Soul Calibur Thread


Premium Donor
I guess they thought don't fix what isn't broken xD the graphics aren't bad but it does seem as if they're doing what DOA5 did during its life span, especially with the jump to current gen consoles since its basically a remaster.

Besides that hat tho I can't really compare much between the two pics since she isnt that identical between pics besides the face paint which obviously won't change much


Well-Known Member
Me - "Omg I'd love to see Tira as a playable character in SC6"

Namco - "Say no more! :)"

*Tira confirmed for a preorder dlc character*

Me -


Watching these pictures makes me so glad DOA doesn't have customizations like SC or Tekken. =)

A little bit HS but I was a little bit surprised by Kayane's impressions about DOA6 here.

EDIT: I'm having a hard time posting only the link so you can read the whole conversation and not some bits. :confused:
EDIT 2: I give up. :confused:

She doesn't like the fact that it feels too close to DOA5 gameplaywise as well as artistically. I find it strange she says that because one can honestly say the same things about SoulCalibur VI which is basically SoulCalibur I and II HD edition on the surface. The only major gameplay changes are Reversal Edges and Soul Charge and graphic style is very similar to SCIV and SCV.

And on topic, I wish Tira's outfit was closer to both her SCV outfits. =/ especially her wonderfull Jolly one <3
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Premium Donor
Watching these pictures makes me so glad DOA doesn't have customizations like SC or Tekken. =)

A little bit HS but I was a little bit surprised by Kayane's impressions about DOA6 here.

She doesn't like the fact that it feels too close to DOA5 gameplaywise as well as artistically. I find it strange she says that because one can honestly say the same things about SoulCalibur VI which is basically SoulCalibur I and II HD edition on the surface. The only major gameplay changes are Reversal Edges and Soul Charge and graphic style is very similar to SCIV and SCV.

And on topic, I wish Tira's outfit was closer to both her SCV outfits. =/ especially her wonderfull Jolly one <3
Her outfit is close to her SC5 one tho

Its a mash up of the outfit she wore in SC3 combined with her main SC5 design. Her second outfit was designed by the Bayonetta female designer so maybe they didnt have permission to use that design?


Well-Known Member
Watching these pictures makes me so glad DOA doesn't have customizations like SC or Tekken. =)

A little bit HS but I was a little bit surprised by Kayane's impressions about DOA6 here.

EDIT: I'm having a hard time posting only the link so you can read the whole conversation and not some bits. :confused:
EDIT 2: I give up. :confused:

She doesn't like the fact that it feels too close to DOA5 gameplaywise as well as artistically. I find it strange she says that because one can honestly say the same things about SoulCalibur VI which is basically SoulCalibur I and II HD edition on the surface. The only major gameplay changes are Reversal Edges and Soul Charge and graphic style is very similar to SCIV and SCV.

And on topic, I wish Tira's outfit was closer to both her SCV outfits. =/ especially her wonderfull Jolly one <3

Yeah she seems cool but...that sounds a lot more like SC6 ironically than Doa6 that might have stayed faithful to the artstyle but has made lots of work to improve every aspect, meanwhile SC6...hasn't with models on certain characters etc.

With that said preorder dlc stuff and everything aside I do actually like Tira's new design in SC6.


Well-Known Member
I didn't expect them to throw away the old content, I just expected them to add more to it, like finally let us edit faces instead of reusing the same bunch of presets.

All they have shown so far was already in V, and they'll probably just add the Broken Souls extras onto it.

I'm glad you are optimistic, but I can't, especially not after the only mode I played in V got shamefully copypasted onto a PS4 game instead of being properly improved upon.

If this game was SCV it would have been a good sequel to IV. But as of now, the only thing I like (aside from few designs) is the return of a Weapon Master-like mode.


Premium Donor
I didn't expect them to throw away the old content, I just expected them to add more to it, like finally let us edit faces instead of reusing the same bunch of presets.

All they have shown so far was already in V, and they'll probably just add the Broken Souls extras onto it.

I'm glad you are optimistic, but I can't, especially not after the only mode I played in V got shamefully copypasted onto a PS4 game instead of being properly improved upon.

If this game was SCV it would have been a good sequel to IV. But as of now, the only thing I like (aside from few designs) is the return of a Weapon Master-like mode.
It's not really me being optimistic tbh, Soul Calibur is one of my favorite fighting game franchises, while I am also a bit disappointed that the game does look identical to SC5, I know in the long I should be happy SC6 is being made since I didn't expect it at all. I just don't think it's really genuine or serious for a fan to just not buy the game or support it because the graphics aren't up to their super high standards or because they're reusing items from an older title when that actually means alot more content fodder in the long run xD

Plus we still haven't seen everything yet, they haven't even showed us any real new features yet besides the race select. They're probably trying to keep the content as hype as possible by not just showing everything at once. Either way I'm excited regardless since ive been a SC fan since I was 10 years old xD The weapon Master mode I'm excited to since I'll be able to remake Mio and Kouhei and I'll have stuff to record and take pictures of when I'm not playing online


Well-Known Member
With SC6 there's things that are looking really good to me it's just that there's other stuff thats kinda annoying. I'm actually liking what I'm seeing with the cas trailer though, It looks like C1's are in from the start and the hair styles look cool like that old magician guys. The Tira dlc thing was...questionable but the other things looked good and even Tira her self looked nice. that cas story mode seemed good too thats what I'm guessing you mean by weapon master mode it does look like it's that so that's cool.


Well-Known Member
I never had an issue or cared about reused assets or whatever else developers do because it was never noticeable. Just look at SC2, 3, 4, and 5. My complaint isn't that the graphics are bad but that they are basically pasting SC5 and calling it SC6. This is the first SC game that, with every new reveal, I say to myself, "Are people really excited about this?" It looks too much like SC5 and now Tira, someone who should be in the base game, is paid DLC.

I grew up with SC and it was my first and only fighting game until 2012, but that doesn't mean I will just blindly accept everything SC6 does.

The image wasn't to show that they were identical but that the quality and models barely changed. Even the CAS menu looks too much like SC5's menu. Just look at DOA5 to DOA6. There is no way you will every think they are the same game. I wanted a new SC game not SC5 Remastered. With the release date approaching my hopes for SC6 are quickly disappearing.


Premium Donor
I never had an issue or cared about reused assets or whatever else developers do because it was never noticeable. Just look at SC2, 3, 4, and 5. My complaint isn't that the graphics are bad but that they are basically pasting SC5 and calling it SC6. This is the first SC game that, with every new reveal, I say to myself, "Are people really excited about this?" It looks too much like SC5 and now Tira, someone who should be in the base game, is paid DLC.

I grew up with SC and it was my first and only fighting game until 2012, but that doesn't mean I will just blindly accept everything SC6 does.

The image wasn't to show that they were identical but that the quality and models barely changed. Even the CAS menu looks too much like SC5's menu. Just look at DOA5 to DOA6. There is no way you will every think they are the same game. I wanted a new SC game not SC5 Remastered. With the release date approaching my hopes for SC6 are quickly disappearing.
The menus don't look that much alike tbh, plus like I said before there's no point changing something that's already there mode wise, the menus are bound to look the same besides maybe new tabs that let you change new options, the UI I don't feel needed a change. And tbh SC5 did reuse alot of assets as well, returning characters basically looked the same as in SC4 besides the way they rendered the male and female's body curves and muscles, lighting and other texture changes were the changes they focused on.

I don't mind Tira being DLC, if you're a fan of her and want to play her you'll get her. The graphics may have not changed much but SC has tbh stopped making major changes since SC4, I think they feel content with how the game looked and so they kept the same general look, "remaster" or not, the game still looks good. It doesn't necessarily look bad so I have no real issue with that, it would be nice to have some more improvement but my hype for the game itself far overshadows my need for super noticeable graphic changes. The game likely won't be for you if you're not feeling Tira being a DLC character or if you're sweating the game not looking like some AAA game when SC probably doesn't have the budget for all 'at.


Active Member
How can you be okay with Tira being DLC? @KasumiLover Surely you're letting your excitment for the new game blinker you a little?

Although i like her presence in the game she was never a character i played personally - but what if she was? what if she was my main? why should I have to pay more (or jump through pre-order hoops) to play my character, than a Taki player, or a sung mina player? If the character wasn't created in the release window due to creative or development choices... and came later due to popular demand or something, I wouldn't have the slightest problem with it. But this is an arbitrary marketing ploy, it's unfair and the way they're parading this disgusting ploy around stinks!

And gamers should be saying its not okay loudly, or KT will be doing it with DOA6 if it looks like a way to make more cash that players will tolerate. Who might some of us have to pay extra for? This is the thin edge of a very ugly wedge.



Premium Donor
Well Tira isn't really a character who's one of my top faves, plus I have no problem buying DLC since I have money to now, if Lili was paid DLC in Tekken 7 I would buy her xD and who knows? Maybe they're charging for her since she doesn't really have a part in the story mode? I still personally don't think it's a big deal tbh


Well-Known Member
The menus don't look that much alike tbh, plus like I said before there's no point changing something that's already there mode wise, the menus are bound to look the same besides maybe new tabs that let you change new options, the UI I don't feel needed a change. And tbh SC5 did reuse alot of assets as well, returning characters basically looked the same as in SC4 besides the way they rendered the male and female's body curves and muscles, lighting and other texture changes were the changes they focused on.

I don't mind Tira being DLC, if you're a fan of her and want to play her you'll get her. The graphics may have not changed much but SC has tbh stopped making major changes since SC4, I think they feel content with how the game looked and so they kept the same general look, "remaster" or not, the game still looks good. It doesn't necessarily look bad so I have no real issue with that, it would be nice to have some more improvement but my hype for the game itself far overshadows my need for super noticeable graphic changes. The game likely won't be for you if you're not feeling Tira being a DLC character or if you're sweating the game not looking like some AAA game when SC probably doesn't have the budget for all 'at.
4 in no possible way looks like 5. Am I the only one remembering and seeing the difference from 4 to 5? As I said before the issue is not the reused assets or that the graphics are bad.

What is so bad about that? Didn't they already announce the season pass with 4 characters? Tira was announced so 3 left like they said before.


Premium Donor
View attachment 256104 in no possible way looks like 5. Am I the only one remembering and seeing the difference from 4 to 5? As I said before the issue is not the reused assets or that the graphics are bad.

What is so bad about that? Didn't they already announce the season pass with 4 characters? Tira was announced so 3 left like they said before.
5 has better lighting and altered rendering of the male muscle and female curves, plus take into account that Mitsurugi is three different ages in all those shots so he's of course gonna look different xD compare Sophitia instead who looks literally the same in all three games, She's a much better example since besides her body she looks identical in all three games besides the enhanced lighting and improved models.

Also are they not done announcing base game characters yet?


Well-Known Member
5 has better lighting and altered rendering of the male muscle and female curves, plus take into account that Mitsurugi is three different ages in all those shots so he's of course gonna look different xD compare Sophitia instead who looks literally the same in all three games, She's a much better example since besides her body she looks identical in all three games besides the enhanced lighting and improved models.

Also are they not done announcing base game characters yet?
So 5 had better lighting and rendering but it still looks the same as 4 somehow? You mean to tell me you can go play SC4 then 5 and say they both look the same and there was no improvement in 5? Sophitia looks the same in 3 games but also differ in each because of the lighting and improved models? Have I not been saying that with each new game has visual improvements?


Premium Donor
So 5 had better lighting and rendering but it still looks the same as 4 somehow? You mean to tell me you can go play SC4 then 5 and say they both look the same and there was no improvement in 5? Sophitia looks the same in 3 games but also differ in each because of the lighting and improved models? Have I not been saying that with each new game has visual improvements?
Ugh... You're dragging this out and I'm losing my patience. Yes, 5 was improved but aside from lighting and character model improvement and the better stages it still looks pretty similar.

maxresdefault (75).jpg
maxresdefault (76).jpg

I can only really tell the games apart from the lighting and shaders on their skin, other than that theyre pretty identical at their core besides clothing. If you think they look drastically improved, I respect your opinion but I don't see that much besides lighting and improved stage and body rendering, going off of what my own eyes see.


Well-Known Member
Ugh... You're dragging this out and I'm losing my patience. Yes, 5 was improved but aside from lighting and character model improvement and the better stages it still looks pretty similar.

View attachment 25611View attachment 25612View attachment 25613

I can only really tell the games apart from the lighting and shaders on their skin, other than that theyre pretty identical at their core besides clothing. If you think they look drastically improved, I respect your opinion but I don't see that much besides lighting and improved stage and body rendering, going off of what my own eyes see.
Yeah this is going nowhere. This is the first time where I have seen an argument that says Sophitia looks the same in 3 games and that improvements in lighting, stages, and rendering aren't considered improvements. Think I finally understand the people who say DOA6 looks just like DOA5.