New costumes you want in DOA6


Well-Known Member
price might be rocketed because it's 4k built, costume must be in 4k high detail.

i'd say $4.99 per piece


Well-Known Member
im just praying characters stay within their aesthetics this time. the only wild card in the whole cast is Eliot. i don't think he has a real signature fashion aesthetic yet. i hope they find and give him one.

and they need to commit to Mila being a tomboy.


Premium Donor
My 2 cents:

1st one: HELL YES! Pissed me off that Team Ninja didn't bring that outfit back in 5. It was Kasumi's best outfits, especially in 4.
2nd: Agreed. It looks super cute on her.
3rd: This one was one of the least appealing outfits when it came out in Dimensions (Ayane's was the worse). It would've been better with the following suggestions: Make her "cloak" an actual one, preferably short sleeve if you want to see the fishnets, move the clan symbol to the back of the cloak, make the "bra" hidden or show a bit, if the right arm/hand has shinguards, give it to the left arm/hand as well, ditch the "gloves" or make it fingerless gloves, skirt need to be full knitted in (the girl is already showing skin as it is).
Why the fourth one tho? XD I feel like it's good, it's light, and comfortable which I like xD
....Put Eliot in that costume and I'm on board:p or even this mod tbh, it's the least revealing eliot mod I can post anyway XD
Screenshot (119).png

Also would love Kasumi in this costume, it's one of her best imo and way better than even her original default blue ninja dress. It needs the scarf too, that's always annoyed me that she's missing that

These too!!!

Just lengthen the skirt a bit and expose less tits so it can be more natural. And make the heels less clunky and more combat style


Would love this too, just detail the dress more and improve the shoes to maybe enamel white high heels. Also give her a different color bra, like black or something that isn't the same color as the dress


Well-Known Member
Why the fourth one tho? XD I feel like it's good, it's light, and comfortable which I like xD

Also would love Kasumi in this costume, it's one of her best imo and way better than even her original default blue ninja dress. It needs the scarf too, that's always annoyed me that she's missing that
View attachment 25352

I say nah to the fourth because I don't want Kasumi dressing up all "slutty" that way. (That's more fitting for Tina or Christie). She's pure innocent with class.

But yes to the scarf on her ninja catsuit! It better return in 6 because its headed to iconic status like her blue ninja dress.


Premium Donor
I say nah to the fourth because I don't want Kasumi dressing up all "slutty" that way. (That's more fitting for Tina or Christie). She's pure innocent with class.

But yes to the scarf on her ninja catsuit! It better return in 6 because its headed to iconic status like her blue ninja dress.
I wouldn't say Kasumi is completely classy tho xD although she is conservative, everything she's worn besides copy paste generic DLC is stuff she she would actually wear, although tbh Kasumi can wear little to nothing and still be seen as cute and pure because of how she carries herself(like me XD)

The catsuit I love but I want it to return with the two other variants, my favourite being the white and red one since cream white is one of my favorite colors! The gold version however I hate, it looks tacky and cheap and gold isn't a color that suits Kasumi XD I would love it in pastel pink and white or even in pastel raspberry blue with lemon yellow highlights like her yellow ribbon:cool:


Premium Donor
I wonder if glasses will return? If they do I hope you can knock them off since it seems weird they just stay on, especially if they add them in DOA6.

I'm also not worried or anything since I know clothes will be ripped so if people want revealing clothes just turn off bruises and keep the rips and voila xD


Well-Known Member
Concept costumes for silver fox hot stud :leon:

I wants to see Leon share his personality based on gardening hobby not only sees him as merciful mecenary, tell me what you think?
YESSSSSS SO MUCH YES!!! Please TN give him something like this I'll waste as much as it's needed to purchase the costumes if he gets something like this.

And he better be in the final roster. If they need to take characters out, as much as it hurts because I love Mai, Jacky and Akira, just leave the VF characters, Mai and Naotora out since they're guests. I really hope they don't leave any DOA character out. And this includes Momiji and Rachel since they're basically connected to the DOA universe.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
price might be rocketed because it's 4k built, costume must be in 4k high detail.

i'd say $4.99 per piece

"4K high detail"... XD
PS4 and Xbox One are not even able to render anything near 4K nor have they enough RAM to use so called "4K assets". That's just empty marketing talk anyway.

That reminds me of the "Soft Engine". Simple breast bounce enhancements and adding a subsurface scattering effect (which nearly all modern games use to enhance skin) was talked up to be this proper game engine. So many actually believed that, and now they are making a huge fuss because it was apparently ditched for the Dynasty Warriors 9 engine, which actually is a proper game engine. Don't worry, subsurface scattering will still be a feature of the DW9 engine as well as breast animations. It remains to be seen though how pronounced they want the animations to be. ;)

Back on topic, characters and costumes will still be made of the same old polygons and textures, nothing 4K or revolutionary about them. There are few PC games that indeed use higher quality textures than the console versions, but usually models and textures look significantly better on PC not because they are actually of better asset quality (or "4K quality"), but simply because they are displayed in higher resolution. Higher pixel count, less aliasing and better texture filtering automatically make models look better. But that's not due to more work and effort of the game designers, it's just a positive side effect.

That being said, I expect the DLC costumes to be of higher quality, especially in the texture department, than DOA5 and I also think they will raise the price. More than double the current price I don't think is reasonable though and not even in Koei Tecmo's own interest. If the costume prices jump that high people will buy way less costumes, which will hurt KT in the long run. Just image how much a costume set or even a season pass would cost. 50$ for a set and up to 200$ for a season pass would deter so many customers.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Lisa needs a Rey Mysterio style outfit. Loose poofy high contrasting colored pants with some fancy bits on them (And a big sexy belt buckle), a matching colored tight crop top with elbow pads and gloves and a badass aggressive looking luchadora mask and big thicc boots. Give her and Tina some specular mapped muscle definition as well. Girls are suplexing dudes like Bass. Give them some core please.


Active Member
The price point for costumes is perfect in 5, idk how often i thought about buying a costume simply because they're cheap and i always have like 2 bucks that i cant use on much left anyway

Lisa needs a Rey Mysterio style outfit. Loose poofy high contrasting colored pants with some fancy bits on them (And a big sexy belt buckle), a matching colored tight crop top with elbow pads and gloves and a badass aggressive looking luchadora mask and big thicc boots. Give her and Tina some specular mapped muscle definition as well. Girls are suplexing dudes like Bass. Give them some core please.
There are definitely enough wrestlers TN can look at for inspiration for costumes. I made a list with some i'd like to see "ripped off" but thought it got too nerdy and just stopped lol.

I would however like to see 'em do another Cheetah costume for Lisa, the one she got for Halloween is a bit meh. This time, make it an actual wrestling costume like Tiger Mask. Just so i can have Lisa wearing something that resembles my Injustice 2 main :p

And yes, muscles pls. Abs for Rachel too!


Active Member
I wonder if glasses will return? If they do I hope you can knock them off since it seems weird they just stay on, especially if they add them in DOA6.

It would be cool to see the glasses shatter in slow motion during the close up face punch scenes.

One thing I don't want to see in costumes is stuff like this.

The actual costume itself I like, but the stupid shovel that's some how hovering behind her makes it look stupid. If costumes have these kinds of accessories the effort needs to be put in to properly integrate them into the outfit and give us the option to turn them off/hide them.


Well-Known Member
It would be cool to see the glasses shatter in slow motion during the close up face punch scenes.
I think that would be too much. IRL if someone punches you in the face in the same way DOA fighters do and you're wearing glasses... you can imagine that lol

I know there's blood now in DOA6, but this would probably put the gore level closer to MK, and that's if they decided to add blood to the impact. And if they didn't, it probably would look pretty lame.

It would be cool to see the glasses flew outta the fighter's face though, kinda like how in some costumes their hats fall off.


Active Member
I think that would be too much. IRL if someone punches you in the face in the same way DOA fighters do and you're wearing glasses... you can imagine that lol

I know there's blood now in DOA6, but this would probably put the gore level closer to MK, and that's if they decided to add blood to the impact. And if they didn't, it probably would look pretty lame.

It would be cool to see the glasses flew outta the fighter's face though, kinda like how in some costumes their hats fall off.

I was kind of thinking the glasses would break apart as they fly off the person's face. No need for any extra blood or gore.


Premium Donor
Didn't they do that in DOA4 with Leifang and Bass? I mean it's possible, even hats come off in DOA so broken glasses shouldn't be different. It would also be cool if hair could come undone from a Break Blow. They have that in SC6 where if Sophitia is hit hard when she's Koed her long braid comes undone and is free flowing, that would suit Kasumi and Helena well tbh xD

And yeah @DedUp no more floating parts that don't need to be on the costume like they did in alot of the collabs xD