New DOA5 version announced (Momiji!!!)

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Well-Known Member
This how exciting I am right now....
Hopefully they will fix some gameplay/glitches issues (online netcode!) and bring back some classic characters, costumes, stage and classic win poses. Knowing how I am, I always buy TN games right on time (like I did when DOA5 was going to release on store shelves) or buy them later (brand new) if I didn't had the money on that specific release date. I'm willing to pre order DOA5U if it's on disc content :)

Edit: Oh, I would like to see some new stage that DOA5 doesn't have, maybe fighting outside (or inside) near a Mansion like these for example:
Not only a mansion stage but also have the ability to change different weathers, rain/lighting, morning time, day/night time etc....


This may be a weird request but I wish they add a automatic taunt after a KO like Jann Lee's war cry after 46K

Idk when the match ends with a power blow or low attack and the character is just standing there kinda awkward with their hands up with no instant slowmo replay, it looks kinda lame...


Active Member
Finally I have some reason to hold back on my gift cards from last year! Unless Gamestop gets another pre-order exclusive.


Well-Known Member
This how customization would look like if TN decided to add this feature & put effort into it or if they port DOA5U on PC....


Well-Known Member
To add to that I also think its a problem with console gaming. It makes it difficult for free stuff to come out, or else I believe there would've been an update by now. Which is why Timesplitters 4 is coming to PC only cause its free. Knowing this I'm definitely getting DoA5U. Its a problem with console gaming not the company.
Timesplitters Rewind (not 4) is PC only because it's a fangame, an officially approved one, but a fangame nonetheless.

"We fund the things we like." I agree with this statement 100%. The fact that most of us here and many others bought vanilla DoA5 is a testament to that. They have our money to start development on DoA6... They don't need to do an Ultimate version of 5. I don't get why so many people are so complacent with this trend of developers putting out inferior game, buying them, then buying the "new and improved" versions the developers put out soon after.

To want them to get it right the first time, perhaps is a romantic concept, in today's world. But I don't see it as unrealistic.
DoA6 would require more new stuff to be made, new art assets, new costumes, etc. Mike Z (MvC2 player, Skullgirls lead dev and former Pandemic dev) talked about the costs of making stuff some time back. Even back in the PS2 era, it cost them (Pandemic) hundreds of thousands just to reskin a character for Battlefront. Imagine how much stuff costs now. These days, a new game costs tens of millions of dollars to make, mostly due to the cost of the art assets.

Dutch Samurai

Active Member
True but they should at least have a decent amount to at least start work on DoA6... They are already spending money on carrying Momiji over to this version of 5. Average cost of making video games has risen drastically the last few years, I know. On average it's like $20 million or so. But considering all the paid DLC, DoA5+, NG3RE profits, I'm thinking starting work on DoA6, can be feasible at this point. Then again, I'm not Team Ninja.
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