The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


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I'm not into racing games but I do own some and some of them I really liked and played often. Like Midtown Madness 3 (looks so ugly now XD), older Dirt Rallies or Driveclub which ist still the prettiest racing game, on console and on PC.
Since I never owned a PS before I was thinking about getting Gran Turismo Sport if it looked incredibly gorgeous. But it just looks nice, not gorgeous. ;) So Driveclub will suffice. But this comparison is still quite interesting, right? :) If you look closely most af the assets are still the exact same, like the basic stage geometry and the crash barriers or the mountains far in the background in one of the pics. It's mostly the texturing, shading and lighting and some added details that make it a lot more realistic looking.

Regarding Midtown Madness 3, I once thought it was so beautiful and impressive to freely roam around Paris and Washington DC, haha! XD

In my memory it still looks way better than there in the trailer.

My racing game experience doesn't really go beyond go kart racing games like Mario Kart, I did used to love the burnout games though. Racing games are really great looking though and I like the looks of the cities in them.


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Alright, let's do this, even though it kinda hurts to diss my most hyped game. ;)

Final Fantasy XV received a considerable lighting downgrade in recent months. Before, the game used global illumination as a lighting technique which was actually one of the most advanced examples of this lighting in the video game business so far. The Duscae Demo still used it but then it has been partly cut in the Platinum Demo and now, as it looks, completely cut for the final game. As a result the characters and world look a lot flatter, with less plasticity of skin and less depth to the scenery and less dynamism overall. At times the lighting seems discolored and less artistic.
Lighting plays a very big part in visual media, like games and movies, and is always highly choreographed. Just a slight change of lighting can entirely change the mood of a scene.
So here's how the lighting in the Leviathan scene looked back in March in the Uncovered Event trailer and how it looks now in the final game. The first image is always the old one, the second one is how it looks right now:



(Where comes that unsightly yellow hue from? There is no such lightsource in that scene.)





(The geometry was actually improved here. There's more detail to the city and additionally there are air ships.)

Here another example that shows how much skin rendering took a hit and Gladio is a prime example because of his abs, lol:



Both images are taken around noon. There was a lot of plasticity and definition to the characters' bodies before, now they look flatter and smoother, almost waxy. It reminds me almost of DOAX3 skin rendering. It takes away the realism that the game was going for before and makes it more anime-ish in style.

Lastly, we unfortunately won't see moody lighting situations like this here anymore... :(

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Premium Donor
....That was a bad downgrade, I'm not sure I even want the game anymore, but then again it was gonna happen, even FF has to cut some corners somewhere to make it stable on PS4 without too much of a hit on performance, I knew this was gonna happen from the start so I'm not too disappointed. I might just sit this one out and wait for the price to drop. XD


Well-Known Member
...Is it bad that the changes really don't bother me? I actually like that they added bruises and rips to Luna's outfit. It does have a slight yellow tint the lighting which I'm not a fan and I liked the cooler tones more but It isn't something that's going to hold back my excitement for this game. I actually really like the lighting and way the characters look in DOAX3 as well.

I'm wondering why they did it though? Maybe its to help the frame rate, Whatever it is I'm not happy about it but I wouldn't say I'm disappointed either.


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...Is it bad that the changes really don't bother me? I actually like that they added bruises and rips to Luna's outfit. It does have a slight yellow tint the lighting which I'm not a fan and I liked the cooler tones more but It isn't something that's going to hold back my excitement for this game. I actually really like the lighting and way the characters look in DOAX3 as well.

I'm wondering why they did it though? Maybe its to help the frame rate, Whatever it is I'm not happy about it but I wouldn't say I'm disappointed either.

Nuh, not bad at all. XD People that have no designer or artistic background, or who didn't experience the gorgeous lighting of Duscae Demo, will probably not care or notice anything.
Yes, they had to scrap it because of performance issues. With the advanced lighting tech out of the way, the game should run much smoother now.

Here's another example of GI on (left) and off(right):


It's comparable to the lighting in a blockbuster Hollywood movie and the lighting in some second rate TV series. ;)

Wait, they removed dynamic TOD?

TOD? Time of day by any chance? There are still day and night cycles. There's just no global illumination used anymore. What global illumination is:

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Well-Known Member
Lol well I definitely didn't experience the lighting of the Duscae demo, I can see that the lighting has changed though with there not being as much shadows now. The performance issues will hopefully be gone now.

That video was very interesting as well for understanding more what GI is.


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So, I have been playing Abzu for a bit. I kind of regret buying it since it's bore. A beautiful bore. ;) Here are some screens I took. Taking nice screens (with good composition) is by the way almost impossible to do because everything is always moving. Another thing to keep in mind: The game looks a lot better in motion. Sometimes there are hundreds -if not thousands- of fish swirling around you. Very impressive! That's the only instance when the framerate can drop on PS4.






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Well-Known Member
Regarding FFXV, tbh I'm fine with the downgrade if it's to help the game run better. The ps4 is rather weak compared to top of the line PC's nowadays so its kinda to be expected. As long as it's fun I don't really mind, plus I'm sure it will still look really good in person.


Well-Known Member
The first image is always the old one, the second one is how it looks right now:



(Where comes that unsightly yellow hue from? There is no such lightsource in that scene.)



If you showed me these images and I had to guess which was the downgrade I'd say top one no doubt...
The two bottoms are colorful and vibrant, but the top ones are grey and drab to my eyes...:cool::cool:

No? I am alone on this?



Well-Known Member
I was going to get no mans sky but argentus and other people said similar things about it that you said about Abzu that its pretty but its really boring. Because if that I decided not to get it.


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If you showed me these images and I had to guess which was the downgrade I'd say top one no doubt...
The two bottoms are colorful and vibrant, but the top ones are grey and drab to my eyes...:cool::cool:

No? I am alone on this?

Welp... What to say to that...? XD

By the way, since I am so often talking about downgrades, let's be fair and talk of upgrades for once. ;)
Remember Altissia, the biggest city of FFXV? It was once supposed to look like this:


In the earliest environment trailer it looked a lot smaller and less detailed though. Notable are also the waterfalls, the giant angel statues and the Campanile (Venice's famous bell tower) that are missing:


At a later stage in development and in another trailer the angel statues are there in addition to some waterfalls falling from the surrounding cliffs:



(Yuck, sorry for the bad image quality here.)

As we see in the voice actor trailer (the newest footage) they've also been enlarging the city by additional islands since.


The Campanile seems to be still missing though... But seeing how they gradually constructed and enhanced the city over the course of development, it will probably be there in the end. I'm staying optimistic. ;)
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Well-Known Member
I've got some Abzu pics, don't want to post anything too spoilery of the later parts of the game. The motion blur in pics of this game lol






Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I've got some Abzu pics, don't want to post anything too spoilery of the later parts of the game. The motion blur in pics of this game lol





So you bought it after all? o . O Do you enjoy it?
Great pics by the way. Cooler than mine since I struggle so much taking screens at the exact right moment.


Well-Known Member
So you bought it after all? o . O Do you enjoy it?
Great pics by the way. Cooler than mine since I struggle so much taking screens at the exact right moment.
I told you I got it a while back when I sent you that pic of the theme you get for preordering :p Didn't play it until tonight but I went through the whole thing and got all the trophies and everything. I saw you say it was boring and tbh it gets more fun once you get all the hidden seashells and get the fast wetsuit but at that point you've played through all of it pretty thoroughly so :/

I switched my share button options to tap for screenshot, hold for share menu because 1) I kept accidentally hitting it while fighting and 2) I took a bunch of screenshots in everyone's gone to the rapture (I'll put some pics here one day) and it got bothersome to keep having the menu come up. Here's a couple more-


my favorite color scheme so I really liked this level


easter egg area. If you look close you can see all the snow flakes are actual snowflakes instead of just dots


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Got some unprettified direct feed screens from the PC version of Tekken 7. Apparently the PC version is graphically pretty much identical to the PS4 and XBone versions, just that it can render the game at 4K resolution. These pics are downscaled from 4k to 1080p:






Looks imo good without looking to closely at some ground textures. The character models are (in usual Tekken fashion) not up to par with other games of this generation but the stages, lighting and overall atmosphere looks pretty nice.