DOA5U: Arcade discussion thread


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Anyone who's there, have they played the solo mode? I wonder who the boss is.

Probably Alpha, but I wonder how they handle it. Come to think of it, is the story a traditional fight-fight-cutscene fight-fight-fight-cutscene fight-boss setup?


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Greetings from Japan.

I bring you news-ish.
  • The attract mode plays the trailer that everyone has seen by now.
  • By default, everyone only has their first 2 costumes.
  • Upon selecting a character, the menu brings up the options for hair, glasses, "inner", and sidestepping. I'm pretty sure Inner is either bra or panty color. If you change the hair or the glasses, it shows on your character model right then and there.
  • The game was set "tournament-style" with static camera and no hit effects. Arcade 2/3, versus 3/5. Life felt like 300.
  • The game was set to OMG mode. I dunno if that's standard across all arcades. I don't usually play with that myself, so it was pretty noticeable. That's one way to catch people's attention, I suppose. You can't look at Lisa, Rachel, or Tina without imagining the pain that must be involved... (But, rest assured, Marie Rose's don't move at all. lol)
  • Arcade mode is 8 matches like everyone is familiar with.
  • The final boss is...random. (DUN DUN DUN) Nothing special to report there. The story mode credits play afterward, including single-tear Kasumi clone at the end.
  • I'm probably not the best person to talk to about Marie Rose seeing as I had no idea what I was doing while using her. She seems fun, though. I'll likely stick to Ayane and Ryu, however.
  • Everything felt...pretty similar. It doesn't seem like there have been any drastic changes to the system. I tried out Ayane, Hayabusa, Kasumi, and Marie Rose. The CPU was set to Easy, I believe, so there wasn't a real test of my skills involved.
  • Kasumi's new win pose has her do a twirl and a ninja-y pose with "This is Mugen-Tenshin style."
  • The "Press Start" screen has a character say something to you. For instance, Ayane will say "Let's see how strong you are." / "Tameshite ageru wa."
  • This is just my nitpick, but while the portraits above the lifebars are a nice change, it really, because of how abrupt the edges look. I would prefer some kind of outline box or faded edges. But, that really has nothing to with anything, does it...?
  • I can confirm that Marie Rose's theme involves drums and a guitar. It just might be in major key. But, it's loud in those arcades.
I eventually got challenged to a duel.
  • The costume unlock system will give you a puzzle piece every so many fights (if you have the card). The rub is that the pieces that you get may not be all for the same costume. I.E. a piece for costume 3 here, a piece for costume 5 there...
I may give it another go if I have a coin and some free time, but it doesn't feel like anything drastic has been done at this point.

Any changes in the slightest to Brad? If someone could confirm anything at some point thatd be great :)
I did fight Brad once, but it was the CPU and I kicked his drunk ass to the curb before he could do anything. Sorry.
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Though there might not be any balance updates yet, I want a port, or a compatibility update. I just want to hear Zack go: Paatii no Hajimatsu Stazei!" on press start.


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  • The game was set to OMG mode. I dunno if that's standard across all arcades. I don't usually play with that myself, so it was pretty noticeable. That's one way to catch people's attention, I suppose. You can't look at Lisa, Rachel, or Tina without imagining the pain that must be involved... (But, rest assured, Marie Rose's don't move at all. lol)
Setting the game to this mode is quite unnecessary imo.

  • Kasumi's new win pose has her do a twirl and a ninja-y pose with "This is Mugen-Tenshin style."

Oh, that's cool :D


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I hope Zack gets a new Win pose. Maybe the "I'm the man!" one. Where he knees the air, does a roundhouse kick, and then looks to the sky like a boss.


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@werewolfgold Thanks for the info and I know that it's only a casual aspect, but it's really nice to see that Team Ninja is really adding new poses to the characters (so maybe the idea of Momiji getting the pose that she displayed in the promotional pic of her legacy outfit, could have some chances to be true).

I agree with you that a little box where to put the characters icons on the HUD, would have been better.


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Thanks for the info.
OMG breast setting, huh? That's gotta be annoying/distracting. Personally, I have the breast physics set to "off."

Anything new/cool you noticed with Hayabusa from the get-go?


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I hope that Helena's "Now do you understand my dear?" and "May the bells of good fortune ring." quotes have different animations this time or at least one of them changed into something unique.

Oh and maybe replace one of them with the "Can we be more elegant than this?" win pose from DOA4.

Macca Beam

Well-Known Member
The game was set to OMG mode
Psychological strategy.

it doesn't feel like anything drastic has been done at this point.
That's good to know, actually. This means we won't be getting Dead or Alive 5: The Ultimax: Deluxe Edition Xtreme Legends next year.


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Psychological strategy.

Mhmm ... in which way? By trying to confirm the point of view some people have that DOA players only play it because they have big need of seeing boobies flying around? The adage "Sex sells" might be right in some ways, but if someone who already has this prejudice comes around seeing this, I'm sure he will turn on his heel's even faster.

That might be no problem if it can be changed/switched off though. It just looks creepy on characters like Rachel or Tina.