New DOA5 version announced (Momiji!!!)

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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
purple lighting? da fuck was going on in this game? also i don't think the hayabusas would appreciate you burning down their village...again -_-


Well-Known Member
Her Power Blow is the same as anyone else's, having to be charged up, but it's used from her Double Jump stance! The string she used sent her into the stance and she charged it from there.


Well-Known Member
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Don't think that's what he meant,then again you could look at this like a computer game expansion which often cost around the same and is on disk.

Dutch Samurai

Active Member
Wait, is this an expansion or do we get to buy the same game twice and rejoice?

Team Ninja really hasn't said one way or another. But I'm thinking the smart money is on an improved version of the same game with extra features and content, sold as a separate game a la Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge.


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Which tournaments have u been watching? It was used a lot at NCR and a decent amount at final round. Watch those same tournament footage. See a lot of sidestepping? Nope. People play simpler in tournaments. I know a lot of people don't like to go to far into the stun system at tournaments because its risky.


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The damage you can get off a cb combo is worth the damage of getting held. Plus you can delay the cb ifur opponent is in a deep stun. So not too risky. I only say that people don't go for the stun game in tournaments as much because they (myself included) like to get damage as fast as possible and not have to guess as much. But the cb is a great tool and its a big mind game if used right. People always hold for it in critical stun and it makes for such great mix ups so ill have to strongly disagree with you.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm not gonna lie, I'm stoked to find out what this Power Launcher business is all about.
Probably a "Power Blow" you can do while juggling your opponent in the air like Momiji did to Kasumi in the trailer.

Right, because being able to guarantee your highest launcher for your strongest combo is COMPLETELY useless.
You only have to guess right five times first! So useful!
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