Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • 1 more month till NG Master Collection! still miffed that we're getting sigma versions, but oh well, I guess having some form of NG on PS4 is better than having no form of NG on PS4 :/
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    Reactions: samuraihachi
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Vanilla NG2 had NG+ as well, I rarely used it though, prefer to start fresh with every playthrough
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    The idea of tearing through early game enemies with max leveled endgame weapons doesn't really do it for me, that's why the lack of NG+ in NG1/B/S didn't bother me, but you're right having NG+ as an option wouldn't hurt anyone
    "Just because you jerk off to the character doesn't mean that's your main, you actually have to play the game to do that" -Rooflemonger, 2021

    There needs to be a law against celebrating a single birthday on multiple days, the shit is supposed to last 24 hours not half a work week >:/
    Wanna play a 2D fighter where you never have to worry about getting zoned out by fireballs and you can jump all you want cause you have a million air options? Try Arcana Heart 3 LMSS Xtend!
    Nyo makes you block a 29 frame guard break, now she's +14 and gets free follow ups

    Jann lee make you block a 31 frame guard break, now he's -5 and has to play defense

    Hot take, maybe - despite having alot more tools I think SFV Rose is weaker than SF4 Rose
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    it's like they took all her ridiculous buttons from 4, added a bunch of minus frames and whiff recovery to tone her down but then gave her some new tools in the form of V Triggers/Skills to compensate

    Frankly I'd rather just have the ridiculous buttons without the gimmicks, they were way more practical at the end of the day
    Chrono Trigger on sale for 8$ on Steam?! oh man, i wanna get it, but Trials of Mana has already stolen 130 hours (and counting) of my life, not really in a position to let Chrono Trigger do the same :/
    woot woot! Arcana Heart 3 finally got the Xtend update! now I can stop feigning interest in all these other upcoming fighting games and just play the one I actually want to play lol
    Wait it DID!?? I thought it was cancelled (I haven’t been keeping up with it in a while)

    They need to put it on PS4 ASAP because I miss playing Akane and Petra so much ;-;
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    lol I don't blame ya for thinking that, this update was supposed to be out back in 2019, but of course with EXAMU shutting down and 2020 being 2020, naturally it got pushed hella back

    but hey it's out on Steam, wouldn't hold my breath for a PS4 port though :/
    I feel you NRS, why worry about Sheeva making your game look like a joke when you got Marvel checks in the bank, I would do the same thing!
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