DOA5 Future costume hopes

D Glock

Well-Known Member
Man, they sure skimped on Gen Fu's so-called new outfit. It's like they just slapped an old dish rag over his previous one. I'm digging the rest, though.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Tina gets a shitty one, Fang and Hele get recolors and Jann Lee gets another shitty one... *sigh*


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I understand the trenchcoat is worth the wait, but...bringing back the stripper outfit?


Well-Known Member
I would've preferred all the costumes be on disc as unlockables. But now that DLC is profitable business practice we now end up paying for extra fluff that would have been a part of the game 8 yrs ago.I'll guess I'll just wait until DOA5 Ultimate comes out.That way I'll get all the costumes on disc for 10 bucks cheaper.

I do like the Mila outfit though.I know she comes off as the "Sakura(fromSF) I luv to fight and get stronger" character but her in games outfits are horrible.


I wish they would stop with the reusing of outfits for other characters.
I will buy this pack for Helena since I actually happen to like that outfit.

Still, another lazy pack.
Eliot in a waistcoat? Oh YES...but doesn't mean it's not another lazy recolour pack. And the four outfits I'm interested in are spread across all three separate packs. I don't even have enough money for one pack. I guess I'll have to wait until after Christmas for my long awaited Eliot outfit.

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
It's better than nothing I suppose. I'll only be buying whatever pack has Helena's in it. Shame I don't like Mila as that costume is cool, shame the quality of all the DLC isn't up to that standard.


Active Member
What's the name of the pack that has Gen Fu in it? I'll get that one. (The shop doesn't say what costumes are in what pack)


Well-Known Member
Mila. Christie. Brad. That's it.

The rest are just another rip-off and ugly swaps, and they missed pretty good iconic costumes from the past for some of them :
- Lei Fang's kenpo should have been in the China Pack instead of Helena's rip-off
- Helena's opera dress should have been in the Formal Pack instead of Lei Fang's swap color
- Zack should have had a real creative costume, not just another color. This one or even this one would have been perfect to go with Tina's red star or Tina's skater outfit.

Tina's governor costume is okay. Bass is okay. Christie is so iconic, so that makes sense.
The rest is okay I guess.


Well-Known Member
Why the fuck did they try to slide that fuckin bunny recolor Kasumi outfit in there like no one would notice that shit? Lol Im done... And Zack... Someone kill me.