Final Fantasy Thread


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Stills of the amazing trailer:








If you want to watch/download it in uncompressed quality, you can do this over on Gamersyde:

This is by the way the song playing in the trailer:

I'm so glad they finally came back to their old form with amazing trailers that just leave you speechless. Since the FF Versus XIII was renamed to FFXV we haven't seen a hype trailer like this anymore...for 4 years.


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Those images are absolutely gorgeous. You guys pre-ordered your copies yet?

Maybe hard to believe but I just did last week in my local gameshop (where I usually get games a couple of days earlier). ;) I had the Deluxe Edition preordered long before but cancelled it after the delay and after I already watched Kingsglaive that comes also with the Deluxe Edition.


Well-Known Member
I think my only gripe with the game was changing Stella to Luna. I had an attachment to Stella; I liked seeing her wield a rapier, she looked stronger and more challenging. I never really gave Luna a chance to be honest lol.


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No, please don't get me started about the Stella thing... >__>'
As an explanation to people who don't know, Stella has actually a big, devoted fanbase and they keep on complaining that she was so much stronger and so much better than Luna and that she is the real female lead of FF Versus XIII/FFXV. It's become meme material already on several sites.
The facts are: Stella was just an empty shell of a character that was intended to look cool and tough in a couple of very early trailers. Insiders already disclosed that the game, game story and characters didn't really exist back than. It was just fancy CGI trailers to stimulate attention and appetite. Stella was actually transformed into Luna pretty early in development when they began fleshing out the story. They didn't mention it for a long time since there was generally a prolonged radio silence. When the game eventually came back out of hiding again and Stella looked kinda different (she had a new hair style) she was already not Stella anymore but Luna. They just didn't tell us until a few years ago. That gave some fans the impression that Stella was the actual female protagonist for a long time that was unfairly kicked out of the game by Tabata after he succeded Nomura as the director of the game.
I really don't get people's attachment to a mere shell that was just visible for a couple of seconds in a couple of trailers. Yeah, the rapier was cool and so was her dress...but that was actually all there was to her.

On another note new character renders of FFXV were released:


@Project Bokuho


@KasumiLover69 ;D



(Love Cid's design. So simple yet recognizable and on point.)



I already have the divorce papers ready. I didn't think it would ever come to this...



Premium Donor
Here you had me scrolling down in excitement for a new Luna or Noctis member.... :-/

My face when I saw that abomination...


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Maybe I'll get enough money in the divorce settlement to buy this game and we can reconcile );

Hah! D: You'll get not a single Gil from me and I'll keep the kids. Well, you can have @KasumiLover69. ;D

But, no joke, the game is so expensive. It's 69€ here which is like 75$.

Who's that guy in the suit with the sword.......

Wait, you don't know Cor aka the "Marshal"? O__O He's the only so far confirmed guest member of the party.






He's so awesome with his katana. :3


Premium Donor
Ugh, I'm not a kid >.> And wait he's the only confirmed guest member? What about Luna, she's still one too right?


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And wait he's the only confirmed guest member? What about Luna, she's still one too right?

I meant he's the only one we already saw in the party and that people got to actually play with. Luna and others will join the party too according to Tabata but we haven't heard or seen much of that all. I hope Gentiana will join the party too.


I bet she's a badass and she was caught on video out in the wild...




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I wonder if there will be a way to unlock his moveset for noctis like after he most likely dies or something.

Despite the incredible love of Vergil that style of liado fighting is still rarely seen and when it does show up it's a bit part.This why I'm so excited for the possible Samurai class in FF14


Premium Donor
I meant he's the only one we already saw in the party and that people got to actually play with. Luna and others will join the party too according to Tabata but we haven't heard or seen much of that all. I hope Gentiana will join the party too.


I bet she's a badass and she was caught on video out in the wild...


Gentiana...Hah, her face and that hime cut! ♡.♡


Well-Known Member
Wow the game looks so good! X) the trailer was amazing, Also the new renders look so good, I really like the way Cindy looks.

Also maybe surprisingly I haven't preordered it yet either, I plan on getting it though so there's that. And yes! Gentiana would be a great party member, I want to see nif she's got combat skills to defend Luna or not.

Also the dlc episodes look interesting, I wonder when it happens for the characters be on their own.