steam version. Real lack of communication to the players on that as well. So severe that I would say they've alienated a crowd that has actually been trying to be fairly understanding when they don't need to be.

3. God, Last Round is just full of problems. That video that @WAZAAAAA posted to the front page was really just the tip of the ice berg.

4. The balancing in the game hasn't been especially good and all we are really seeing is small damage changes; nothing that makes me say "oh well that clearly fixes this problem."

I would bet the West hasn't given up on the game, and they don't want to. Also I haven't seen the West bicker about new characters; but I have heard them BEG and BEG for stages. Most players realize the game has a character for everyone and that the focus shouldn't really be about that anymore. The focus from Team NINJA should be: Gameplay balancing, adding stages with costume DLC on the side; but instead we have costume DLC twice a month and one or two characters a year with a stage pack-in.

And Christie still hasn't even gotten one nerf... I love Christie; but what the fuck is up with that?!?!? Obviously we have more begging to do.

Matt Ponton

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Team NINJA loves to watch us beg from what I can tell. Even the whole localization of DOAX3 is a good example of how business is done at TK.

Ehhhhhh, the decision about DOAX3 wasn't because of fans not/wanting it or anything. It wasn't the fans that decided that, and I believe their outcry won't change anything.

I will not fault Team NINJA for all of it. But in the end they are the ones who chose to team up with the creators of Dynasty Warriors. You see a lack of quality in Koei's work these days (and years before that I suppose). They probably want TN to follow them in their path of making mindless, repetitive trash that oblivious fans buy anyway.

Team NINJA didn't "decide" to join Koei. When Itagaki left, the Tecmo stock tanked, and since the management of the company laid in the hands of Yoshihito Kakihara's family, it was up to them to handle the business. Problem was, Kakihara's family had no clue how to run a game company, and with the stock in the toilet, there was no other choice but to sell. One of the Kakihara members basically knew someone from Koei and was like, "Y'all have a game company in your conglomerate, maybe you can take this off our hands?", to which the contact said, "Yeah, I guess, since it's cheap and all". Meanwhile, Square complained about them being ignored and the internet laughed. At no point was it Team NINJA's decision, and Team NINJA at the time was gutted with over half the staff leaving with Itagaki.

So now Koei runs things, and Koei doesn't give a shit about any Tecmo properties. DOA's last game was supposed to be DOA: Dimensions. Wasn't until Koei noticed it got decent reviews (I.E. one of the best games on the 3DS at the time) and made good sales were they like, "Hey, this series might actually be something... maybe.". So Team NINJA basically moved from shit-tier into bottom-rung-of-the-ladder tier on the Koei tier list. Slowly, they've been able to work up the ladder with the proven release of DOA5's versions and sales.

Really, have no clue how close we were to DOA:D being the final game in the series. Luckily, that didn't happen.

(This is going kinda ot, but for the people that still play Dynasty games... how do you do it? I played Orochi 3 for Hayabusa and gosh, it's like the graphics were still PS2 and running on the same mechanics of 2001. How do you people play this stuff again and again?)

There are even people in the company who get tired of it, but it's cheap and easy to make. And with the right skin on it people can believed shit is gold. Just look at Hyrule Warriors for example. I literally saw people in forums talking about how the game could be "GoTY" for the WiiU, or "Best game on the WiiU!?" discussions being had. All it took was them to take the DW engine and slap on a franchise that the West loves (Japan actually isn't a big fan of the Zelda series).

2. The online is still a thing for the steam version. Real lack of communication to the players on that as well. So severe that I would say they've alienated a crowd that has actually been trying to be fairly understanding when they don't need to be.

3. God, Last Round is just full of problems. That video that @WAZAAAAA posted to the front page was really just the tip of the ice berg.

Not like those problems didn't exist in vanilla... and really those problems that were shown were very situational in the grand scheme of things.

4. The balancing in the game hasn't been especially good and all we are really seeing is small damage changes; nothing that makes me say "oh well that clearly fixes this problem."

Yeah, they basically at this time I believe are just doing very minor things. They feel that the game is pretty well balanced overall, and it's been out for so long that DOA5 is DOA5. Of course, one could believe they are doing it to keep the Battle Royal series consistent overall, which is why the recent patch was primarily bug fixes and very little re-balance.

I would bet the West hasn't given up on the game, and they don't want to. Also I haven't seen the West bicker about new characters; but I have heard them BEG and BEG for stages. Most players realize the game has a character for everyone and that the focus shouldn't really be about that anymore. The focus from Team NINJA should be: Gameplay balancing, adding stages with costume DLC on the side; but instead we have costume DLC twice a month and one or two characters a year with a stage pack-in.

I obviously wasn't saying everyone in the West, but I'm referring to their potential market base. Most of those still in it either just buy whatever they do release, or don't buy anything anymore because we believe they wouldn't listen to us anyways. Meanwhile, Japan, their home country, continues to support and grow the game both casually and professionally. Just saying.

And Christie still hasn't even gotten one nerf... I love Christie; but what the fuck is up with that?!?!? Obviously we have more begging to do.

Yeah, she hasn't gotten any buffs either. Honestly speaking, for me, the game is relatively balanced overall. Nerfing Christie would just put someone else up at the top of the chopping block (Gen Fu, Ayane, Leifang, etc.), and really I'd rather they buff the lower characters than dulling the game down by overnerfing some others.


Well-Known Member
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I don't think the West has given up on the game, but there are a lot of stressful factors you have to look past in order to not give up hope:

1. Player feedback is a mixed bag with Team NINJA. Want Tengu back? Well the price is that the Tengu will be female. If they get enough requests for something they start asking if people want it, and if not enough people beg... Team NINJA doesn't care. Team NINJA loves to watch us beg from what I can tell. Even the whole localization of DOAX3 is a good example of how business is done at TK.

I will not fault Team NINJA for all of it. But in the end they are the ones who chose to team up with the creators of Dynasty Warriors. You see a lack of quality in Koei's work these days (and years before that I suppose). They probably want TN to follow them in their path of making mindless, repetitive trash that oblivious fans buy anyway.

(This is going kinda ot, but for the people that still play Dynasty games... how do you do it? I played Orochi 3 for Hayabusa and gosh, it's like the graphics were still PS2 and running on the same mechanics of 2001. How do you people play this stuff again and again?)

2. The online is still a thing for the steam version. Real lack of communication to the players on that as well. So severe that I would say they've alienated a crowd that has actually been trying to be fairly understanding when they don't need to be.

3. God, Last Round is just full of problems. That video that @WAZAAAAA posted to the front page was really just the tip of the ice berg.

4. The balancing in the game hasn't been especially good and all we are really seeing is small damage changes; nothing that makes me say "oh well that clearly fixes this problem."

I would bet the West hasn't given up on the game, and they don't want to. Also I haven't seen the West bicker about new characters; but I have heard them BEG and BEG for stages. Most players realize the game has a character for everyone and that the focus shouldn't really be about that anymore. The focus from Team NINJA should be: Gameplay balancing, adding stages with costume DLC on the side; but instead we have costume DLC twice a month and one or two characters a year with a stage pack-in.

And Christie still hasn't even gotten one nerf... I love Christie; but what the fuck is up with that?!?!? Obviously we have more begging to do.

We shouldn't have to beg though. My PC is like 2-5 times more powerful than a PS4 and yet team ninja is trying to talk that bullshit about memory limitations. I'm certain that Direct X 9 could handle those stages yet they were just like the hell with it. They had the netcode right with the PC beta but the game itself was way unstable. The time they WASTED encrypting files on PC they could have play tested the shit out of the game, but no "those pervy wanker modders must be stopped!". They can do A LOT of things that we ask for yet for some reason they drag it out and you know what? I'm not going to beg(outside of me being silly/half way serious about Ms. Monday here). Fuck it. Let them hang themselves.


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The problems in DOA being situational sure do happen a lot in a myriad of forms. In vanilla I didn't scream and toss my controller around and say what the fuck just happened at the top of my lungs five times a match. At every Last Round tournament I've heard a commentator say "that was weird" at least once. It's usually when a Christie or a Helena is playing. I'm not saying the game is not viable, but it needs more tweaking and I hope that last balance update wasn't their way of saying we are done updating this game.

As an Alpha main, I can't agree with your statement. I believe that Christie should be nerfed, and the next top tier character should come. I'm done with that bitch.

I agree that I spoke wrongly about Team NINJA (Tecmo) making the decision to merge with Koei, and I like the story; but god was it a horrendous decision. I don't even understand how Koei is in charge. Their games are not respected at all by most of the gaming market, they are slammed by critics for being repetitive and bland. How is it that Tecmo is not in charge when they clearly proved themselves in the gaming market. Clearly money answers that question, but it shouldn't answer every question.


Well-Known Member
(This is going kinda ot, but for the people that still play Dynasty games... how do you do it? I played Orochi 3 for Hayabusa and gosh, it's like the graphics were still PS2 and running on the same mechanics of 2001. How do you people play this stuff again and again?)

I got dw8xl and love it. There's 85+ characters each with a unique move set and so many different missions.

One key thing about Warriors is that like Dead Rising, people are misled by false advertising: they think its about just hacking away at hordes of enemies and nothing else, when in reality the hordes are just obstacles during strictly timed objective based missions on a large map. Like one friend asked "this game sucks why can't the enemies fight with combos and better ai like devil may cry", to which I responded "because then they would take too long and you'd fail every mission because you can't reach the objective in time".

I've been playing Pirate Warriors, Gundam Warriors, Hyrule Warriors, Dynasty Warriors, and there's so much variety between the loads and loads of characters, stages, and missions with differing objectives, that it never gets old for me.

On topic...I'll be honest. aside from being pleasantly surprised a couple times, I've long since lost all faith in their dlc.

I'll toy with the idea of a cool new character but I already know I won't like it based on the pattern of previous dlc characters.


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The thing is: Warriors games can have 1,000,000 characters; but it will not matter because they all live by the same the law and the same strategies: Mash buttons at an endless horde of idiots.


Well-Known Member
The thing is: Warriors games can have 1,000,000 characters; but it will not matter because they all live by the same the law and the same strategies: Mash buttons at an endless horde of idiots.
Except those buttons do completely different things for each character. And honestly you run past the endless horde most of the time unless its part of the objective, or they are literally blocking the way.

If it had 1,000,000 characters id never need another game ever again because that's 1,000,000 different characters with their own weapons and gameplay.

Like my top characters in dw8xl

Lu Lingqi: cross like. A huge pair of dual ended pikes that also function as a windmill shuriken that she spins and flings around.

Xingcai: sword and shield, can throw the shield captain america style or surf it around Legolas style, while performing parries and stabs with the sword

Xiahou Ba: riding a rocket propelled pile punker around like a bouncing missile. Weeeee!

And that's not even getting into weapon customization and costumes

Pirate Warriors
Marco: soar across the sky as a blue phoenix
Robin: simply walk forward as waves of arms push back enemies around me

Etc etc. Every character plays completely different (older DW games weren't like that, granted. 6 was the worst with everyone having the same copy paste weapons)


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Its ironic. I remember Itagaki making a remark on Dynasty Warriors saying something along the lines of its pointless to have a bunch of enemies on the screen if they cant kill you. I would love to play a Dynasty Warriors game with all those fuckers on screen if they all fought like they were from NG: Black.

As for "recapturing the magic" all they really have to do is make a character that looks cool and do cool things. Marie Rose like her or not bucked the trend for DOA girls by being a flat-chested loli and having a fighting style that added something to the roster. This cant be rocket science to these people. Add a character that says fuck you to the DOA naysayers and give them a moveset that isn't copy/pasted or cant be found or emulated in another character. Done.


Well-Known Member
Its ironic. I remember Itagaki making a remark on Dynasty Warriors saying something along the lines of its pointless to have a bunch of enemies on the screen if they cant kill you. I would love to play a Dynasty Warriors game with all those fuckers on screen if they all fought like they were from NG: Black.

As for "recapturing the magic" all they really have to do is make a character that looks cool and do cool things. Marie Rose like her or not bucked the trend for DOA girls by being a flat-chested loli and having a fighting style that added something to the roster. This cant be rocket science to these people. Add a character that says fuck you to the DOA naysayers and give them a moveset that isn't copy/pasted or cant be found or emulated in another character. Done.
It would be pointless if the game was just "run down the hallway, fight a few enemies, repeat" like NG, . But like I said its more about clearing objective based missions, with the hordes as a distractions to whittle and slow you down. The boss unit can kill you easily enough though (unless you're over leveled).

On DOA, agreed, but doubt full it'll happen. After Marie rose its been nothing by half assed copies.


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It would be pointless if the game was just "run down the hallway, fight a few enemies, repeat" like NG, . But like I said its more about clearing objective based missions, with the hordes as a distractions to whittle and slow you down. The boss unit can kill you easily enough though (unless you're over leveled).

On DOA, agreed, but doubt full it'll happen. After Marie rose its been nothing by half assed copies.

Did you actually play NG: Black? There is a lot exploration and item collecting in non linear enviroments. The enemies were punishing and the bosses(on higher difficulties) were punishing as well. Once you get good at DMC3 and NG:Black you cant go back to normal action games, at least I couldn't.

Matt Ponton

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I don't even understand how Koei is in charge.

When your company gets BOUGHT by another, the buying company typically remains on top since the bought company wasn't doing their job well enough to avoid being bought out. Koei wouldn't have bought the company if it meant they had no say in anything, and the surviving family basically gave the company away to Koei meaning Koei was able to become majority share holder by more than a 51-49 amount.

Their games are not respected at all by most of the gaming market, they are slammed by critics for being repetitive and bland.

Your statement is accurate, when pertaining to the West. In the east however, the series is regarded as a AAA game and sells extremely well in each of its sequels each time they come out. Especially since they've tapped into the "Use the system in an existing hot IP skin" market.

How is it that Tecmo is not in charge when they clearly proved themselves in the gaming market.

Because Tecmo's president died and the leading game director left the company over mismanagement complaints to the point of suing the company. There basically is no Tecmo anymore, because they were bought since they had no stock value.
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Active Member
(This is going kinda ot, but for the people that still play Dynasty games... how do you do it? I played Orochi 3 for Hayabusa and gosh, it's like the graphics were still PS2 and running on the same mechanics of 2001. How do you people play this stuff again and again?)

I swear, Koei/Omega Force games are always about a generation behind with their graphics. Thankfully this isn't the same with Tecmo.
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