About morons online


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Saying he "never will improve" and will "always be bad" reminds me of how I was treated several years ago. If it weren't for a few friends with actual tact that encouraged me the right way, I would've quit DOA and left the community long ago, rather than understand the perspective of the competitive gamer and actually strive to improve.

Ya sorry but I've tried to help him. You can't help someone that refuses to learn. He plays by his own rulebook and considers juggling to be "cheap and boring" and will not utilize Mila's guaranteed setups. I'm not a complete ass. If people are willing to learn I will help them out. Degalon is not willing to learn, and not only that, he puts down people who utilize the games mechanics to their fullest extent by saying he gets "bored and would rather watch youtube during a juggle." Not my fault he refuses to learn how to play a fighting game properly and turns down advice when its given.


Active Member

Saying he "never will improve" and will "always be bad" reminds me of how I was treated several years ago. If it weren't for a few friends with actual tact that encouraged me the right way, I would've quit DOA and left the community long ago, rather than understand the perspective of the competitive gamer and actually strive to improve.
Because he honestly won't. Everyone tries to teach him but he doesn't wan't to hear it and instead continues to complain about the same damn stuff over and over again on every single thread, looks down upon people who are actually trying to learn the game because they do not follow his own set of rules, loves to talk about how he constantly holds people online "which are all probably just bad players" yet if he fails to hold them, complains they are fighting in a boring way that's "cheap", creates pointless rant threads about the same thing he usually complains about in every topic, and honestly just doesn't care about competitive play in general. If you don't play exactly how he wants you to, he will refuse to play against you. And worst of all, if you ask for some combo's he will brush you off as a fool. Honestly, I begin to wonder why he would join a forum that specifies in the competitive aspect of DOA if he doesn't even believe DOA should be competitive.


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Standard Donor
Because he honestly won't. Everyone tries to teach him but he doesn't wan't to hear it and instead continues to complain about the same damn stuff over and over again on every single thread, looks down upon people who are actually trying to learn the game because they do not follow his own set of rules, loves to talk about how he constantly holds people online "which are all probably just bad players" yet if he fails to hold them, complains they are fighting in a boring way that's "cheap", creates pointless rant threads about the same thing he usually complains about in every topic, and honestly just doesn't care about competitive play in general. If you don't play exactly how he wants you to, he will refuse to play against you. And worst of all, if you ask for some combo's he will brush you off as a fool. Honestly, I begin to wonder why he would join a forum that specifies in the competitive aspect of DOA if he doesn't even believe DOA should be competitive.

I don't recall trying.


Well-Known Member
I can play defense way better in this DOA compared to DOA4 or DOA2U. So I'm not sure what you're talking about there. Also, there really isn't very much guaranteed damage. It's "maybe" a little more than DOA4, but not by much. Maybe you just need to get better at the game? (not a diss)
I can move around faster ( spacing/whiff punish) way better compared to the previous series. On DOA2U, DOA3, DOAD & DOA4 I can't use the whiff punishment/spacing to save my life because it will cause me to counter hold by accident which is another reason why I don't play the DOA classics anymore.


Well-Known Member
Recovery times on most things are increased, making almost every move very unsafe. Thus, players are actually more cautious in 5.

People rushed into your face before match start in DOA4. Hell I did.

Basically, everything in your post is absolutely wrong in all my experience.
DOA4 is good but its completely garbage compared to DOA5.


Well-Known Member
as shit as DOA4 was lets not pretend 5 is some sort of vast improvement over it which it isn't. 5's advantages are all character dependent.certain characters benefit from the new changes in 5 while others were pretty much shitted on.

-Yay true sidestepping! too bad poke strings auto track after the first attack whiffs and only a small handful of characters have good ss followups
-Yay unholdable sitdown stuns! too bad few characters get shit guaranteed from them
-Yay critical bursts! too bad a majority of the cast has to guess 4 times to utilize it making them worthless

really the only universal improvements 5 has over 4 that everyone benefits from are unholdable wall bounce and getting rid of high wake up kicks. everything else is all character dependent.


Active Member
Because he honestly won't. Everyone tries to teach him but he doesn't wan't to hear it and instead continues to complain about the same damn stuff over and over again on every single thread, looks down upon people who are actually trying to learn the game because they do not follow his own set of rules, loves to talk about how he constantly holds people online "which are all probably just bad players" yet if he fails to hold them, complains they are fighting in a boring way that's "cheap", creates pointless rant threads about the same thing he usually complains about in every topic, and honestly just doesn't care about competitive play in general. If you don't play exactly how he wants you to, he will refuse to play against you. And worst of all, if you ask for some combo's he will brush you off as a fool. Honestly, I begin to wonder why he would join a forum that specifies in the competitive aspect of DOA if he doesn't even believe DOA should be competitive.

Way to make shit up lol.

For those who don't know me, allow me to clarify, rather than having to rely on posts like the above skewing things.

1) I don't combo/juggle/do guaranteed damage, because I like the challenge of working for each hit. Hence my playstyle of focusing on single strikes, grapples, and holds. I'm perfectly aware and capable of performing them, I just don't, as its not my playstyle.
2) I don't care if I win or lose, so long as I get to play.
3) I do consider guaranteed damage to be cheap, which is a viewpoint that comes from working for each hit for so long. Not cheap as in "broken" but cheap as in "requires a lot less effort". Which is the entire point of guaranteed damage, so its not like i'm wrong on that.
4) I find guaranteed damage boring, because I/the opponent don't get to play or fight back during those moments, and it doesn't help that they don't even look cool.
5) I do have a bad habit of venting when a) people try to talk crap after getting a win, and b) When I'm frustrated due to boredom resulting from like...7 opponents in a row all doing the exact same pattern.
6) I don't care about competitive play, this is true. Mostly because the community sucks. I'll get competitive as hell with friends, lol.
7) I don't talk down to people (Though I do constantly get talked down to for not doing/endorsing guaranteed damage, go figure...)
8) I've never brushed someone off as a fool (that's your schtick, not mine), all I've done is suggest more fundamental alternatives. Like when someone is having troubled doing a combo, I suggest a different strategy. As for that sonya, way back when, that was me not saying not to learn combos, but not to be a copycat. Lack of variety is a big issue with online.
9) Its not that I don't believe DOA should be competitive, its that unless the competitive community stops acting like self entitled shits, theres no POINT. Like I had no issue with the actual gameplay changes in DOA5 (I can adapt just fine), I just dreaded the type of people it would bring in. People who throw tantrums when rushdown doesn't work, claim you suck for countering them when they just do one thing over and over, etc. Aka, the competitive community (which came to be true.)

Its funny. I get accused of saying everyone has to play by MY rules (which has never happened), and yet I'm constantly getting harassed for not playing by yours. Oh, the irony.


Active Member
I'm sorry but this is incorrect. No way in hell does this game ever favor the attacker. Let's take a look at the list of options the attacker has to pierce a defense and maintain an offense:

Stuns that guarantee attacks
Force Techs
Guard Breaks (most of which don't even guarantee a followup attack.)

These are the options the defender has:
Interrupting attempts to free cancel into another string
Throw Punishment
Slow Escaping
Holds (for 4 different attacks, only two of which are ideal (low and mid holds) and the recovery of the low hold is so quick that you can do it and block the next stun if the stun is slow enough.
Wake up kicks
Parries (some of which cover high and medium attack heights like Hitomi's)

Lets assess how easy it is to use each of the attackers options:
Stuns that guarantee attacks: Can be countered by holding.
Throws: Can be countered by button mashing. Do negligible damage on Normal Hit.
Force techs: off the top of my head If your name is not Helena Ayane or MIla you are either taking a huge risk (getting hit by a wake up kick) or sacrificing alot of damage to do this.
Guard breaks: some guard breaks leave you in negative. Some don't even grant enough frame advantage for you to square off with Kasumi. *Cough* Hayate's shitty guard breaks *Cough*

So we see at all times the attacker is taking a huge risk or giving up alot. If the defender on the other hand fails to interrupt or parry an attack and gets stunned they still have 2 strong options (holding, slow escaping) to save their ass even after all the work the attacker had to put in to open the defender up. The attacker has to worry about every single item on the defenders list while the defender is only in any real danger when they are stunned, and even then the attacker still has to worry about slow escapers and holds.

You don't understand how frustrating it is to play offensively in this game, especially as Kasumi. She has fifty million unsafe moves. I could get throw punished on block AND normal hit! I have to limit myself to free canceling and jabs if I want to be safe and even free canceling is risky because I can get interrupted by the defending player. Then when I finally get my combo I have to either A. Back off in fear of a wake up kick or B. Attempt to hold a wakeup kick that probably isn't even going to come, thus making me miss a chance I could have used to force tech. or C. Attempt to force tech and risk getting hit by a wake up kick.

I'm well aware of all that. I win mostly by counters and defense and exploiting people's haphazard offensive strategies, so trust me, I know.

But my point remains, that a lot of people DO still rushdown because they no longer fear defense because the counter damage and opportunities were nerfed, whereas in previous DOAs, I saw people hesitating and calculating each hit, due to fear of the counter damage Which was my entire point.


Active Member
Way to make shit up lol.
Its funny. I get accused of saying everyone has to play by MY rules (which has never happened), and yet I'm constantly getting harassed for not playing by yours. Oh, the irony.
Because if no one plays by your rules, you either
A) Go on a huge rant about how everyone plays boring and how unskillful and non-challenging these players are when they win.
B) When they lose, (which honestly they must just fail miserably at this game) you talk about how you counter (ITS HOLD) their launchers and beat them by doing it.

No one wants to hear you, honestly. I'm starting to think you just joined this site just to rant and annoy people all the time. Everyone constantly tells you how wrong you are and you just do not listen. I don't know how many times people on this site told you why guaranteed damage is not "cheap".
Also, please stop calling things cheap. I honestly don't care what your definition of "cheap" is, because noobs call everything they lose to "cheap". Nothing is cheap. Your claims that juggling takes less work is just BS. We constantly tell you why guaranteed damage is fair, but you really don't care and repeat the same crap about how you don't know how what you are saying is wrong. It takes work to get to that level where you know your character inside out.
Now what doesn't take work is your playstyle. You know why your playstyle doesn't take any effort? Because it is downright lazy. Refusing to play to win is LAZY. Relying on holds to win, LAZY, asking for nerfs on offense and buffs on holds because you feel it should do more damage to support your style of play? LAZY.
All you are proving to everyone is that you are too damn lazy to take the game seriously at all. You don't want to work at all and set up these "rules" as an excuse to say your style of play is much more skillful and "takes more work". The entire game doesn't revolve around you Delagon, it revolves around competition and the community. Your way is a step back in pretty much everything the community is trying to strive for. All because you do not want to play the game the way it SHOULD be play. And now you ask for things to be balanced your way?

This community sucks to you? If it does, maybe it's because of newcomers (like you) trying to act like they know shit and causing a whole bunch of pointless drama.

Yes you do brush people off as fools. Saying that combo's cater to lazy people = calling them fools for doing them. You clearly show your discust of combo's and those who do them on a daily basis. If anything, you are causing more problems, because (Like me and most of the people on this site says) they work to get to the level they are and you just brush them off, acting like their methods are poor,
How the hell is anyone here acting like self entitled shits? What the hell does that even mean? You even said that I act like a "Self-entitled asshole" What is that supposed to mean? I am a self-entitled asshole because I am telling you how your methods are just plain stupid? Most fighting game players would agree with me on that. Go on any site such as 8WayRun and SRK and see whats going to happen. The same shit. People will tell you the same stuff everyone is telling you over here. If anything, you come off self-entitled on this site.
Competitive play does not hurt the game at all. I don't understand why you would "dread" the people that come to play a game competitively. The only people you constantly talk about are terrible noobs online, which guess what, is in pretty much every ONLINE fighting game scene. You know, the people you love to defend? Your own kind who love calling things cheap?


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Wow, SilverKhaos. I normally don't encourage the scrub talk (forgive me to all the admins and moderators of this website), but you sound like a Class-S scrub.

I'm not trying to be mean, but you know all these excuses that you make ain't gonna make you a better player.

1) I don't combo/juggle/do guaranteed damage, because I like the challenge of working for each hit. Hence my playstyle of focusing on single strikes, grapples, and holds. I'm perfectly aware and capable of performing them, I just don't, as its not my playstyle.
Single strikes, grapples and holds huh? Tell me, what is your playstyle anyway?

2) I don't care if I win or lose, so long as I get to play.
Competitive players play to win. Casual players play for fun.

3) I do consider guaranteed damage to be cheap, which is a viewpoint that comes from working for each hit for so long. Not cheap as in "broken" but cheap as in "requires a lot less effort". Which is the entire point of guaranteed damage, so its not like i'm wrong on that.
Guaranteed damage is not cheap. It's supposed to be helpful. You are wrong for that.

4) I find guaranteed damage boring, because I/the opponent don't get to play or fight back during those moments, and it doesn't help that they don't even look cool.
It's not all about flashiness. Guaranteed damage is not suppose to cool. Again, it's suppose to be helpful in various situations.

5) I do have a bad habit of venting when a) people try to talk crap after getting a win, and b) When I'm frustrated due to boredom resulting from like...7 opponents in a row all doing the exact same pattern.
Gee, I wonder why...

6) I don't care about competitive play, this is true. Mostly because the community sucks. I'll get competitive as hell with friends, lol.
No sir, you do. Also, if you say you get competitive as hell with your friends, then why are you even here?

7) I don't talk down to people (Though I do constantly get talked down to for not doing/endorsing guaranteed damage, go figure...)
Yea, it's best if you stop talking...

8) I've never brushed someone off as a fool (that's your schtick, not mine), all I've done is suggest more fundamental alternatives. Like when someone is having troubled doing a combo, I suggest a different strategy. As for that sonya, way back when, that was me not saying not to learn combos, but not to be a copycat. Lack of variety is a big issue with online.
Just... stop... talking....

9) Its not that I don't believe DOA should be competitive, its that unless the competitive community stops acting like self entitled shits, theres no POINT. Like I had no issue with the actual gameplay changes in DOA5 (I can adapt just fine), I just dreaded the type of people it would bring in. People who throw tantrums when rushdown doesn't work, claim you suck for countering them when they just do one thing over and over, etc. Aka, the competitive community (which came to be true.)
You just proved everyone's point right there... Don't bring all of that GameFAQs bullcrap on FSD man. I honestly would like to see how you would handle offline tournaments.