Senran Kagura Series


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From the looks of it, Senran Kagura 7 will go back to the canon action series

* Ryobi and Ryona are seen with the Gessen girls in their uniforms (probably a flashback from when they went there)
* Ayame will actually be in the story (she's running past Hibari and Yagyu)
* The Arc Angel girls seem to be involved

Finally Sonico!! Just the exposure this series needs
I really hope SK7 has Yoma bosses ^o^


Well-Known Member
Omg they're terrifying! O_O are they actual images from SK?! They look amazing, it will be awesome if they are in SK7. It's great that PBS isn't even out yet and we already know we are getting another game and in the direction people wanted! :D

And yeah @KasumiLover69 I was gonna say lol @Argentus not only got the outfit he wanted for Mila but now he's getting the new wave girls he wanted in a main game, ( then again I got Ramlethal so just give me Matsuri in SK7 and I'll be happy! ) hopefully lots of the girls get in. I also wonder when we'll see more about it?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm already hyped for it from just the teaser so I can't wait until we see actually gameplay and hopefully the Yoma are confirmed. The first SK game I got was EV only last year but with PBS and now SK7 coming out I'm definitely excited. :)

They look epic! Real talk, they put the basic EV grunts to shame!!

Yeah those are fine but the Yoma just are so much more interesting as enemies and for the world. They look like something out of a horror game they are genuinely creepy looking.


Premium Donor
I wonder if they'll update the artstyle, I could see them taking a leaf out of DOA's boom and using the PS4 hardware to add details like more realistic eye irises, sweat, etc. This would also be a great chance for them to try out English VAs, there's a lot of promising female VAs who could really do a good job voicing the cast, the current generation of females in voice acting is solid


Well-Known Member
Yeah I wonder if there will be new models in the next game? Maybe something more closer to the artwork and more uniqueness between the girls. Its even made me more excited for PBS! :D


Well-Known Member
Yes! :D Lol now they're just teasing me with Matsuri's inclusion, They need to add her! I'd like to see Ageha included as well but If it's out of them both I'd want Matsuri more. They looks good also lol at the Raccoon in that one. :p

Recently they've been showing all of the guest characters that are going to be added so I hope soon we see the new wave girls that are getting added!


Active Member
Am I the only guy bummed out? We are getting all this great news for the Peach Beach Splash game, and we don't even have a Western release date yet, and everyone all excited.
It could be a year before we get the game... am I missing something here?