DOA5U DOA5U 1.03 Patch


Well-Known Member
It's not 10 frames from F.L.O.A.T, it's 10 frames after 7K F.L.O.A.T. I sensed both of these nerfs coming a long time ago. I find it funny that after every patch, Alpha has been nerfed in someway every single time... and I really don't give a damn because the only way I'm going to lose consistently with her is if they:

1. Make it impossible to free cancel out of her P string.

Oh wait, that's all I need to win. No list needed.

7K is great, but it's way better with her back turned, and are people seriously still falling for 66P? Either duck or counter and you're good to go. My Alpha will by fine.

I'm shocked (and happy) that Genfu avoided the nerf hammer once again. He is golden. I'm using him more than Alpha now.

I can say that I love this patch, and I love the rank match fix, but it still needed more done to it.

All I can say is quit bitching and get over it, if you want to ditch your character that's your own god damned problem and it just proves in my opinion that you used the character for the wrong reasons.
well thats YOUR opinion yea your free cancel pp is all YOU need so that shows your alpha right there so i need to say no more, I however like to use other tools and all im saying is yea i use guard breaks with her and they were helping so obviously we dont fight anything a like and thats fine so good for you but im disappointed all im saying so hush with all that "quit your bitching" you can gone some where with that thanks.


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people need to understand fast ass alpha doesn't need guard breaks. Cry me a river. Also death of a ninja genfus best combo got nerfed when they made it to where you can tech power launchers in combo. Before I ALWAYS got a shit ton of easy damage and they nerfed my combo (understandable) but these alpha players always cry about their character when IMO 7k being spammable was dumb as fuck. She doeant need guard breaks as she has easily some of the best string manipulation in the gamesince if you start holding her say hello to explosion grab. Bitch needs more nerfs


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well thats YOUR opinion yea your free cancel pp is all YOU need so that shows your alpha right there so i need to say no more, I however like to use other tools and all im saying is yea i use guard breaks with her and they were helping so obviously we dont fight anything a like and thats fine so good for you but im disappointed all im saying so hush with all that "quit your bitching" you can gone some where with that thanks.
That's quite the run-on sentence.


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Also codemaster u can't throw punish alphas 7k its still -5 but they fixed it to where she has to recover before you can spam it again. It always beat out everything before.


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News Team
Hollow... I'm not just talking to you, I'm talking to everyone that has something to say. If you like the character, you will like the character enough to figure out how to get around those nerfs. Complaining about it will get you nowhere, because Team Ninja doesn't give two fucks. Master plays Ryu like a boss and I haven't heard him bitch once when he certainly could.

Sweet Revenge, still he is a golden god and he "gets his damage" and he gets it good. You have something special with the old bastard. I've been watching the fuck out of your TFC Fu, and I've also studied a few of Hajin's Fu videos -- I'm getting better with him and trying to come up with a few tricks of my own.


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No, we have a few people who are quietly doing work and are making solid suggestions. Emphasis on quietly. I could be like, make Leifang deal more damage and then an Eliot player who gets parried all day would be like hellzno nurf Leifang.

for the record.. leifang DID get nerfed ..
but again I think the change is fair ..
Her PL was a bug and was never intended to be used the way it was used.


Active Member
for the record.. leifang DID get nerfed ..
but again I think the change is fair ..
Her PL was a bug and was never intended to be used the way it was used.
So far so good on the changes that TN are doing, yes.
I have only seen VF and SF4 get such good changes.