deathofaninja Sep 19, 2013 I want GTAV, but I find it hard to give a damn. GTAV doesn't have Ryder or Big Smoke.
deathofaninja Sep 15, 2013 My baby nephew was born today. I was sweating bullets watching Lopedo vs Xcal in the waiting room. A good fucking day for DOA.
My baby nephew was born today. I was sweating bullets watching Lopedo vs Xcal in the waiting room. A good fucking day for DOA.
deathofaninja Sep 12, 2013 For every time I see Helena change her stance, or duck in stance at TFC, I'm taking a fat hit on the bong. I'm about to be high as fuck.
For every time I see Helena change her stance, or duck in stance at TFC, I'm taking a fat hit on the bong. I'm about to be high as fuck.
deathofaninja Sep 3, 2013 Why is the tournament scene dead? Points at people getting early copies. LOL Why invest in that? Let's talk about "money-makers" more?
Why is the tournament scene dead? Points at people getting early copies. LOL Why invest in that? Let's talk about "money-makers" more?
deathofaninja Sep 3, 2013 I'm through with talking.... just give me the game and watch me go in hard.
deathofaninja Aug 13, 2013 Miley Cyrus featuring Alpha-152: