Halloween Designer Challenge 2015


Well-Known Member
If this is the outcome I think that Ein will hurt himself more often when Phase is around XD
EDIT: Thinking again about it, actually I'm not more so sure :p
Ein doesn't seem to mind being in that position :oops:

This Ein is half robot so it's okay! I read that in a book somewhere.

@synce I love it! Ein looks so awkward in that position. Like "erm...boob. There's boob in my face. Where do I look?" It's very funny. I'm impressed you got it drawn so fast.

Thanks, it's a cool design so I had to do something. I like that you used some elements from P4 but still made it your own.


Premium Donor

Musketeer Eliot...who knew? I really like the design, but the lack of pants is jarring... Probably for fan service,


Well-Known Member
Y'all are gonna hate me if I actually finish all these. As of right now I have

2 Leon costumes
3-4mila costumes
1 Rachel costume
1 Eliot costume.
Possibly 1 phase 4.

But goddamnit I'm saying screw the art this time. They ain't gonna look very good.


Well-Known Member
rachel is another character i don't think I've seen a costume for. And come to think of it where's the Tina love. Seems there's less entrants this time

and thanks kodachi

@Blash you doing aything for Tina? If not I might try to rush something last minute

Edit: Nevermind definitely not gonna have time :/
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Well-Known Member
rachel is another character i don't think I've seen a costume for.

There are about 7 - 9 entries for Rachel so far and some of them are pretty good.

I think the quality of the contest entries did grow to another level. I do really enjoy it and I can imagine that it get's much harder for TN to decide what to pick up for DOA.

What makes me really happy is, that we do have so many good male entries this time. If somebody got some extra time - do one more costume for a male character !! :bradwong:


Well-Known Member
Why can't we have the characters dressed as each other but with their own feelings on the character added
Ayane would be dressed as kasumi but with a goody two shoes vibe to it or Marie Rose dressed as Honoka but with "Unrealistically" sized breasts to show her jealousy about her jugs?
or something simple like Kasumi's with and pink lapis recolored to red and black and her Kasumi symbol on the back changed to Hayate's Shingen Takeda symbol? Ayane could get Hayabusa's default ninja suit and Helena could get that sexy cocktail dress from Christie without the knifes and garter, in turn Christie could get A FUCKING TRENCHCOAT BECAUSE THATS CLASSY FOR THE BITCH

Eliot could be a hobo with a gourd and Brad could get genfu's chinese outfit with the hat (but like a cut over the left eye so he could see.

Leifang would get bears and Hitomi would get pandas

Hayabusa could get kasumi's ninja gaiden blue cape thingy added to his default outfit because lets be honest, that seems like something DOA would do. Hayate would start rocking an ayane-esque bandana and baggy jeans held up by a belt with a bow in the back (get it? ;D)

of course this means Tengu would get the original tengu's doa4 outfit without being skimpified
Tina would get a masked wrestler outfit and Bass would get something Skimpy or maybe add a boa-boa?
Alpha should a suit to mock donovan and this idea goes on and on and on

Macca Beam

Well-Known Member
Probably against the rules.
○ All submissions must be of your own original design.
The use of improper or illegal character models, or the modification or duplication of existing designs will not be accepted.
○ Submissions [...] that have been taken or adapted from the works of others will not be accepted.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Wait, @Russian-chiropractic19 you aren't the author of that Leon costume, right? Or did I miss something?

No I made nothing this year. I also wouldn't be so arrogant as to tell every leon player to go vote on it if I did.

it was more a rant than an actual entry I probably should've specified sorry <3

You're ranting why the costumes can't be unoriginal?
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Well-Known Member
No I made nothing this year. I also wouldn't be so arrogant as to tell every leon player to go vote on it if I did.

Nice to hear it but I didn't mean anything of similar, I wanted just give you the deserved credit for the design if you was really the author of it =) (thing that I didn't because I believed that wasn't so).