Character development *Future patch discussion*


Master Ninja
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His name is pronounced as "Ryu Hayabusa" in Japanese too though. It's likely a stylistic thing.

Anyway this is all a bit off-topic, no?


Master Ninja
Staff member
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Not looking to place blame on anyone. That's a perfectly legit thing to talk about here. Just should be in a different thread. Maybe just a Hayabusa Character Discussion (Non-gameplay) thread. Feel free to start it if you would like to.


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I want this costume for Ryu in DOA5U:


Well-Known Member
Things I want for Mr. Hayabusa in DOA5U:
  • DOA2U/DOA4 costume 2 (PLEASE!)
  • Handstand (:2::P+K:; Ongoyin only as :214::P+K:)
  • Faster/more agile movement sacrificed for a little power
  • CB! from Ongoyin or handstand
  • :7::P: does not automatically go into Ongoyin, while :7::P::4_: does. This gives Busa a better spacing game.
  • Double Izuna tag throw w/ Momiji (*passes out from the epicness of the thought*)


Well-Known Member
Didn't Benikage have a counter or some kind of move that turned her into a log? Making me wanna play RR...

Regarding Ryu's name order it's probably because Hayabusa isn't a family name but a clan name. I didn't really do any research on it but maybe you can look into that if you're curious

Anyway if Ryu gets the fireball from DOAD I will definitely use him more :D


Well-Known Member
T_T I hope not.

Ninpo magic needs to stay as PB and cliffhanger, I don't want to be frowned upon for using a character with a "broken" move. Idk why they gave him that in the first place, anyway I just want the classic handstand and the ood old striker playstyle back to Busa and soem buffs so he can be a good character again.


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I honestly wish his PB and cliffhangers where fireball-free, but I suppose it's not a big deal. I just don't want in-game projectiles.

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
To the point with the fireball in DOAD is imo bullsh*** because its the same spamsh*** like the teleport attacks. If some people see a Hayabusa Player they shouldnt think "oh a spamer". I hate that. If TN add some moves I want as I said his handstandskills back. I wonder why they cut so useful moves?(._.) ('-')

Now to your Jaguar. Hmm I like your thoughts your ideas are really good. I would say they should make the frame time from :7::P: 3 -6 times faster because that would you allow to avoid attacks expect low attacks + have time to think what do you now. 2. You confuse the opponent with the attack. Here a example: You run to your opponent. He would think that you attack him but in this moment you do the :7::P:. He is now confused. He will trys to attack you but you do the this move again + have some time to think. He will do a move streak or attack streak . Now you can do :down:p+K handstandmove and can hit him till he does the attack streak whatever you called.


Well-Known Member
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To the point with the fireball in DOAD is imo bullsh*** because its the same spamsh*** like the teleport attacks. If some people see a Hayabusa Player they shouldnt think "oh a spamer". I hate that. If TN add some moves I want as I said his handstandskills back. I wonder why they cut so useful moves?(._.) ('-')

Now to your Jaguar. Hmm I like your thoughts your ideas are really good. I would say they should make the frame time from :7::P: 3 -6 times faster because that would you allow to avoid attacks expect low attacks + have time to think what do you now. 2. You confuse the opponent with the attack. Here a example: You run to your opponent. He would think that you attack him but in this moment you do the :7::P:. He is now confused. He will trys to attack you but you do the this move again + have some time to think. He will do a move streak or attack streak . Now you can do :down:p+K handstandmove and can hit him till he does the attack streak whatever you called.
Backflip used to be able to be used as a "crush" of sorts to jump over lows or even back-out of an opponent's attacks mid-string. That was cool. Now it feels to slow for any of that, and the mandatory ongyoin transition doesn't help.

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
I really know what you mean. 1.This move is to slow and 2. you go automaticly to ongyion stance. Till you are get to this stance you will get hit. Its useless. We should decide if we make this move that decide with specfic inputs to go this stance or not. IMO I dont need the ongyion UP+P and UP+K. They are useless. The opponent can avoid this easy. They add so useless moves and cutted the one of his best useful moves.


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Ong 8K can be quite the useful force tech against opponents who love to hug the ground.
For example, 2:02 here:

that said, I wish Ryu's 8K, 8T and 8P ongyoin attacks were removed from the game. Various reasons, most of which I've already discussed before.


Well-Known Member
that said, I wish Ryu's 8K, 8T and 8P ongyoin attacks were removed from the game. Various reasons, most of which I've already discussed before.

I agree. These attacks are cool and all, but the contribute more negative than positive to the game. His teleports and Ongoyin itself, however, should stay in my opinion.
To add to my thoughts on handstand, it would be great for Ryu to have another OH with handstand 4T, which would have faster startup than :3_::4::T: since he is already in handstand. As somebody mentioned before, an air grab from it similar to Brad's would be great. Finally, I can see a possible CB from handstand being what was handstand p+k or a new move where Ryu kicks forward with force and stays in handstand from there.


One of the things I'd like to see is some improvements to :2::K: and :1::K:, maybe a few frames advantage on hit or at least make them a bit safer cause right now they are both punishable on block and hit. I mean damn can't even remember last time I did those moves haha.


Well-Known Member
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One of the things I'd like to see is some improvements to :2::K: and :1::K:, maybe a few frames advantage on hit or at least make them a bit safer cause right now they are both punishable on block and hit. I mean damn can't even remember last time I did those moves haha.
PP6P2P is the same way.

I'd also like to see ong 2K/33K revamped. Too damn slow and useless for his primary low string mix-up.


Basically they need to improve some of our lows like PP4P1P, PP2K, 4P1P, 2K, 1K. Not really asking for any kind of crazy buffs but I just don't wanna throw them out only to be in a lose-lose situation :(