DOA 5 Tina Thread


Well-Known Member
The second one. I want to be two back dashes away from someone, that's Tina's happy place if she doesn't have a stun combo going. Across the screen, I can't do shit to get in close if they want to run away all day and since it's incredibly hard to punish their spam it's their game entirely. MIla's got more or less the same problem, but at least she has the 66k and 66p, not shitty-ass slow and unsafe idiot dive and drop kick. Running OH would sure help.

This really annoys me also, if the opponent runs away completely i might go for a 6k+h or just run and back away a little to bait them. If it hits- low throw if it s guarded 1p or 1k going for crush. 66k and 66p are good options. I mentioned the unblockable clothesline after 66pp that has really been effective for me so far, it is evasive on counter hold. I use the Shining wizard on shorter distances as it doesn't require much execution.

Ace Flibble

6H+k and qcfP are all I've found useful for closing the distance on the many Ryus and Jann Lees that stay back. qcfP in particular seems to get them every time, I know statistically it's not a great move but if they fall for it then it's as good as any and they do seem to eat it a lot. I don't think I've had a single person block or counter it online yet. Don't forget that lots of things that don't seem viable at first work perfectly well when you're talking about online where virtually everything is safe.

My problem, more than anything, are the people that bulldog you into a corner. With holds being nigh-on useless online, right up close it feels my only option is to just hope they screw up their own strings so I can fit in a 6H+K, 1K or 4K. Really wish Tina would have a sidestep version of 2P+K like Bayman. ssK works sometimes, but it's not much.

The Shining Wizard really does need to be OH, right now using it is just asking your opponent to puch you out the air. The Frankensteiner should be OH too, partly just for the hell of it so it's not a waste of disc space and partly because it makes sense in the context of wrestling.


Active Member
Sort of what I suspected then, I guess I'll have to start using more qcf p. I just wish the recovery wasn't so bad, but at least it's a ground throw if they don't tech.

So, 2p+k... anybody ever get anything worthwhile out of the roll?


Active Member
I love Tina's roll!! she can do a mid punch (that will launch) or a crush mid kick (guarantees a ground throw) or you can use it as an evasive tool, baiting tool, or a fake out. You just need to learn ways to incorporate it into your gameplay, and when and when not to use it. It can be very useful ;)

Ace Flibble

Well, colour me surprised. I've been smacked out of it so many times when other OHs would connect. Oh well, I can always blame online for throwing my judgement off ;)

The roll has its uses, certainly. I like using the kick out of it to cover distance and humiliate turtling players, though I do find qcfP works a little more often. Rolling then 1K or ssK catches a lot of people out too, though granted it's not exactly the safest plan of action. Not found a use for the 2P+K P though.

I'd also like to register my happiness at facing one of those keep-away, teleport-spamming Ryus on Lab and baiting them into a hi-counter MDT three times. Gotta love draining a whole bar in two moves and humiliating a dry spammer at the same time.


Active Member
The problem with 8f+p is it's like 30 frames to become active. I think the major use is probably to try catching techs or people falling out of stun. The big nasty animation makes them think it's a strike and they might block or hold right into it, especially if you 8k once in a while. Anytime you're using it and you're not +20 or so it's a big risk.


Active Member
Does anyone here play Tina aggressively? I sometimes find myself spacing too much or being too defensive when I should be pressing the attack. This is what gets me killed the most imo. I have trouble really keeping the pressure going, especially after knockdown.


Active Member
Does anyone here play Tina aggressively? I sometimes find myself spacing too much or being too defensive when I should be pressing the attack. This is what gets me killed the most imo. I have trouble really keeping the pressure going, especially after knockdown.
I'm certainly not good enough to offer an expert opinion, but I'll offer mine nonetheless:
I think you generally should start off with Tina as a striker - as aggressive as possible untill you notice your oponent is getting defensive. Really, If you don't bring the pressure there's no reason for your opponent to block or start throwing out counters, and that's what you really want, so you can bring the pain with her throws. HC even better:).
At least that's how I try to play her, but sadly between my laggy equipment and online in general I'm lucky if I can move, nevermind land anything, but that's me and not the character;).
Ideally, you want your opponent scared to block, and more scared not to. She has some decent evasive moves (1p, I think) and a quick low lauch (Counter hit 7k for example) is still enough for for a quick airgrab for decent enough damage to make someone think about it. It also messes with peoples heads.:)
As always, I appreciate correction of any false assumptions I may be burdened with.


Active Member
I don't really think you can play Tina rushdown style very succesfully; you need some kind of opening (a punishable attack/whiff from the opponent, or 7k/6f+k/1k/46p/44p) to get in to mitigate your frame disadvantage. Once she's in, yeah, stay on top of them all day, you can crouch over them after a hard knockdown and even pressure pretty well after a tech roll, and they better be real careful about trying to hold out. But you can't just pppp like some characters.

Ace Flibble

You can bulldog with Tina if you're playing against someone who isn't terribly sure of their own game. Tina's got the most even and widest mix up of any character so even though everything's fairly well telegraphed you're still unlikely to get countered. Well, unless you stick in one too many mid punches. A really calm and confident player will of course have no problem shutting you down but then you get to use their confidence to trick them into eating hi-counter holds and throws.

Ooobe's right, no matter who you're against you don't want to be passive and defensive right from the start. Throwing out some offense - possibly even eating a combo or two - is the only way you'll trick a good player into falling for your big damage throws anyway. If you go on the defensive right away then you'll just be bulldogged yourself and never stand a chance.

Get in a few quick hits to begin with and see how they react. If they obviously start to panic and can't defend, continue the beat down. If they know what they're doing and block you out, start with the mind games and force them to take an MDT. Then they'll be scared and you can rush 'em ;)


Gotta ask, how do you guys start matches against speedy characters? I mean at the very start, when they have freedom to get all up in your face before 'Fight' appears/is said. That always annoys me. I get that we have choices, but they're all a guess and they're all defensive. A sidestep seems the best option, but with a minimum of 3 rounds and a max of 5, all the opponent needs to do is throw, although speedy characters tend to have weak throws. Of course, variety is the spice of life, but it's mainly defensive variety.

So, what do you guys do?


Well-Known Member
Gotta ask, how do you guys start matches against speedy characters? I mean at the very start, when they have freedom to get all up in your face before 'Fight' appears/is said. That always annoys me. I get that we have choices, but they're all a guess and they're all defensive. A sidestep seems the best option, but with a minimum of 3 rounds and a max of 5, all the opponent needs to do is throw, although speedy characters tend to have weak throws. Of course, variety is the spice of life, but it's mainly defensive variety.

So, what do you guys do?

crouching 3pp

Ace Flibble

1P, 1K, 6K, 4K if they haven't insisted on pushing right up in your face, ssK, mid punch hold, low hold and neutral throw are all pretty solid, in my experience online. Simply blocking isn't a bad move either, as the fast moves people often throw out to begin with are either unsafe or give such little advantage on block that it doesn't matter. You can try 66H+P, though if lag's bad it probably will be beaten.

1P is my particular favourite since on the rare times you do meet a smarter player online they'll often begin by blocking low (and dumber PPPPP-mashing players will simply be beaten by it) and 1P gives you a ridiculous time to buffer inputs, so blocked or not you can get in virtually anything else you want afterwards; 46H+P, 46P+K, hcfH+P, 64H+P and, if you're nimble and comfortable with using a shortcut, 614H+P all come out ridiculously quickly after 1P (on block or otherwise). Between that and the lag inherent in even the fastest and smoothest connections, you're pretty much guaranteed to be opening the round with a big damage throw. That's going to scare the hell out of your opponent so you're free to trick them into anything else you want and they'll be very wary opening the next round.


Active Member
What's 46p+k? am i missing a move somewhere?

A few things:

You shouldn't need to shortcut WR 64p after 1p, you're already crouching.

You are negative on normal hit and block after 1p, so be careful about pressing your advantage too much. While it's definitely more possible online, I wouldn't count on lag to save you. A sidestep, on the other hand, might not be the worst idea.

Unfortunately, I tend to agree that you're pretty screwed if they're up in your grill. Your only real options are p, 1p, hold 3p, or hold/block/sidestep. I'd argue hold 3p is the best option if you must attack off the bat, as it's fastest at 12 frames so you have some chance of at least trading with a quick mid and it's still going to duck highs. If they start figuring you're going to open with that, you may be able to mix in P to try and beat/trade a fast mid. Even still, I'd say mixing between hold 3p and sidestep is your safest bet. I would consider opening with 46f+p possibly as well; it high crushes pretty much right away and a high-counter tackle into a giant swing is a great opener. The thing is that Tina is almost always going to get beat by a faster character at even frames, so you need to keep some room between you and them or get the hell out of there. She's got good strikes at range but she is far too slow for fighting up close.


Active Member
Has anyone found other unholdable stuns besides 8P and PKP/KP in closed stance¿

kk and bt k are both unholdable. You can technically struggle out of the bt k stun but it just makes things worse, since you can't turn around to block a followup. Lei Fang and Bayman might be able to get out though. After bt k or kk hits otherwise it's a totally unavoidable combo.


Active Member

Thanks for the input. A lot of my friends have been resorting to low countering to avoid the MDT. Been trying to improve my rushdown, though I do notice i throw out a lot of mid punches especially after 1p. Based on what I've been doing in lab, 6P seems like the only move guaranteed after a CH 1P (unless they mid punch counter of course, then it's MDT time :) )

Started my Tina blog 2day. Still lots more to come. Please enjoy

Thank you for this. Been working on implementing this after a successful 6H+K or any other hit that normally gives a guaranteed ground throw. I've been having more success using 6H+K after the knockdown, mostly because it gives me forward momentum and puts me closer to do a throw. I'm also experimenting with 7K after the force tech if I see the opponent decides to block high. So far, I have a little more success with this when they are close to the wall.