New Stage for DoA5U?

If you follow the official Team NINJA Twitter (and you should be), you've likely been seeing their recent teases of an upcoming DLC pack. Previously it was believed to be a Halloween-themed costume pack only, however the most recent pictures take place in a completely new environment (or a very cleverly redesigned one). Some images have popped up showing it to be a Halloween-themed Lorelei, so a major fan favorite should be returning shortly. Check out the images below:



It seems we may be getting a relatively large DLC pack in the very near future. Given the normal DLC release day of Tuesday in North America, we may not need to wait too long to find out. Only a few of those left this month, after all.

Source: Twitter
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Saw that. I'm still holding back on saying it's Lorelei. Even before putting up the article I mentioned how similar it looks but it could be something else still. I'd love some confirmation. If we're getting additional stages we're definitely paying for them. I don't see them charging for a single stage, though.
Seeing as TN is trying to be "punny" with the Lei Lei Fang, I'm calling it now that the Franekstein costume will be for Ein, because FrankenstEIN. Get it?
I guarantee it's Ein. Clever too.

Where are these Lorelei pics coming from? They look legitimate but I'm at work and can't really take the time to comb through all of the threads.
@KingGhidorah (THIS IS FOR YOU)

Where are the dudes?

EDIT - Compatibility pack for the Halloween set is already out. After downloading it, you can view all of the new costumes in-game.

Oh, and the Frankenstein outfit is for Bayman, which I, personally, thought was obvious, considering the posture from the teaser pic.

Haunted Lorelei cannot be viewed with the compatibility pack.
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I really dont see how they could charge for extra stages, how would it work if you fought someone who picked it and you didn't buy it?
I really dont see how they could charge for extra stages, how would it work if you fought someone who picked it and you didn't buy it?
Well, the new stages for 5U are locked for Core Fighters, so they can only play them in Ranked or if you are P2 and select them. DLC stages could be similar.
I sure hope they release a complete pack sample right away on this one.

Also ALL the costumes are here:

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I want to know why they went with the viking outfit for Bass. They should have gone with his cowboy outfit instead. I dislike both of them, but the cowboy outfit is certainly much, much better than the viking one.
The Viking outfit makes sense because Leon got his Spartan one. The cowboy outfit would have just seemed like a copy paste of Brad's anyway. I'm disappointed in the lack of Gen Fu's gnome/elf (can't make up my mind) costume.
I want to know why they went with the viking outfit for Bass.

Well, the cowboy outfit isn't really Halloween for him and Tina... It is what they could normally wear.

That said I miss the berserker cloak (the bear serk) on the viking costume. It is kind of a brand clothing for them, the chain mail is more of a medieval soldier/mercenary style of an later age. That said, vikings rule and I like it!

Ewwww Pai's outfit ._. why does she have to be an ugly ass maid?

But, but... I think it's her best look thus far! -_-
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