He is hiding a fivehead underneath that hair... Leave that stuff to Capcom (not the SFV people though blorf).
His hair was nice in DOA4. Wish they tried to recreate that one instead of this Bieber-looking cut (Unless it was the same haircut except with not shit grafix....).
Since they are keeping a lot of DOA5 stuff though I'll assume they might keep it and even keep his main outfit...
but that doesn't seem to be the case for all the characters, who knows. Well, here's hoping his cool DOA4 c1 will be back with its long sleeves and whatnot.
Brad Wong could get a makeover and use his elegant outfit as a C1, although I dount TN will make him less of a slob... For being a drunken master he sure doesn't give off ANY impression of being brilliant genius since DOA... Either 4 or 5, tbh.
And in regards to Gen Fu... I want him in vanilla I don't care what people say