DOA5 Weekly League

Would you be interested in a weekly online league?

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Well-Known Member
So I'll drop the scores in as CrimsonSeer has played most of his games already:
CrimsonSeer 3 - 0 BlitzOmen
CrimsonSeer 3 - 0 thekingtavy
CrimsonSeer 3 - 0 Mailifang

Think that is all the unreported ones I've watched today. Looks like Crimson is the man to beat! Bring your MLG/PRO game for this one ladies and gents!


Well-Known Member
So I'll drop the scores in as CrimsonSeer has played most of his games already:
CrimsonSeer 3 - 0 BlitzOmen
CrimsonSeer 3 - 0 thekingtavy
CrimsonSeer 3 - 0 Mailifang

Think that is all the unreported ones I've watched today. Looks like Crimson is the man to beat! Bring your MLG/PRO game for this one ladies and gents!

Crimson opened a can a whup ass on me lol. His Helena is top tier.Helena low ass.We played some casual matches with BlitzOmen. I still got my ass kicked but it was a valuable learning experience.Thanks for the matches guys :).


Active Member
Crimson opened a can a whup ass on me lol. His Helena is top tier.Helena low ass.We played some casual matches with BlitzOmen. I still got my ass kicked but it was a valuable learning experience.Thanks for the matches guys :).
Thanks! Hope we can do it again soon. :)


New Member
Just got done with the incredibly close sets between me and chocolate's tina. It was down to less than 5% health for us on the very last round. Man, I'd love to have that round back. :p Good games Chocolate
Chocolate 2 and cetma 1

Also Mailifang and me had a fun set.
Mailifang 0 cetma 3
Hope everyone is enjoying their matches! Best of luck to everyone


Well-Known Member
I got pwned twice in one evening lol. I'm just gonna have to put mass effect 3 on hiatus and put more time in DOA 5. My feminine pride won't allow me to get pwned so decisively.:mad:
Thx for the matches and the advice newtype.GG


Well-Known Member
Casuals at the end just make the day complete.
Have to say it has been fun so far guys and thanks for joining in on this. Seen a lot of people improve over the course of 2 weeks and met some interesting people so far.

Now all we need is sponsorship funding so we can hold offline leagues and get everyone together... I'll try get a lottery win or something.

Not sure if people are interested but when we finish this leg of the league it will be coming up to christmas so I don't want to push a new one straight out but we should have 2 weeks before everyone goes christmas crazy so was thinking of setting up a double elimination tournament setup for those 2 weeks. Since it would be pretty rough to sort out everyone from all the time zones to be on at once it would follow a similar format to the league but would be every other day. Not 100% sure it'll work as smoothly as having a week to play but we can test it and see.


Well-Known Member
Score report:
BlitzOmen 2 - 1 CholateINative

Hard fought matches as per against Choco. Even got a little bit of use from my Eliot so was fun all round!


Well-Known Member
Just got some use of my wee Kokoro against DaveKore's Christie.
BlitzOmen 3 - 0 DaveKore.

Nice try Dave. You've come a long way in a short time. GG's.


Well-Known Member
Now live from a lobby near you!
DaveKore Vs. Phoenixboy020!

And we're into the first match...
Phoenix takes a hasty 2 round lead but Dave replies with his own round win!
It was over before it started ladies and gents, first match to Phoenix.

We open the 2nd match with DaveKore taking a quick round 1.
Looks like Phoenix has him figured out and cleans up round 2.
There goes round 3! DaveKore 1 - 2 Phoenixboy.
A flurry gets Dave into an early round win and finishes with a GREAT! 2-2.
After a close met battle Phoenix pulls on the reigns and finishes taking match 2 3-2.

With the current score at 2-0 to Phoenix we head into the final match of the game.
Typing this is completely pointless as Phoenix takes round 1 and 2 with some solid defensively play.
Dave sitting on defeat, 1 hit from death makes a desperate effort to stay in but takes a deep crush leaving him to fall to defeat.

Final score:
Phoenixboy020 3 - 0 DaveKore.

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
Sorry to say but I have to drop out of the League. I can't tolerate DOA5 online anymore so you won't really see me playing it.


Well-Known Member
Okay so the contingency plan for Choco leaving is as follows!

Everyone whom has already faced him will keep their match, score, points, losses, wins etc.
All those who have not faced off against him will have their names placed into a hat during the last week of the league.
You will face off with someone you have fought before but hasn't played vs. Choco. Names will be drawn to see who takes on who.
This will mean that ultimately everyone will have played the same number of matches at the end.

New fixtures for week 3 will be up soon. In a weeks time (from today, Wednesday 21st November) anyone with 0 games played will be removed UNLESS THEY HAVE A VALID REASONING.
At the end of week 3 anyone with games remaining from week 1 + 2 will be asked to get them played in the next couple of days or else face a penalty. There is a plan made to be sure that if someone did try to organise a game but it was on the other players head that they didn't reply, that they will not take a penalty. If you need more time to sort it for any reason please let me know what is happening.

This is still all fairly new to me but thanks to everyone who has been playing and kept with me as I try to make things flow as smoothly as possible. Round 2 of the league should be a lot smoother thanks to everyone involved.


Active Member
Stevo and silent my friend request still pending... Im gonna be online probably everyday each afternoon send a pm or in psn whenever you are able to do our maches...

ggs Dave


Well-Known Member
Ok i'll take Shadow's spot on the PS3, i have played you all anyway and got you on my friend list. Those that i haven't send me a FR.