Release 6++ Gameplay Overhaul - Skies Of Vengeance 4.1 hotfix


Active Member
I immediately installed DOA6++ and am enjoying it!
Thanks for the nice mod! !

It will not be easy, but I will request a small stage with a ceiling, about 3 meters square.
oof jumping the gun there by a few years. I don't think anybody knows anything about stage geometry yet.

glad you like what we have so far, just uh don't hold your breath on us doing anything about walls, ceilings, terrain deformation, objects, or danger zones


Active Member
update 3 will probably be this month, maybe six weeks or so if there's problems or we figure out something else on the scale of stage mods. in the meantime... hey check out these redelbe-required functional stage mods,!

it's not clear if these will need to stay a redelbe thing or if we can inject them in a way that's easier for all of you to deal with, but i'll have a more substantial stage pack one of these days, probably as a supplemental update like I did with the command training.


Premium Donor
update 3 will probably be this month, maybe six weeks or so if there's problems or we figure out something else on the scale of stage mods. in the meantime... hey check out these redelbe-required functional stage mods,!

it's not clear if these will need to stay a redelbe thing or if we can inject them in a way that's easier for all of you to deal with, but i'll have a more substantial stage pack one of these days, probably as a supplemental update like I did with the command training.
Any patch notes of what's to come??


New Member
Bro really liked this mod, but some friends that I play with are complaining about the lack of Fatal rush, could you please create a function or setting that could enable or disable it? Thank you anyway


Active Member
Bro really liked this mod, but some friends that I play with are complaining about the lack of Fatal rush, could you please create a function or setting that could enable or disable it? Thank you anyway
what do they miss about it in particular? Fatal rush creates some balance problems (easiest one to see is juggles after a wallsplat on lots of characters) and finding sensible hit reactions for them in stun would eat quite a bit of time i'd rather put towards stage mods or making boss raidou playable, but if somebody is dying for lack of a slow tracking high or a stance cancel, i can look for solutions.

if they're struggling with not knowing juggles I can see about working on custom combo challenges sooner. that'll be after a round of stage mods at the earliest but since combo challenge is off in its own little world and doesn't affect gameplay i don't need to coordinate having those done with a patch release ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

anyway here's what forbidden fortune looks like with most of the stuff deleted. unfortunately some of the DZ triggers are misaligned with the visual models of the barrels so i have some more work to do to figure out what database entries to purge.
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The Dragon Shrine Maiden
Premium Donor
Taking away more shit still I see. Yawn. If I wanted to play in a box I could just play chamber of potential or Sweat.

Add costumes, stages, characters, etc. Don't change shit, add shit.
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Active Member
Taking away more shit still I see. Yawn. If I wanted to play in a box I could just play chamber of potential.

Add costumes, stages, characters, etc. Don't change shit, add shit.

you may be interested in the expansion of douglas memorial.

oh and WIP stands for "work in progress".


Active Member
nothing to add yet, i'll post something when there's a dev build
oh whoops, 3 weeks later:

turns out stage modding is really powerful so that's going to be a mid-september release on the gameplay patch, but the good news is it'll come with several stage mods including the massive expansion of memorial you can check out now in the stage mods thread, the rehabilitation of forbidden fortune, some rearranging on throwdown, and (low-balling it) some tweaks to festival and unforgettable.

gameplay stuff is another round of new moves (especially nico and tamaki), a little housekeeping on move IDs for things like tina's doa 4 pppp and jann's pp6pp, some more PB and PL normals, some experimenting with ground hit reactions and an eye toward restoring those on a lot of mids (1.19 two-hit rules mostly).

the biggest non-stage thing is that Gultigargar told me some stuff and i've been able to re-do the homing system with a better method. FSD probably isn't more effective overall but if you're on the borderline between FT and BT and step to their back it'll probably stay off-axis instead of snapping around while things shouldn't drop at the wall for no reason unless you're ayane's bt h+kk where the (not my fault) shape of the hitboxes is the problem not alignment systems.


Active Member
Release candidate is baked, pending final tests should be out by monday.

apparently there's some nanny system on pastebin and i can't be arsed to figure out what part of this is tripping it so here's the infodump on what i did to the stages so far:

in addition to the spoiler notes, the update 3 version of douglas memorial seems to lag online. This is probably my fault with the custom floor collision i made from scratch and how i made the walls work but it runs fine offline and doesn't slow down the same amount for everybody so it's kinda impossible to diagnose.

it appears that certain combinations of character and costume selections cause (or avoids? idk the usual case is that stuff isn't correct) a texture loading issue that makes some of the objects I added to stages be flat black rather than applying the correct albedo texture. extremely rarely and not very reproducibly the transparent part of the fence texture on "Tao" will load correctly, I have seen this once. the out of bounds on forbidden fortune will have correct tree trunks maybe slightly more often but the sample size is small so I don't really know.

notes for DOA 6++ Optional stage mods

Thanks again to AlexXsWx, the .g1co blender import/export is indispensable for to this process. Memorial and Throwdown would not have been possible without it, all those tree hitboxes were horrible before I edited them, and on and on.

Use/technical stuff:
    These stage mods require vagonumero13's REDELBE tool, you're probably already using it for costumes/ui/loading screens.

    Because some people aren't using redelbe i've created a pair of .bat scripts to toggle all the mechanical swaps on or off, and included an unaltered copy of each stage file ("O_" prefix) so that toggling will work without restarting the game. You may want to leave a lobby if you were in one and adjust your random filter, can't change that on the fly so easily because of how the menu is loaded.

    Toggling will only take effect if you go through a screen that causes stages to reload, e.g character select, return to lobby, exit to main menu, or if you use the script while the game wasn't on.

    Turn off DOA 6++ and these stage mods before queuing for ranked or joining a vanilla lobby. If you're using my auto toggle script then you can close the game, double click on the 6++StagesOFF.bat in the DOA6 game folder and then launch the normal game from steam after the black (usually) cmd windows close themselves.

    There are several known issues listed after chamber of potential's changes. The stuff that makes the stages selectable in the menu, show up in random, and have names on the replays is part of the regular 6++ gameplay mod files and I decided to release visually rough "playable alpha" stages rather than hold up everything over some fine-tuning. You can always toggle them off and I'd ask players who don't mind the jank to respect the preference of people who do.

    Keep an eye out for involuntary soft-locks and wall clipping issues. Blender is kinda rough and typing coordinates into database files is disconnected form the in-game scene so it wouldn't surprise me if there are some gaps you can wedge into or collision alignment issues we didn't notice in testing.

    Sorry about the stage order being weird on the select screen. look for the white / divider to tell new stages from regular ones. Hopefully we can redirect the picture and names from that screen eventually but for now we're stuck with duplicates of the default ones.
    There's some consensus that DOA6's stages are over-gimmicked (compare "The Crimson" to "Chinese Festival", or "Throwdown" to its antecedents) so I've reduced a lot of that by direct removal, such as Forbidden Fortune, where most of the gimmicks are gone outright; by expansion such as Throwdown, where all the gimmicks are still there but you have a chance to side-tech toward a simple wall or open space; and by diluting the stage pool with up to eight new stages.

     DOA 3's Tao and Iron Hell were chosen for their basic geometry (a T and two octagons) that I could reasonably "measure" and reproduce within various limitations. The "playable alpha" state of all the new stages protects the framerate on the normal stages (minimal extra VRAM usage) and saves me duplicating the work on main menu modification as mentioned. I'll creep up on adding stuff to the new stages but it would defeat the purpose of using the extra substages if I ruin performance on existing stages.

    With these mods once the novelty wears off I recommend checking 25/28 stages in random filter: everything except Hidden Garden and the lower parts of Forbidden Fortune and Chinese Festival since those don't loop back to the top. Just remember to uncheck the new ones (except memorial and seafood) if you toggle off.


    Forbidden Fortune:
        removed the rocking ship trigger from the starboard deck wall, and reassigned the gimmick type of the box stacks.
        removed 3 of the 4 kraken barrels from the port side. note the green treasure chest doesn't activate the kraken, only the barrel does.
        removed various other invisible boundaries and trigger walls.
            removed all the ceilig hit barrels except the expansion wall into the treasure house
            restored explosive wall ceiling hit that I cut in previous versions
            removed the normal trash in the armory
            removed some inert barrels toward the bow, oops.
            repositioned an invisible wall that those barrels were behind, play area is marginally bigger.
            might put 1-2 things back in the bottom and/or change the explosive wall hit to something else
        new: "The Black Forest"
            replaced LOD sprite "cardboard cutout" trees with modded-to-be-interactable equivalents from lost paradise
            partially applied textures to the new trees, databases are weird and somehow it matters which characters are loaded, let's just say it was an oil spill and the name is a reference to that rather than hayate being in germany.
            added match procedure positions
    Lost paradise:
            no change in current build but I might do a break out in the upper area and move the new stage to the lower section since that area is cooler and it would save me fixing the slip stun issue.
        new: "Natural"
            converted camera colliders into half-wall colliders on 109 rocks and 181 trees
            added match procedure positions

            added custom floor collider to the out of bounds hallway areas
            added custom wall colliders to the out of bounds hallway areas
            added new (and moved existing) boundary fences
            added camera clipping to the character portrait panels
                added collision as well but ended up moving the lower one behind the windows because of some misalignment
            modified some wall meshes so the columns wouldn't block the camera
            added different columns to replace the ones I removed entirely
                there's an extra .g1m file in the download if having the gaps out of bounds bothers you, but you're on your own for renaming it and I wonder if anyone would have noticed if i hadn't said anything
            retargeted some start positions so we can actually start in the new areas
                added replacement "round 2" starts so we don't get sucked back into hotzone etc
            the out of bounds benches were normal destructible objects the whole time
            rotated dangerzone spawn orientation 90° so one player's back isn't to the zone transition
            unfortunately the way the railings, sub-zones, and scripting all works is not friendly to modification but hopefully some of these changes reduce the looping resets a little.
        new: "Hangover"
            added a start position to the roof
            approximated the floor and wall geometry from DOA 3's Iron Hell
                the 15 damage wall segments iron hell has aren't implemented yet
            added some very placeholder objects so you can see where the colliders are
            I have some other plans for the roof area, depending on some level systems I didn't investigate yet (and don't want to get anyone's hopes up about) so i'm holding off on making it look nicer until i know if it's going to be permanent.

        added lisa's rope walk interactions to the ropes.
        "In Memoriam" aka colosseum lower (sort of, it's weird):
            moved the invisible boundary much further out, it cuts across the escalator area
            added wall collision to the pillars around the normal play area
            added collision and camera clipping to the four trees on the plaza
            decreased the height of the flower boxes on the raised area
            made a fully custom collision mesh for the ground including:
                small elevation change for the ring around the statue, the planters, and the lone trees
                detail around the base of the elevators
                invisible floor over the little river thing (for now)
                steep out of bounds spikes to make the camera try to get out of the way of stuff that would block it
            note the main slope is steeper than any other elevation change in the game, i'd make it an old school cliff and jump down if we knew how, same with the water feature.
            removed all the dynamic grass and some background geometry/objects for framerate.
            added several "round 2" start positions, will add more as I improve the jank in the outlying areas
            retargeted the win position to a nicer view
    Road Rage
        no changes. There's some cool out of bounds stuff but single-level stages don't have the extra substage used for all these new ones. Maybe the area behind the two cars could open up away from the main part.

    Chinese Festival
            removed the guys by the scaffolding
            removed an invisible wall that was next to those guys
            future: investigating ways of making the scaffold transition take two (or three?) hits to activate
            removed the rumble guys
            removed a few invisible walls
            reduced the size of the ground fireworks area
            added collision to a building
            moved several fence segments and (separate objects/database entries) their matching firecrackers
            expanded the play area "behind" the ground firecrackers, about 5x5 meters, normal ground
            adjusted a malformed collider on one of the stalls
            added a fence+fircrackers to fix a hole in a wall that was behind that malformed collider.
        new: "Damage"
                DOA 1-ish stage
                outer invisible walls apply 15 damage and a high bounce like the APO servers
                floor launches outside of the central safe area        
                nice views of the city they created for the legit stages.
                probably going to put visual walls around it but the original idea was to have the wall be like the exploding one on the bottom part and

        no changes, let me know if you have a strong preference for "Crash Club"

            added slip stun property to the broken glass
                did you know the broken glass was floor colliders? I didn't, but that's how the do the crunchy sound fx
            removed some out of bounds geometry to make the new stage work
        new: "Network Speed"
            sortof the the "upper" area without the normal walls or ceiling, you can see the consoles and servers through some windows in the normal version.
            added (slightly messy) collision to that stuff
                had to choose between that and not having the damaged model appear on-hit, should be fixable.
            added "walls" to the perimeter visual wall
                it's a high wall for your 7P sort of moves, I'm not sure why it animates like a half-wall.
            there's some mechanism to hide objects in the common substage from the normal stages and if I can figure out how to do that i'll cover the holes in the floor with something, maybe add dynamic lights. If not i might scrap the whole thing or move it out of the way of the regular stage.
        expanded playable area into the street
        added collision to all the out-of-bounds dumpsters
        moved the out of bounds couch, added collision to it
        added three more out of bounds couches, embiggened one of them
        added collision to the out of bounds pickup truck
        added explosion gimmick to the truck
        removed the out-of bounds crowd
        moved most of the rumble dangerzone guys
        added destruction behavior to some out of bounds fence pieces
        added wall collision to some in-bounds fence segments that weren't walls for some reason, despite the story mode stage not having rumble dangerzones
        added fully custom wall meshes to the building facades
        added several "round 2" start positions
        added some dumpsters duplicating one of the story mode variant placeable arrays that need to be there when the rumble dangerzones aren't.
        replaced the "gate" section of the fence wall with a breakable segment
        changed the properties and dimensions of the trash in front of that part of the fence
            watch out for soft-locks there, we haven't found a forced one in testing yet but the gap might need to be wider.

    miyabi (and hidden garden):
        no changes for now, looking at adding breakouts to Miyabi similar to Throwdown, there's a really cool area behind the main gate. Hidden garden doesn't have much to do, the little footpath in the corner isn't suitable for expansion.
        new: "The Zen"
            approximated the geometry of DOA 3's Tao, but in Japan

            i have a couple ideas for making breakable ground segments, either the mesh for the transition from forbidden fortune or a deforming wall object with floor properties. Not sure that stuff will work but it's worth a shot.
            making this look nicer might be affected by the Miyabi out of bounds expansion.
    The muscle
        No changes, nobody knows how ceilings actually work but I think making it like "hell in a cell" would be fun.
        no changes. there's an out-of bounds bug in the retail version I could fix but it's pretty hard to set up and the 6++ character collider changes might have already taken care of it.
    Seaside Eden
        no changes, was going to add more trees but Forbidden Fortune and Lost Paradise out of bounds are doing a good job of reminding people of Forest.
        "lower" aka Seafood:
            no changes. I'm inclined not to add anything here but I could see retargeting the intro and win/lose to the small islands or finding something to add that makes the "ground" not do that texture buffer freakout.

    Chamber of Potential
        rotated the floor collision to make a slope.
        rotated the floor visual model to look nice
        rotated the exterior floor to make the camera behave
        rotated the wall collider to make the walls keep working
        lowered the walls to match the new "bottom", this might make some visual mods a little weird.

Known issues:
    the camera clipping for the elevators on Douglas Memorial is bigger than the wall hitbox
    throws and holds temporarily mess up some of the camera hacks on memorial
    cafe furniture on memorial is intangible
    lack of perimeter boundaries on lost paradise 3 and forbidden fortune 3
    some formerly out of bounds areas don't have camera clipping on everything, it was way worse before.
    Iron hell and Tao don't have entry/win positions or scenery, I might be relocating the play geometry.
    janky collisions on APO 3
    slight floating above the floor on APO 3
    slip stuns aren't applied on lost paradise 3
    chinese festival 3 doesn't have fx, don't know how those work yet.

and give or take my personal-use thumbnail and background retextures, what the random filter and stage select will be:


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Premium Donor
Release candidate is baked, pending final tests should be out by monday.

apparently there's some nanny system on pastebin and i can't be arsed to figure out what part of this is tripping it so here's the infodump on what i did to the stages so far:

notes for DOA 6++ Optional stage mods

Thanks again to AlexXsWx, the .g1co blender import/export is indispensable for to this process. Memorial and Throwdown would not have been possible without it, all those tree hitboxes were horrible before I edited them, and on and on.

Use/technical stuff:
    These stage mods require vagonumero13's REDELBE tool, you're probably already using it for costumes/ui/loading screens.

    Because some people aren't using redelbe i've created a pair of .bat scripts to toggle all the mechanical swaps on or off, and included an unaltered copy of each stage file ("O_" prefix) so that toggling will work without restarting the game. You may want to leave a lobby if you were in one and adjust your random filter, can't change that on the fly so easily because of how the menu is loaded.

    Toggling will only take effect if you go through a screen that causes stages to reload, e.g character select, return to lobby, exit to main menu, or if you use the script while the game wasn't on.

    Turn off DOA 6++ and these stage mods before queuing for ranked or joining a vanilla lobby. If you're using my auto toggle script then you can close the game, double click on the 6++StagesOFF.bat in the DOA6 game folder and then launch the normal game from steam after the black (usually) cmd windows close themselves.

    There are several known issues listed after chamber of potential's changes. The stuff that makes the stages selectable in the menu, show up in random, and have names on the replays is part of the regular 6++ gameplay mod files and I decided to release visually rough "playable alpha" stages rather than hold up everything over some fine-tuning. You can always toggle them off and I'd ask players who don't mind the jank to respect the preference of people who do.

    Keep an eye out for involuntary soft-locks and wall clipping issues. Blender is kinda rough and typing coordinates into database files is disconnected form the in-game scene so it wouldn't surprise me if there are some gaps you can wedge into or collision alignment issues we didn't notice in testing.

    Sorry about the stage order being weird on the select screen. look for the white / divider to tell new stages from regular ones. Hopefully we can redirect the picture and names from that screen eventually but for now we're stuck with duplicates of the default ones.
    There's some consensus that DOA6's stages are over-gimmicked (compare "The Crimson" to "Chinese Festival", or "Throwdown" to its antecedents) so I've reduced a lot of that by direct removal, such as Forbidden Fortune, where most of the gimmicks are gone outright; by expansion such as Throwdown, where all the gimmicks are still there but you have a chance to side-tech toward a simple wall or open space; and by diluting the stage pool with up to eight new stages.

     DOA 3's Tao and Iron Hell were chosen for their basic geometry (a T and two octagons) that I could reasonably "measure" and reproduce within various limitations. The "playable alpha" state of all the new stages protects the framerate on the normal stages (minimal extra VRAM usage) and saves me duplicating the work on main menu modification as mentioned. I'll creep up on adding stuff to the new stages but it would defeat the purpose of using the extra substages if I ruin performance on existing stages.

    With these mods once the novelty wears off I recommend checking 25/28 stages in random filter: everything except Hidden Garden and the lower parts of Forbidden Fortune and Chinese Festival since those don't loop back to the top. Just remember to uncheck the new ones (except memorial and seafood) if you toggle off.


    Forbidden Fortune:
        removed the rocking ship trigger from the starboard deck wall, and reassigned the gimmick type of the box stacks.
        removed 3 of the 4 kraken barrels from the port side. note the green treasure chest doesn't activate the kraken, only the barrel does.
        removed various other invisible boundaries and trigger walls.
            removed all the ceilig hit barrels except the expansion wall into the treasure house
            restored explosive wall ceiling hit that I cut in previous versions
            removed the normal trash in the armory
            removed some inert barrels toward the bow, oops.
            repositioned an invisible wall that those barrels were behind, play area is marginally bigger.
            might put 1-2 things back in the bottom and/or change the explosive wall hit to something else
        new: "The Black Forest"
            replaced LOD sprite "cardboard cutout" trees with modded-to-be-interactable equivalents from lost paradise
            partially applied textures to the new trees, databases are weird and somehow it matters which characters are loaded, let's just say it was an oil spill and the name is a reference to that rather than hayate being in germany.
            added match procedure positions
    Lost paradise:
            no change in current build but I might do a break out in the upper area and move the new stage to the lower section since that area is cooler and it would save me fixing the slip stun issue.
        new: "Natural"
            converted camera colliders into half-wall colliders on 109 rocks and 181 trees
            added match procedure positions

            added custom floor collider to the out of bounds hallway areas
            added custom wall colliders to the out of bounds hallway areas
            added new (and moved existing) boundary fences
            added camera clipping to the character portrait panels
                added collision as well but ended up moving the lower one behind the windows because of some misalignment
            modified some wall meshes so the columns wouldn't block the camera
            added different columns to replace the ones I removed entirely
                there's an extra .g1m file in the download if having the gaps out of bounds bothers you, but you're on your own for renaming it and I wonder if anyone would have noticed if i hadn't said anything
            retargeted some start positions so we can actually start in the new areas
                added replacement "round 2" starts so we don't get sucked back into hotzone etc
            the out of bounds benches were normal destructible objects the whole time
            rotated dangerzone spawn orientation 90° so one player's back isn't to the zone transition
            unfortunately the way the railings, sub-zones, and scripting all works is not friendly to modification but hopefully some of these changes reduce the looping resets a little.
        new: "Hangover"
            added a start position to the roof
            approximated the floor and wall geometry from DOA 3's Iron Hell
                the 15 damage wall segments iron hell has aren't implemented yet
            added some very placeholder objects so you can see where the colliders are
            I have some other plans for the roof area, depending on some level systems I didn't investigate yet (and don't want to get anyone's hopes up about) so i'm holding off on making it look nicer until i know if it's going to be permanent.

        added lisa's rope walk interactions to the ropes.
        "In Memoriam" aka colosseum lower (sort of, it's weird):
            moved the invisible boundary much further out, it cuts across the escalator area
            added wall collision to the pillars around the normal play area
            added collision and camera clipping to the four trees on the plaza
            decreased the height of the flower boxes on the raised area
            made a fully custom collision mesh for the ground including:
                small elevation change for the ring around the statue, the planters, and the lone trees
                detail around the base of the elevators
                invisible floor over the little river thing (for now)
                steep out of bounds spikes to make the camera try to get out of the way of stuff that would block it
            note the main slope is steeper than any other elevation change in the game, i'd make it an old school cliff and jump down if we knew how, same with the water feature.
            removed all the dynamic grass and some background geometry/objects for framerate.
            added several "round 2" start positions, will add more as I improve the jank in the outlying areas
            retargeted the win position to a nicer view
    Road Rage
        no changes. There's some cool out of bounds stuff but single-level stages don't have the extra substage used for all these new ones. Maybe the area behind the two cars could open up away from the main part.

    Chinese Festival
            removed the guys by the scaffolding
            removed an invisible wall that was next to those guys
            future: investigating ways of making the scaffold transition take two (or three?) hits to activate
            removed the rumble guys
            removed a few invisible walls
            reduced the size of the ground fireworks area
            added collision to a building
            moved several fence segments and (separate objects/database entries) their matching firecrackers
            expanded the play area "behind" the ground firecrackers, about 5x5 meters, normal ground
            adjusted a malformed collider on one of the stalls
            added a fence+fircrackers to fix a hole in a wall that was behind that malformed collider.
        new: "Damage"
                DOA 1-ish stage
                outer invisible walls apply 15 damage and a high bounce like the APO servers
                floor launches outside of the central safe area         
                nice views of the city they created for the legit stages.
                probably going to put visual walls around it but the original idea was to have the wall be like the exploding one on the bottom part and

        no changes, let me know if you have a strong preference for "Crash Club"

            added slip stun property to the broken glass
                did you know the broken glass was floor colliders? I didn't, but that's how the do the crunchy sound fx
            removed some out of bounds geometry to make the new stage work
        new: "Network Speed"
            sortof the the "upper" area without the normal walls or ceiling, you can see the consoles and servers through some windows in the normal version.
            added (slightly messy) collision to that stuff
                had to choose between that and not having the damaged model appear on-hit, should be fixable.
            added "walls" to the perimeter visual wall
                it's a high wall for your 7P sort of moves, I'm not sure why it animates like a half-wall.
            there's some mechanism to hide objects in the common substage from the normal stages and if I can figure out how to do that i'll cover the holes in the floor with something, maybe add dynamic lights. If not i might scrap the whole thing or move it out of the way of the regular stage.
        expanded playable area into the street
        added collision to all the out-of-bounds dumpsters
        moved the out of bounds couch, added collision to it
        added three more out of bounds couches, embiggened one of them
        added collision to the out of bounds pickup truck
        added explosion gimmick to the truck
        removed the out-of bounds crowd
        moved most of the rumble dangerzone guys
        added destruction behavior to some out of bounds fence pieces
        added wall collision to some in-bounds fence segments that weren't walls for some reason, despite the story mode stage not having rumble dangerzones
        added fully custom wall meshes to the building facades
        added several "round 2" start positions
        added some dumpsters duplicating one of the story mode variant placeable arrays that need to be there when the rumble dangerzones aren't.
        replaced the "gate" section of the fence wall with a breakable segment
        changed the properties and dimensions of the trash in front of that part of the fence
            watch out for soft-locks there, we haven't found a forced one in testing yet but the gap might need to be wider.

    miyabi (and hidden garden):
        no changes for now, looking at adding breakouts to Miyabi similar to Throwdown, there's a really cool area behind the main gate. Hidden garden doesn't have much to do, the little footpath in the corner isn't suitable for expansion.
        new: "The Zen"
            approximated the geometry of DOA 3's Tao, but in Japan

            i have a couple ideas for making breakable ground segments, either the mesh for the transition from forbidden fortune or a deforming wall object with floor properties. Not sure that stuff will work but it's worth a shot.
            making this look nicer might be affected by the Miyabi out of bounds expansion.
    The muscle
        No changes, nobody knows how ceilings actually work but I think making it like "hell in a cell" would be fun.
        no changes. there's an out-of bounds bug in the retail version I could fix but it's pretty hard to set up and the 6++ character collider changes might have already taken care of it.
    Seaside Eden
        no changes, was going to add more trees but Forbidden Fortune and Lost Paradise out of bounds are doing a good job of reminding people of Forest.
        "lower" aka Seafood:
            no changes. I'm inclined not to add anything here but I could see retargeting the intro and win/lose to the small islands or finding something to add that makes the "ground" not do that texture buffer freakout.

    Chamber of Potential
        rotated the floor collision to make a slope.
        rotated the floor visual model to look nice
        rotated the exterior floor to make the camera behave
        rotated the wall collider to make the walls keep working
        lowered the walls to match the new "bottom", this might make some visual mods a little weird.

Known issues:
    the camera clipping for the elevators on Douglas Memorial is bigger than the wall hitbox
    throws and holds temporarily mess up some of the camera hacks on memorial
    cafe furniture on memorial is intangible 
    lack of perimeter boundaries on lost paradise 3 and forbidden fortune 3
    some formerly out of bounds areas don't have camera clipping on everything, it was way worse before.
    Iron hell and Tao don't have entry/win positions or scenery, I might be relocating the play geometry.
    janky collisions on APO 3
    slight floating above the floor on APO 3
    slip stuns aren't applied on lost paradise 3
    chinese festival 3 doesn't have fx, don't know how those work yet.

and give or take my personal-use thumbnail and background retextures, what the random filter and stage select will be:


Can't wait to tech the stages, lmk if you have early links since I'd love to be a techer xD

I like all the changes but tbh for the broken glass on the APO(It's my favorite stage in the game if my Steam name and Twitter handle is any indication) i always thought the glass would have benefitted only from a damage modifier

When I see the broken glass on the ground, I always felt like it should have caused the effect that results from the characters being floored when they hit the electric floors. I just say remove the additional effects like the electric shock and flash but the current slip stun I can definitely work with, I'm hoping for some Kasumi guaranteed set ups with the stun one I have in mind xD


Active Member
Can't wait to tech the stages, lmk if you have early links since I'd love to be a techer xD

I like all the changes but tbh for the broken glass on the APO(It's my favorite stage in the game if my Steam name and Twitter handle is any indication) i always thought the glass would have benefitted only from a damage modifier

When I see the broken glass on the ground, I always felt like it should have caused the effect that results from the characters being floored when they hit the electric floors. I just say remove the additional effects like the electric shock and flash but the current slip stun I can definitely work with, I'm hoping for some Kasumi guaranteed set ups with the stun one I have in mind xD
hmm yeah damage could've worked too. If it's possible to have both in the same place (there's like 0-4 for floor attributes and they seem exclusive from each other) that would make sense. It would also be a smaller thing if it's too hard to tell whether someone is on the glass. I don't fully understand how the spawning/moving/hiding stuff works on those gimmicks though. it would be funny to rig up 50 throwdown couches to something and then every time you hit one the stage would completely rearrange itself.

i'm not really set up to send just the stages, there's slope chamber and a less complete version of memorial if you want to check out the up-hill only kasumi bound into hosh P close hit.


Premium Donor
I see. Also are you accepting stage concepts? I have 2 ideas for two stage concepts that I think are simple


Active Member
I see. Also are you accepting stage concepts? I have 2 ideas for two stage concepts that I think are simple
nothing so formal. there's 28 slots i can use easily and maybe we can add more, there wasn't a reason to look into that until now. i like a couple of the placeholder stages i have but several of them could be replaced, and i could be talked into fully replacing some existing stages since it's easy to toggle the mods.

what did you have in mind?

far future stuff: we can inject entirely new assets with alex's patching tech but it either breaks redelbe direct swaps or becomes very inconvenient to de-mod so i'm not ready to hit either of those buttons, and that workflow is enough more complicated that i'd need a really good reason like an accurate reproduction of Aerial Gardens to do it.


Premium Donor
nothing so formal. there's 28 slots i can use easily and maybe we can add more, there wasn't a reason to look into that until now. i like a couple of the placeholder stages i have but several of them could be replaced, and i could be talked into fully replacing some existing stages since it's easy to toggle the mods.

what did you have in mind?

far future stuff: we can inject entirely new assets with alex's patching tech but it either breaks redelbe direct swaps or becomes very inconvenient to de-mod so i'm not ready to hit either of those buttons, and that workflow is enough more complicated that i'd need a really good reason like an accurate reproduction of Aerial Gardens to do it.
For my stage ideas, I had two more simpler ones that I had got the ideas for from Def Jam FFNY


This stage from DJFFNY(couldn't find a picture that wasn't from the wiki with the crowd.) is basically smaller circle stage that I'd think would be similar to the layout of the Colosseum, but instead of rope walls, it'd be surrounded by a circle of pedestrians like the ones in throwdown. Basically it'd be located somewhere with the same visual look as Throwdown and would be set at night with the main danger being the ring of bystanders that can push you back in, I think it'd be an interesting stage that would make the player focus more on staying in the center.

Towards the top area tho, I would leave out pedestrians and just have it be a wall that has the fire barrels that are aflame like throwdown(maybe 2) so there's a spot that has more wall damage and is a sort of escape from the bystander ring, id call the stage something like FLESH RING or something.

The second stage idea i got from Euphoria. You know that open pond like area that's in the hidden garden? I'd love a more heavenly based stage where you can fight in that area since it seems like you could make the wall on the side a wall you can use, and the open areas could have the invisible wall property like when you are near the open pond in hidden garden and when you're doing a juggle near it you're blocked off.

I don't think the stage idea would be too complex since fighting in that out of bound pond area would be fun since it'd have the constant slip stun property and Bayman could use his throws that change when in water areas. I would just want it to have a night based lighting and with similar strobe like euphoric lighting and some flowers like in the lost paradise stage. I'd named it something like EUPHORIA since I'd want it to be the most atmospheric stage mod since most of the DOA6 stages imo aren't all that colorful


Active Member
For my stage ideas, I had two more simpler ones that I had got the ideas for from Def Jam FFNY

This stage from DJFFNY(couldn't find a picture that wasn't from the wiki with the crowd.) is basically smaller circle stage that I'd think would be similar to the layout of the Colosseum, but instead of rope walls, it'd be surrounded by a circle of pedestrians like the ones in throwdown. Basically it'd be located somewhere with the same visual look as Throwdown and would be set at night with the main danger being the ring of bystanders that can push you back in, I think it'd be an interesting stage that would make the player focus more on staying in the center.
sounds like that atari arcade game "pit-fighter". I can replace throwdown or part of chinese festival with that, not sure if i can make the crowd work on stages that don't already have them....

lol i just thought of something: the stage transition spot and the starting spot for those bottom part stages (when you roll them on random or stage-pick) don't have to line up... edit: of course it's more complicated than that, fall position doesn't seem to do anything on its own (might be a debug reset location for the actual devs) but i can definitely do the other part. Stage transitions needed to be investigated more thoroughly anyway, there's a lot going on with those that's not super obvious. edit 2: "damage" seems to work properly if i retarget the chinese festival lower start position to land on where i added the meshes for it, and it didn't ruin the scaffold transition frome the top, so that's a viable way to add half a stage to all the two-tier ones but it would be kinda confusing and make labbing on the legit lower sections a bit less convenient if it's something like that stage where there are major changes.

id call the stage something like FLESH RING or something.
unfortunately stage names are limited to text strings that are already in the game. Hence "in memoriam" isn't "douglas memorial". I would've called Seafood "ocean" but the only time the word appears in-game is in a description of tina's ocean bomb,

that euphoria thing is pretty complicated, transplanting objects between stages is like 5x the effort of making 30 more throwdown dudes on throwdown. It sounds possible in principle other than the lighting thing since that's handled by weird levelscript stuff and the story mode variant stages are actually setting all those things in some menu database that isn't available to regular gameplay. I'm also not totally sure what the slip stun area mesh looks like on hidden garden, but i do know the water isn't ground like seafood so i'd have to add the "floor" as well.

i'm guessing it's not trivial to make random lighting for random select since TN never did and that would've been a very cheap way to add a feeling of variety on the limited stages
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Premium Donor
Is the latest version out now? I saw Desnas trailer and wanted to know if it was out too so I could tech from it xD


Premium Donor
I apologize for the double post but if it's fine, are we allowed to share DOA6++ tech here? After work I'm going to likely spend the entire night playing with combos and such so I'll probably post my findings in a post here if it's fine!