Character you dont like fighting?


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Hayabusa, including Ongyon teleport throw (Fudo Zanshu).
I posted a topic on GameFAQs asking how to deal w/it- results:
SS twice, duck and use low throw, use jumping attacks, especially back flip types, and backdash.
Or stay in close & keep pressure on. Despite all that, it can still be hard at times...
It's an online thing. Offline using that move out of turn is suicide for Busa.


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Hayabusa, including Ongyon teleport throw (Fudo Zanshu).
I posted a topic on GameFAQs asking how to deal w/it- results:
SS twice, duck and use low throw, use jumping attacks, especially back flip types, and backdash.
Or stay in close & keep pressure on. Despite all that, it can still be hard at times...

Hayabusa's actually only annoying to fight online. All his "bullshit" is perfectly reactable offline making him an interesting character to fight. Hayate's still fucking annoying offline though...


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How so? Ayane's actually pretty hard to use correctly, and that is made worse when her shit is actually punishable offline.
I never said she's easy to use offline. But you're making it sound like the obstacles you face using Ryu offline are comparable to those of Ayane.


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I never said she's easy to use offline. But you're making it sound like the obstacles you face using Ryu offline are comparable to those of Ayane.

They both have their own challenges. Neither character is exactly a free win compared to some *ahem* other characters. I'm sure there's a good reason why both characters have minimal representation at a high level.


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Updated my list of characters I don't like fighting once again.

1) Backstabbers
2) Arrogant people
3) Prejudiced people
4) Stream monsters
5) People who kiss the asses of HLPs/top players and immediately try to talk down on lesser known players like they're superior. I guess they could pass for social climbers.
6) Obnoxious people who rub in their small victories over the mic or text.
7) People who stubbornly send you invites repeatedly anyway even after you specifically told them you're unable to join for a while. That makes me not only paranoid, but also makes me think you have some kind of agenda or personal vendetta.
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Well-Known Member
Updated my list of characters I don't like fighting once again. The variety is greater than I imagined these days.

1) Backstabbers
2) Arrogant people
3) Prejudiced people
4) Stream monsters
5) People who kiss the asses of HLPs/top players and immediately try to talk down on lesser known players like they're superior. I guess they could pass for social climbers.
6) Obnoxious people who rub in their small victories over the mic or text. Now I understand why some lobbies have this mic rule. Jiminy H. Crickets.
7) People who stubbornly send you invites repeatedly anyway even after you specifically told them you're unable to join for a while. That makes me not only paranoid, but also makes me think you have some kind of agenda or personal vendetta.
number five is why I avoid the "competitive" scene in fighters, I can't STAND those people, and it always IS those people. side note, I hate overhyping tourney winners. wwhat I mean by that, is I parried a super in 3rd strike and caught him in my super, and everyone was going "oh my god, a Daigo Parry!", and I'm going "um, you mean a regular parry against a super? parrying isn't something exclusive to him, yaknow that, right? it was a cool win to a match, but not something to name after him. TThey got all mad at me. NNo offense to Daigo, and for the record, I wasn't trying to parry, just command overlap with command grab input lol. but yeah, hate elitist suckups.


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number five is why I avoid the "competitive" scene in fighters, I can't STAND those people, and it always IS those people. side note, I hate overhyping tourney winners. wwhat I mean by that, is I parried a super in 3rd strike and caught him in my super, and everyone was going "oh my god, a Daigo Parry!", and I'm going "um, you mean a regular parry against a super? parrying isn't something exclusive to him, yaknow that, right? it was a cool win to a match, but not something to name after him. TThey got all mad at me. NNo offense to Daigo, and for the record, I wasn't trying to parry, just command overlap with command grab input lol. but yeah, hate elitist suckups.

The reason why it's called a "Daigo Parry" is because Daigo is The Shit.


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Hm... care for a small elaboration?
There are a few competing theories as to why we see the same select few characters in the offline tournies.
Theory 1) They are the best/top tier characters
Theory 2) They are easier to use than other characters
Theory 3) They're fun, and by sheer happenstance the top players just happen to like playing the same characters

All are partially true and partially false.
Theory 1) Typically "high" tier characters that are played a lot. But some high tier characters are just as good (or better) than the ones we see all the time, but are rarely used. Why? Well, maybe it's because they're easier to use (ie: theory 2).

Theory 2) But there are numerous great characters that are piss-easy to use (comparatively) that see next to zero use in these situations. Some much easier than some of the characters we see more frequently. I'm not going to name-drop characters because I've already filled-up by butthurt dispensing quota for the day, but if theory 2 were true, I feel like we'd be seeing them at least a bit more, if not a lot more. Furthermore, top-level players shouldn't be concerning themselves with this issue to begin with. A high tier character should be consistently played at full capacity by a top level player. And when that happens, if the top-level player is still struggling, that goes beyond character use difficulty. That means the character struggles, which then indicates they're not quite so high tier. Run a hypothetical: say the best character in the game has 10 times the execution as the next most difficult character to use. The top level player shouldn't be hindered by this, and he should be demonstrating consistently dominating play even if the character is tricky to use. If the character is so tricky to use that the top-level player is running into problems all the time even at top level play, that means at full capacity the character still struggles, and thus isn't high/top tier. So for those reasons, I don't feel theory 2 explains it. So if Ayane weren't being played due to difficulty in use, even by top players, that would mean her full efficiency is lower tier than the other characters we see a lot (which I don't feel is the case). So, maybe players are just picking who they like to be (theory 3)

Theory 3) Beyond the statistical improbability of this and how silly it would be were that the case, look at the character distribution at large. Statistically speaking, the characters being used the most are likely to be the ones used most in top level play. Thus, Ayane should be fucking everywhere. But she isn't. What could explain this? Perhaps she's more difficult to use? Well, we already addressed that earlier, and why that shouldn't be an obstacle getting in the way of top-players (it would more likely be an issue for the casuals and online players, but instead we see the opposite; that's a whole 'nother can of worms I don't want to get in to right now).

So when you say "I'm sure there's a good reason," those are the reasons I see, and I don't consider any of them "good."
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There are a few competing theories as to why we see the same select few characters in the offline tournies.
Theory 1) They are the best/top tier characters
Theory 2) They are easier to use than other characters
Theory 3) They're fun, and by sheer happenstance the top players just happen to like playing the same characters

All are partially true and partially false.
Theory 1) They are typically high tier characters that are played a lot. But some high tier characters are just as good (or better) than the ones we see all the time, but are rarely used. Why? Well, maybe it's better they're easier to use (ie: theory 2).

Theory 2) But there are numerous great characters that are piss-easy to use (comparatively) that see next to zero use in these situations. Some much easier than some of the characters we see more frequently. I'm not going to name-drop characters because I've already filled-up by butthurt dispensing quota for the day, but if theory 2 were true, I feel like we'd be seeing them at least a bit more, if not a lot more. Furthermore, top-level players shouldn't be concerning themselves with this issue to begin with. A high tier character should be consistently played at full capacity by a top level player. And when that happens, if the top-level player is still struggling, that goes beyond character use difficulty. That means the character struggles, which then indicates they're not quite so high tier. Run a hypothetical: say the best character in the game has 10 times the execution as the next most difficult character to use. The top level player shouldn't be hindered by this, and he should be demonstrating consistently dominating play even if the character is tricky to use. If the character is so tricky to use that the top-level player is running into problems all the time even at top level play, that means at full capacity the character still struggles, and thus isn't high/top tier. So for those reasons, I don't feel theory 2 explains it. So if Ayane weren't being played due to difficulty in use, even by top players, that would mean her full efficiency is lower tier than the other characters we see a lot (which I don't feel is the case). So, maybe players are just picking who they like to be (theory 3)

Theory 3) Beyond the statistical improbability of this and how silly it would be were that the case, look at the character distribution at large. Statistically speaking, the characters being used the most are likely to be the ones used most in top level play. Thus, Ayane should be fucking everywhere. But she isn't. What could explain this? Perhaps she's more difficult to use? Well, we already addressed that earlier, and why that shouldn't be an obstacle getting in the way of top-players (it would more likely be an issue for the casuals and online players, but instead we see the opposite; that's a whole 'nother can of worms I don't want to get in to right now).

So when you say "I'm sure there's a good reason," those are the reasons I see, and I don't consider any of them "good."

Lol, I should've known when I asked Brute to "elaborate" on something that I'd get a frickin' essay xD. Ayane's actually a very unique case in the sense that she is a very solid character, that also happens to be very popular at a "Low Level", however I think her lack of representation at a "High level" may be due to a lack of proper understanding of her toolset (or laziness possibly).

Or maybe the "High Level Players" don't find Ayane fun to use at a "High Level"? I will say that she is incredibly rewarding to win with offline and does an excellent job of testing the opponent's MU knowledge of her.

Hayabusa's another character that is whored out at Low Level Play, and rarely used in High Level Play.


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Lol, I should've known when I asked Brute to "elaborate" on something that I'd get a frickin' essay xD.

Ayane's actually a very unique case in the sense that she is a very solid character, that also happens to be very popular at a "Low Level", however I think her lack of representation at a "High level" may be due to a lack of proper understanding of her toolset (or laziness possibly).

Or maybe the "High Level Players" don't find Ayane fun to use at a "High Level"? I will say that she is incredibly rewarding to win with offline and does an excellent job of testing the opponent's MU knowledge of her.
These are exactly the points I was raising and why I don't consider them "good reasons." xD