Why you shouldn't f**k with Bass in DOA3

i just love how in doa3 you dont move after a ko... it looks so much more brutal than when they squirm i think
You have no reason to hold in DOA 3 unless you fucked up on several things at once. Movement is the best in the series and there is no convoluted stun system. If you get hit, it honestly IS your fault. You can't say that in any other DOA game.

So you take the damage that the stun-launch will afford, which probably won't be much unless your back was to a wall or a slope... which would be another failure on your part, because you had every tool at your disposal to make sure that didn't happen.

If you get stunned by a specific attack, have your back to a hazard, and panic mode hold... that's three mistakes at once. You deserve to lose a round for that.
Cool but very situational. DOA3 at it´s best!! Real Combos no power move sh*t!!!
whoops I held, and the match is over in this #WTFEASY combo
Miss that air throw height. Damn near OTG lol
Very simple. If someone stuns you, don't fucking hold.... unless your back is to a slope. Then for the love of god, hold.
Just did this combo the other day. Fairly simple after some practice. Tricky part is the 6PK rejuggle.


Oct 6, 2014 at 12:12 PM
Posted by Project Bokuho
@Mr. Wah knows why.
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