Character you dont like fighting?


Well-Known Member
All I meant when I said "I'm guessing you're the kind of person that refuses ranked matches when you see the other fighter's main" was "I'm guessing you're the kind of person that refuses ranked matches when you see the other fighter's main." What you said were all completely legitimate reasons to refuse matches, but not liking fighting a certain character isn't one of them.

He's suggesting they should add in the option to refuse certain characters from being played in lobbies so I really can't give him credit for anything. People put so much time into learning their characters just to be refused from a lobby because the creator doesn't like fighting Kasumis, Ryus, Ayanes, Hayates, Christies, Kokoros, Helenas, Brads, anyone? That's ridiculous.

So they can join a different lobby.

Just because they spent hours honing their Ninjas doesn't mean i should be stuck fighting just Ninjas.
When i play street fighter, ill ban ken and akuma because I'm sick of facing just ken and akuma all the time. Dont like it, join a different lobby or use a different character.


Well-Known Member
I'd have to say my list consists of:

Sarah: Need I even bother with a reason?

Akira: He's confusing as all hell.

Kasumi: I'm only really bothered by her in lag, but I figured I'd still list her.

Christie: More the same reason as Kasumi. (I tend to run into laggy Christie's a lot.)

Brad Wong: He always seems to blow me up hard once able to begin mounting control.

Lastly, Jann Lee, 'cause he is just bloody annoying especially if he gets in a good stun, or leg grab kick (Forgot the moves name.)


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ALPHA - 3 CB's & a 149 dmg grab. How would you like to die today?

:rachel: Rachel - How would you like to enter the vortex today? Air grab? Command grab? Or a knockdown into a foot stomp reset?

:genfu: Gen Fu - Stun, delay, reset, repeat...

Any Ninja, Lisa, Mila or Helena in lag

These characters all grind my gears in one way or another. On the other hand Kokoro, can be deceptively fun to fight when your sidestep actually works.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Mila - NOTHING is more irritating then Punch, Punch, GRAB THE **** OUT OF NOWHERE AND WATCH YOU GET PASTED! Or knock her to the ground GRAB THE **** OUT OF NOWHERE AND BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!

Helena - Good Helenas infuriate the crap out of me because it's kinda hard telling what move she'll bust out due to her speed and variants.

Ryu and Hayate - Mainly the Spammers who use their quick, powerful attacks that go into their options...
I'm still having issues fighting Hayate well, but it's borderline BS how many Basic Ryus I play that lag...


Gayate and Olga
Because every lobby I join theres a minimum of 3 Gayate players and I'm so done hearing that man's groaning and throw up sounding voice
Olga because she looks like a crack head Sarah
and ppl spam her heel grabthat penetrates me and violates me everytime


Well-Known Member
Kinda old thread but anyway mine would be Brad Wong because it's never a good feeling losing to someone whose relaxing on the floor and Rachel because she is always treading on my characters body like they're garbage, lol so insulting. I kinda admit it's my own fault that i get into these situations but it still annoys me when it happens lol.

It's funny because i enjoy using these characters too but at the same time hate playing against them.


Well-Known Member
It's funny because i enjoy using these characters too but at the same time hate playing against them.
That's pretty much all the characters I use. xD I like using Ayane, Christie, Kasumi, and Leifang. But fighting them is such a chore I hate it.


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Hayate, Hayabusa, Jann Lee, GenFu, Helena, and Christie. Rachel isn't too bad anymore once you get used to her bullshit. However, the one's I mentioned are just a pain in the ass to fight whether you beat them or not.
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Jann Lee, Hitomi, Kokoro, Rig, Momiji, Hayate, Hayabusa, Helena, Bass, Leifang, Bayman, Leon, Alpha-152 (though I can beat her pretty easy), and Gen Fu.
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I don't like fighting Kasumi because mirror matches are boring (unless they're for learning purposes; I'd enjoy them then.)
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Well-Known Member
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Jann Lee, Hitomi, Rig, Momiji, Hayate, Hayabusa, Helena, Bass, Leifang, Bayman, Leon, Alpha-152 (though I can beat her pretty easy), and Gen Fu.

I think the better question is who do you like fighting? Also, how the hell can someone hate on Bass? Dude has to work for his victories.


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That's my updated list, sans Ayane, because I like fighting against Ayanes. Though I think my issue with Brad Wong is lack of character knowledge.

Brad's a completely fair character that requires a lot of dedication to utilize properly against someone who knows how to fight him. Take him into the lab to see what I mean. Same with Ayane.