Good game, Bad game Online/Offline thread

Pictured Mind

Well-Known Member
GGs to @Pictured Mind. #NerfHelena #BuffPhase4

Good games again. Like I said, as far as good games online go.
When I held the second punch in your 3PPP string and my hold got delayed, you somehow got a high counter wall throw off on me. DOA had broken me at that point and I just didn't care at all anymore. :( Fact that I couldn't punish didn't make it better. Our lag never was this bad, lol.

Last two games I knew I had to go hardcore in order to still have some pride and dignity, lol. Good games anyway. I had some fun.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
ggs to everyone I played tonight

Even if everyone was doused in salt, I still enjoyed myself.
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Vigoorian King

Well-Known Member
Good games again. Like I said, as far as good games online go.
When I held the second punch in your 3PPP string and my hold got delayed, you somehow got a high counter wall throw off on me. DOA had broken me at that point and I just didn't care at all anymore. :( Fact that I couldn't punish didn't make it better. Our lag never was this bad, lol.

Last two games I knew I had to go hardcore in order to still have some pride and dignity, lol. Good games anyway. I had some fun.
Yeah, the lag was just... It's kinda strange as I usually have 4-5 bars with people from Europe. Still thanks God it wasn't Master Lag that doesn't even let you dash or execute 33 moves. Good games to you, bad games to your Helena for being too good.
BTW almost nothing I did with Marie was guaranteed , playing her is all about tricks and praying to God your opponent doesn't know the match-up well.

Pictured Mind

Well-Known Member
Good games to you, bad games to your Helena for being too good.

Aw, you're too kind.

BTW almost nothing I did with Marie was guaranteed , playing her is all about tricks and praying to God your opponent doesn't know the match-up well.

Basically anytime I was backturned against Marie I felt like I was done, lol. I couldn't do anything. And I do indeed not knw the match up, if that wasn't obvious already, haha.


Active Member
GGs to people ive played today.Online may suck but its still cool to challenge you. Special thanks to FreedomRunner for giving me some ideas and painfully showing me my gameplay errors. It was cool:).

I love this game.

Impact Finale

New Member
GGs @Impact Finale

That's one sick Ayane you got there! :ayane:

My Ayane Sucks.... lol I got Awesomated (Destroyed by Awesmics deadly christie wall game!)

You got a sick ayane though, definitely a more laid back playing style than you do some of ayane's more elegant looking moves..... where as i just do boring combos haha .. i might pick up kasumi just because i like some of her moves.

Also force, we should train with out ayane kasumi team and set up our own combos.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
My Ayane Sucks.... lol I got Awesomated (Destroyed by Awesmics deadly christie wall game!)

You got a sick ayane though, definitely a more laid back playing style than you do some of ayane's more elegant looking moves..... where as i just do boring combos haha .. i might pick up kasumi just because i like some of her moves.

Also force, we should train with out ayane kasumi team and set up our own combos.

Getting destroyed by Awesmic doesn't automatically mean your Ayane "sucks" lol. Awesmic does that to almost everyone.

Lol, Our Tag matches were umm.. something. The poor dude playing Bass & Bayman was trying his darnest to deal with our mashing XD. I don't take online seriously in the least because I can't play to my usual style, but if you'd wanna mess around in tag I wouldn't mind. Our connection was actually decent (which is a bloody miracle by DOA5U standards), though I couldn't react to any lows or punish to save my life.