DOA5 Is "Not Looking to be a Technical Fighter"


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Personally, I think you're screwed forever if your starting game is something like DOA. The low level entry plus the rock-paper-scissors (you guys call it triangle), means that you're gonna end up being a scrub if you move onto other 3D and you have to dedicate shit loads of time just getting used to the other systems.
This is currently my struggle, haha.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
Having DOA as a starting game to learn is not bad. DOA4 is a bad starting game to learn as a fighter. I just wanted to clear that up becuase the previous DOA's are not bad, compared to the current.


You shut your mouth, good sir. Tekken has one of the best movement systems. I prefer SS crouch cancels and dash cancels over free stepping any day.

hahaha saw that coming a mile off. And yes, what tekken can do with it's movement system is definitely superior to DOA's freestepping by far. The function is wonderful, I just have issues with the control scheme behind it. But hey, that's what I get for not dedicating more time to the game. Can't really complain about it.

Team Ninja should just adopt the VF5 movement system. That shit is perfect.

Yup. Shame they won't, but it would work with the engine and control scheme 100% and would definitely improve the game.

Hayashi seems very adamant about keeping shit simple. The only two possible reasons are that he is genuinely scared of what will happen if he deepens the game, or that he simply does not know how and isn't willing to do that research.

Personally, I think you're screwed forever if your starting game is something like DOA. The low level entry plus the rock-paper-scissors (you guys call it triangle), means that you're gonna end up being a scrub if you move onto other 3D and you have to dedicate shit loads of time just getting used to the other systems.

Not really. low level entry yea, and RPS is a horrible system, don't get me wrong, but if you take that shit all the way you can get very good at yomi. To win RPS consistently.. i mean fuck, you have to there's no other way. We've proven time and time again that it can be done too, it's just so fucking mind numbing that you end up hating yourself, your game, and everyone around you by the time you've reached that point.

DOA players still benefit from learning frame data, since even though we lack moves with proper frame advantage we still have to punish shit correctly. Offbeat ninja and black mamba moved on to soul calibur and did fine. perfect legend has moved on to all sorts of other games and is kicking peoples asses. He just recently took evo champion title for MK9.

I would say that being good at DOA 4 does not automatically make you good at other fighting games. Not by a longshot. I wouldn't say it screws you over forever though. Far from it. That said, most DOA 4 players are fuckin terrible at their own game, let alone other ones, so its a moot point.


I can... but its heavy reading.


You really learn it, pick up VF4 evolution. That game has probably the single most ridiculously awesome training mode ever seen in a fighter.

There are differences between VF4 and VF5 obviously, but... damn. I can't say enough about that training mode.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
What I don't understand is why the hell Rikuto and the other commoners around here, who actually created the website, administer it and participate in the podcasts hate all the games in the franchise except for a japanese version nobody has... What's the reason for FSD to exist then¿ Do you guys really think DOA5 will play like 3.1¿ Of course not. DOA5 will be another DOA4 with better graphics, action sequences and a handful of new characters.

There's no way in hell TN will try to make DOA5 like 3.1 when they never cared to universally release that version of the Original Xbox game. You guys are extremely dramatic about how DOA4 turned out. It's clearly not the most competitive fighter out there but as someone mentioned here, every good DOA4 player tends to get good results in other fighting games. I'm one of the best, if not THE best DOA player in my country and always play other titles like Blazblue, VF5, UMvC3, KOF, MK9, SC4, etc and while I do admit they have more technical properties, I still prefer DOA over all of them.

I don't want anyone here to get offended by what I'm going to say because I'm not entirely familiar with what really happened at DOACentral but I think the hate DOA4 gets here is because of the retarded community problems that happened over that site that was fairly successful at gathering fans and teaching them how to play. DOA4 is an excellent game, and if we, the so-called fans of the series never stop bashing it then the series should probably just die and you all should just go and play other franchises.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
^^^ It's cool dude. There are people who like driving with handcuffs too. There's is probably a championship for that in Japan. Too bad no body in Japan actually plays Doa4.

Funny how you guys use VF's movement table yet you don't know how things work in VF. Ever since VF4Evo everything was straightened out and played fluidly and I pretty much space in a similar fashion as I do in Tekken. I still play that game. The disk has seen the worst shit you could think of, but it still works and it's one of my treasured games.

I really want to get into one of these podcasts and just point out all the shit missing from this series. You guys do drink, right?


Well-Known Member
UncleKitchener said:
Personally, I think you're screwed forever if your starting game is something like DOA. The low level entry plus the rock-paper-scissors (you guys call it triangle), means that you're gonna end up being a scrub if you move onto other 3D and you have to dedicate shit loads of time just getting used to the other systems.
Sure the game if fast paced, but the entry level is probably the lowest among fighting game and that is bad.

You say this...yet no one outside of DoA has ever done well playing DoA (despite bashing it all the time) while multiple people from the DoA community have gone on to do fairly well in other fighting games. So really, your theory just kind of gets blown out the window. While I feel that DoA4 is a terrible game because its based around RPS, you can't deny that people who get good at DoA4 can use those RPS reflexes to improve their adjustments and reading their opponents in other fighters, because like it or not (and you can deny it till you are blue in the face) all fighters have some sort of RPS/guessing game involved in them, just not on the level of DoA4

I really want to get into one of these podcasts and just point out all the shit missing from this series.

You'd have to talk to grap3 about that one. I'd be interested to be in on this conversation to hear opinions from people from other communities. We tend to talk more about DoA3.1 and DoA++ though since we kind of all despise DoA4 and pretty much make fun of everything it did wrong heh...


Well-Known Member
TRI Mike said:
What I don't understand is why the hell Rikuto and the other commoners around here, who actually created the website, administer it and participate in the podcasts hate all the games in the franchise except for a japanese version nobody has... What's the reason for FSD to exist then¿

See, thats where you are wrong. We don't hate the franchise, we hate DoA4. When have we ever gone out of our way to bash other DoA games or try and make it seem like we despise the franchise? None of us here have ever done that, and if we hated the franchise we wouldn't even bother posting on this site. DoA3.1 just happens to be our favorite version, and it also happens to be the best version, while DoA4 is the worst DoA and many of us simply just can't stand it from a competitive point of view.

TRI Mike said:
Do you guys really think DOA5 will play like 3.1¿

No we do not expect it to play like doa3.1. We'd like it if they took things from DoA3.1 and used that as their mapping for the game over DoA4, but regardless if it plays like DoA3.1 or not, we simply want a solid DoA game again.

TRI Mike said:
Of course not. DOA5 will be another DOA4 with better graphics, action sequences and a handful of new characters

Wow...way to roll over dead and call it quits. And you have the gall to call us out for not being fans of the series? Nah it's cool, we just want a better game, but the real fans just take it up the ass apparently.

TRI Mike said:
You guys are extremely dramatic about how DOA4 turned out.

We are not being dramatic. DoA4 is a BAD game from a competitive standpoint, simple as that.

TRI Mike said:
I'm one of the best, if not THE best DOA player in my country.

Aaaaaaaand there it is. This is where I stopped taking you seriously, and where I should have stopped reading. If you wanna make claims like that, go make them of tkplayers or doacentral where all the fake players pretend to be awesome. FSD was made to help educate players, not to boost some kind of ego. We want to leave that doac mentality crap behind us.

TRI Mike said:
I don't want anyone here to get offended by what I'm going to say because I'm not entirely familiar with what really happened at DOACentral but I think the hate DOA4 gets here is because of the retarded community problems that happened over that site that was fairly successful at gathering fans and teaching them how to play.

No, we hate on DoA 4 ,because again, IT WAS A BAD GAME. You can like it or not, but it is as simple as that. DoA4 was terrible, and it's been proven that it's terrible by it's own community several times. The shit community had a part in it, but overall its simply because DoA4 was garbage.

TRI Mike said:
DOA4 is an excellent game

Sorry, but no, it is not...

TRI Mike said:
and if we, the so-called fans of the series never stop bashing it then the series should probably just die and you all should just go and play other franchises.

We bash it because we are fans of the series. We criticize it because we want a BETTER game. We WANT DoA5 to be a competitive game.


Mike, Doacentral gathered fans and taught them how to play because virtuapai and sorwah gave them all the tools necessary to do just that. People like Tom Brady was constantly hyping, setting up, and funding tournaments as well.

Note that at one point in time, all of these people had positions of power over there, but now they are here, and because of that doacentral is no longer a functional website. They ARE the reason there is a community of people who know how to play the game.

Now that out of the way, if you want to like DOA 4, you are welcome to like DOA 4. Nobody is going to hit you over the head with a club for it, but we have listed many many many many times why we believe it is a terrible game. Other communities tend to agree with basically every point we raise in fact, so the evidence is pretty damning.

What I don't understand is why the hell Rikuto and the other commoners around here, who actually created the website, administer it and participate in the podcasts hate all the games in the franchise except for a japanese version nobody has... What's the reason for FSD to exist then¿

For gameplay related DOA discussion and strategy, a thing which does not exist in any kind of substance on any other website related to DOA anymore. We have a clearly preferred game in the series, but that doesn't mean we despise all aspects of every single other game. It just means you would have to drill a hole through my head to ever convince me to play them competitively again. And yes, Mike, I have competed much much much more than you have in DOA 4, I have gone to dozens of offline tournaments over the years, when it was popular and when it was not, and traveled from every corner of the US and even into Canada.

I want you to know that if you had gone through everything I had gone through, I can promise that you would have reached the exact same conclusion we all did. You get to a certain point where your love for the game turns sour because there is absolutely no way for you to improve, no matter how talented or how devout you are for self improvement. There is nothing left to blame but the game for being what it is.

You would have reached this conclusion, because it is the only thing that could possibly be left to confront you. I will say this, no country outside of the US has ever had a scene like ours did, and never reached the height of competition that ours did. Traditionally, the people who don't have the biggest gripes with the game are also from outside of the US. I like to think these two facts are connected somehow.

There's no way in hell TN will try to make DOA5 like 3.1 when they never cared to universally release that version of the Original Xbox game.

You don't know that, and they had no reason to. They were not even aware it was the best competitive version until earlier this year. All they saw was a guy spamming hayates cartwheel at the tournament in japan, so that's what they based their decisions off of for 3.2 and DOA 4. We have a somewhat lagged line of communication with them, but we do have a line of communication, and we can finally relay these things. Before, it was impossible.

DOA4 is an excellent game, and if we, the so-called fans of the series never stop bashing it then the series should probably just die and you all should just go and play other franchises.

We're already playing other franchises, and if DOA 5 is like DOA 4 you might just get your wish on seeing the nail hit the coffin. We'll see though. We've been with the game a long time, we'd rather it went in the right direction.

If it doesn't, well, others can pick up the torch. Nobody is forcing you to think like us.

Here's a fun quote from phoenix.

put doa4 in the xbox for the first time in a while... xbox chewed it up and spit it out cracked :/ i feel like it's trying to tell me something

I can't imagine why...


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
If it doesn't, well, others can pick up the torch. Nobody is forcing you to think like us.
You don't have to. You guys do seem to be overwhelming at first glance. I wouldn't be surprised if he sees this as you guys bashing him.

If it comes to that, well you know me. I'll get to my usual.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I understand what you all mean but seriously. Almost every thread I visit over here have a few comments saying DOA4 is garbage. If I were a new player getting interested in the series and come here for the first time only to see the fans saying all that, I'd simply leave to post in a forum related to another franchise.

Just lower the hate you have for DOA4 because if you keep telling people 4 sucks and the only good DOA game is an almost-impossible-to-find-unless-pirated japanese version then we'll never get many members.


Well-Known Member
I have a idea for the PODCAST- how about a Q&A submission. So thos of who cant get on can still get question.
As for players from doing good outside of DOA I can agree. When WCG picked up VF5 and was running online prelims, I had only played the game a few months. I was constantly being told how good my yomi/spacing game was and I just need to stop repeating my combo that or i tended to leave Sarah in the Flamingo Stance to much lol


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
You say this...yet no one outside of DoA has ever done well playing DoA (despite bashing it all the time) while multiple people from the DoA community have gone on to do fairly well in other fighting games. So really, your theory just kind of gets blown out the window. While I feel that DoA4 is a terrible game because its based around RPS, you can't deny that people who get good at DoA4 can use those RPS reflexes to improve their adjustments and reading their opponents in other fighters, because like it or not (and you can deny it till you are blue in the face) all fighters have some sort of RPS/guessing game involved in them, just not on the level of DoA4

You'd have to talk to grap3 about that one. I'd be interested to be in on this conversation to hear opinions from people from other communities. We tend to talk more about DoA3.1 and DoA++ though since we kind of all despise DoA4 and pretty much make fun of everything it did wrong heh...

Hey, I was saying those people who started with DOA and practised on that are probably gonna struggle with other things. Most of you had probably started playing fighting game back in the early 90s like Street Fighter. I started playing fighters back in the Sega megadrive days, so street fighter was my first.

Grap3, you like having guests?


I understand what you all mean but seriously. Almost every thread I visit over here have a few comments saying DOA4 is garbage. If I were a new player getting interested in the series and come here for the first time only to see the fans saying all that, I'd simply leave to post in a forum related to another franchise.

Just lower the hate you have for DOA4 because if you keep telling people 4 sucks and the only good DOA game is an almost-impossible-to-find-unless-pirated japanese version then we'll never get many members.

We've done alright so far, haven't we? And we're not going to build a community on a lie.

I talked with Sorwah very early on and told him what was necessary if he wanted a really active forum that was alternate to doacentral. He made it clear that he wanted this, whatever numbers it could possibly bring, and not something like doaworld which WOULD grab more members.

This website is very clear cut in its purpose, and I have been watching it grow despite the lack of google hits and a general rebellion to the DOA 4 gameplay mindset. This is what it needs to be, and this is what it will be. We are not going to tone down our hatred for the worst game in the series, especially when it needs to be emphasized the most -- right before a major release. If anything, we should be more vocal about it.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Hate is such a strong word. I don't think I hate it, I just strongly prefer all other iterations of the series (yes, including DOA1). Plus, it provides me Ayane, Hitomi, and Kasumi's tits in HD while allowing me to sticky grenade any ninja any time I want. Sounds fine by me.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
And we're not going to build a community on a lie.

-This speak volumes. Doing so will lead the developers to believe Doa4 was sufficient at being a competitive fighter. In fact, Doa4 was not even sufficient being a casual fighter(missing many of the bells and whistles that were in Doa2u). It doesn't hurt to voice our concerns with the direction of the series, and how we would like for it become competition worthy once again.


Active Member
We've done alright so far, haven't we? And we're not going to build a community on a lie.

I talked with Sorwah very early on and told him what was necessary if he wanted a really active forum that was alternate to doacentral. He made it clear that he wanted this, whatever numbers it could possibly bring, and not something like doaworld which WOULD grab more members.

This website is very clear cut in its purpose, and I have been watching it grow despite the lack of google hits and a general rebellion to the DOA 4 gameplay mindset. This is what it needs to be, and this is what it will be. We are not going to tone down our hatred for the worst game in the series, especially when it needs to be emphasized the most -- right before a major release. If anything, we should be more vocal about it.
If this is the general mindset on FSD then im really glad to be here. DOAC and DOAW really have shit content. I have only recently bothered with DOA forums [or any FG forums at all] and the first one I bothered with was FSD. Because of you guyz I decided to expand a bit and joined the aforementioned sites as well. Spent about 20 minutes on both, realised my mistake and never looked back.

DOA5 - It would seem my earlier question regarding the DOA IP was indeed stupid lol. So now I have another, this time regarding the future. Lets say that DOA5 DOES actually get based off of DOA3.1 [this does not seem unlikely at all imo, TN has its ears open and im pretty sure FSD are shouting the loudest, or are indeed the only ones shouting at all] Now lets add to that the "True SS" [I hope] and their fancy graphics and dynamic views. Is this actually enough to [1] wipe away everybody's stupid impressions of DOA as a whole [2] give birth to a next-gen community big enough to cement DOA as a valid online competitor, knowing that our rivals are the EXTREMELY popular SC and Tekken series [3] Please the Oririnal DOA community i.e YOU GUYZ.
It seems like an insanely tall order if you ask me