About morons online


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It's pretty much what it always been just better.


Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
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I haven't seen one post answering my question. I just have a "you're afraid to attack from frame advantage" and "DOA3.1" comparison. Which I'm sorry to say , but rather DOA3.1 is more competitive or not means nothing considering that DOA3.1 isn't relevant. Only like five people played the game and no one really know anything about DOA3.1 but those "five" people. DOA3 no one played competitively in general to care.

The problem I have with this community is I go out my way to want to support this game, and travel for it even though there are a lot of better things I can be doing, but yet I'm here trying to get more players involved..etc And yet all I can do is see this game being bashed by there own players. It's a sad sight to see really and I don't see how that supposed to make the game, or it's scene get any better and grow. I'm not saying DOA5 is perfect. I love it for what it is and want the community to build and I feel people need to get over with what there problem is with the game. At this point you might as well save your complaints for DOA6 because I don't see a lot of people wishes being made in "DOA5" except for the obvious things. They're not going to redo the system for a game already out in the form of a "patch".

It's at the point where really no die hard doa fan has no place to go because even by your follow players you still hear the "this game sucks" constantly. Then those same people b*** about people not traveling. This whole community is bipolar.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Shadow, I'm a beginner, and I'm not the most strat-savvy person around, but I'll try to muster up the guts to answer your question anyway.

how has the core of the game really changed?
1) The active window of the holds decreased.

2) Instead of merely slamming to the wall, the opponent's feet are pretty much off the ground and fall forward, making them more susceptible to additional wall hits without worrying about the opponent using a hold. Furthermore, the opponent cannot hold if both feet aren't planted on the ground, save for listed unholdable stuns. I dunno in detail how different this was from DOA3.1, but the way the opponent takes the first wall hit is pretty different, as if akin to the VF series.

3) Critical Bursts open up opportunities for guaranteed hi-counter launches, some easier than others. Furthermore, it leads to a guaranteed Power Blow, which depending on the environment and the character's strengths, can be an advantage.

4) A lot of strings for many characters now transition to other strings, expanding more mixup options - and for some, even combo extensions - for many characters. (i.e. Christie's JAK-off stance, Kasumi's teleport strings and Splash ability, Lisa's Carrera stance cancels, Helena's blenders, Jann Glee's Dragon Cancels, Leifang's "invisible shields", Hitomi's punch parry transitions, etc.)

5) Open stance positioning is one other factor into how certain stuns work.

6) Apart from a minor damaging area in the Temple area, there are no stairs.

7) Cliffhangers are new, but this guessing mechanic only exists in two stages. But it's nice to know it's there for the sake of spectacle.

This is all I can tell you in my own words. If I made a mistake, screw that. At least I tried.


New Member
Well, I see you main Mila, and although I don't see her criticized so much on the boards, I get it constantly online while playing her, though I never got anything negative when I had played Hayabusa. She's different, and often requires a different approach to attack her and defend against her. Most aren't really used to it and fall for the same tricks over and over again, and then they call the Mila player a spammer, or cheap character for punishing them constantly.

I have to agree. Fighting Mila definitely requires a different approach


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen one post answering my question. I just have a "you're afraid to attack from frame advantage" and "DOA3.1" comparison. Which I'm sorry to say , but rather DOA3.1 is more competitive or not means nothing considering that DOA3.1 isn't relevant. Only like five people played the game and no one really know anything about DOA3.1 but those "five" people. DOA3 no one played competitively in general to care.

The problem I have with this community is I go out my way to want to support this game, and travel for it even though there are a lot of better things I can be doing, but yet I'm here trying to get more players involved..etc And yet all I can do is see this game being bashed by there own players. It's a sad sight to see really and I don't see how that supposed to make the game, or it's scene get any better and grow. I'm not saying DOA5 is perfect. I love it for what it is and want the community to build and I feel people need to get over with what there problem is with the game. At this point you might as well save your complaints for DOA6 because I don't see a lot of people wishes being made in "DOA5" except for the obvious things. They're not going to redo the system for a game already out in the form of a "patch".

It's at the point where really no die hard doa fan has no place to go because even by your follow players you still hear the "this game sucks" constantly. Then those same people b*** about people not traveling. This whole community is bipolar.
Between DOA4 & DOA5 I'm pretty sure that every member in this community prefer DOA5, so apparently, we're happy that TN made a new DOA sequel superior than DOA4 . Besides, we're just spoiled from playing/watching DOA 3.1 lol.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Shadow, I'm a beginner, and I'm not the most strat-savvy person around, but I'll try to muster up the guts to answer your question anyway.

1) The active window of the holds decreased.

2) Instead of merely slamming to the wall, the opponent's feet are pretty much off the ground and fall forward, making them more susceptible to additional wall hits without worrying about the opponent using a hold. Furthermore, the opponent cannot hold if both feet aren't planted on the ground, save for listed unholdable stuns. I dunno in detail how different this was from DOA3.1, but the way the opponent takes the first wall hit is pretty different, as if akin to the VF series.

3) Critical Bursts open up opportunities for guaranteed hi-counter launches, some easier than others. Furthermore, it leads to a guaranteed Power Blow, which depending on the environment and the character's strengths, can be an advantage.

4) A lot of strings for many characters now transition to other strings, expanding more mixup options - and for some, even combo extensions - for many characters. (i.e. Christie's JAK-off stance, Kasumi's teleport strings and Splash ability, Lisa's Carrera stance cancels, Helena's blenders, Jann Glee's Dragon Cancels, Leifang's "invisible shields", Hitomi's punch parry transitions, etc.)

5) Open stance positioning is one other factor into how certain stuns work.

6) Apart from a minor damaging area in the Temple area, there are no stairs.

7) Cliffhangers are new, but this guessing mechanic only exists in two stages. But it's nice to know it's there for the sake of spectacle.

This is all I can tell you in my own words. If I made a mistake, screw that. At least I tried.

Call me crazy, but those still don't describe how it got "worse" at all.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen one post answering my question. I just have a "you're afraid to attack from frame advantage" and "DOA3.1" comparison. Which I'm sorry to say , but rather DOA3.1 is more competitive or not means nothing considering that DOA3.1 isn't relevant. Only like five people played the game and no one really know anything about DOA3.1 but those "five" people. DOA3 no one played competitively in general to care.

The problem I have with this community is I go out my way to want to support this game, and travel for it even though there are a lot of better things I can be doing, but yet I'm here trying to get more players involved..etc And yet all I can do is see this game being bashed by there own players. It's a sad sight to see really and I don't see how that supposed to make the game, or it's scene get any better and grow. I'm not saying DOA5 is perfect. I love it for what it is and want the community to build and I feel people need to get over with what there problem is with the game. At this point you might as well save your complaints for DOA6 because I don't see a lot of people wishes being made in "DOA5" except for the obvious things. They're not going to redo the system for a game already out in the form of a "patch".

It's at the point where really no die hard doa fan has no place to go because even by your follow players you still hear the "this game sucks" constantly. Then those same people b*** about people not traveling. This whole community is bipolar.

The problems a lot of people on FSD have with DOA5 are the same problems they've had since DOA4. If the problems had been fixed, they wouldn't have nearly as much to complain about.

It doesn't help that the problems were partially fixed back at E3, but returned to their DOA4 state by the time the game released. If we had gotten some variant of the E3 build I think people would've been a lot happier.


Active Member
This probably means you haven't played any game with dragon punch in it.

Lol I have but the difference is that you can bait DP happy people and that is also the ONLY way to respond to frame traps / advantage in those games (or use moves with startup invincibility). You have no surefire way of knowing how people are going to respond to frame advantage in this game. Some people can have frame advantage and still lose the following exchange *cough* Hayate and his shitty guard breaks. *cough* I'm not saying this is a major flaw it would just be nice if frame advantage was a little more significant.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It doesn't help that the problems were partially fixed back at E3, but returned to their DOA4 state by the time the game released. If we had gotten some variant of the E3 build I think people would've been a lot happier.
It's kind of funny that it's a complete repeat of DOA4; i.e. the prototype version being better than the final.

Would you be willing to go into detail on some of the things that were better in the E3 build? Would that warrant a new thread? I'm kind of curious and can't for the life of me remember much now.


Active Member
Call me crazy, but those still don't describe how it got "worse" at all.

Because it removed a lot of the balance. Now its just favoring rushdown over defense, whereas previous DOAs had a solid balance. People were afraid of the heavy punishment from counters, so they thought things through instead of just rushing in, and the game was far more tense, in depth, and tactical for it. Now, there's a whole lot more "guaranteed" stuff and you cant counter as much and counters don't do as much, so a lot of the defense and mindgames are gone, so its almost JUST offense. A lot of the depth is just kinda gone now. And no, "combos" doesn't equal "depth". Just having complicated offense doesn't mean much unless there's a complicated defense to MATCH it.

The fact that now you see people shuffling into your face before the match begins is proof enough of why DOA has taken way too many steps backward. Nobody would DREAM of doing that in previous DOAs. The risk of punishment was too great. Now, though, the risk of punishment is negligible at best, so people just continue rushing in, comfortable in the fact that if they manage to land a hit, they get to do a ton of damage due to all the guaranteed stuff now, while if they get punished, they take barely any damage from the counters. So its all all reward with almost no risk, at least in comparison to past DOAs.

things like how they removed the ability to do counters while laying on the ground are really dumb, too. Now people can just keep kicking you while on the ground with no fear of retaliation, leading to the force tech nonsense. Before, I could low counter people trying to kick me while i'm on the ground and punish them for being a) being a dick by kicking someone while they are down, and b) jumping the gun and just continuing to attack.

To summarize...before, it was even closer to an actual fight. Now its....just another 3d fighter, I hate to say. Still love this game over other 3d fighters, but it sure is a huge step backwards, overall, for DOA. Sure, they added (useless) sidestepping, and Mila, but that's about it.