NG3 Making Folks Wary of DOA5


Active Member
>_> i liked using Potions in NG, I liked pausing to change weapons(it have me time to pressured situations), and I liked the idea of essence(in general)...they were all there before but are now gone(except for the weapon change....but you gotta pay for weapons.....) NG3 is a fail on most fronts that made NG popular in the first place...

-Difficultly(i beat it on hard and etc....I felt cheated in the aspect of i should have had a more challenging experience)

-Weapon Variety(NG3 hand none of this, and forces players to purchase weapons as DLC to promote the online play? what great marketing >_>')

-Replay Value(chances are when you first played through NG1 or 2 you didn't get every scarab or skull, or probably got every weapon/maxed out, or you wanted to unlock this costume by beating this said difficulty, whatever the reason was, you had some incentive to play the game again, NG3 lacks this as there is no incentive to play it again and undermines what past NG games worked up to.)


Not so much as having to pause the game to change weapons and use health.

One of the downfalls to action/adventure games, and they did in fact rectify that error after the original ninja gaiden's release.

To be in the safest situation, the attacker will have to go for the P/K cliffhanger. Because if they throw and the opponent guesses right the attacker will take fall damage. But agreed.

If you always go for the P/K cliffhanger though, you're getting less damage than previous DOA games. So either way you are potentially being punished.

You say that as if the twelve years that I've played DOA I've learned and done nothing.

Well, have you? Being a fan of the franchise for a long period of time is not the same thing as devoting a ridiculous amount of time to playing it and becoming good at it. If you really had I imagine we would have run into each other quite a lot more. I have literally put years of playtime into the game. Not years of ownership, years of PLAYTIME. Then all of the additional time spent on the internet discussing strategy, and going to tournaments, etc.

Not meant as a brag or a sad culmination of my life, just a fact as to what got me here. There are plenty of others out there who have spent similar amounts of time, whether they realize it or not. Some of these people are good at the game and some of them are not. But a guy like Hayashi shouldn't just come along after being handed the reigns to something he does not even understand and completely upset the established formula without even consulting people like us beforehand.

Now Shimbori actually has consulted us, albeit somewhat indirectly and I'm very grateful to him for that. Although I have very little doubt in my mind that there is friction between the two as to what they want to do with the game, and sadly Hayashi has the ability to trump whatever Shimbori wants. It was even mentioned on Twitter they were having heated arguments over the counter system, which is why we probably got stuck with the 3 point system this time around.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
-I agree. TN need to stop messing with what already work in Doa and start focusing on its problems. If they really want to properly implement a cliff hanger, than they need to let the standard damage remain like previous doa's. If the defensive person is successful, instead of dying from the fall, they get that sliver of life from doa2/4. And absolutely no damage should be given to the offensive player. They need to just listen to us, we know the game competitively better than they do.


Well-Known Member
NG3 was a piece of shit I agree that much, but the blame rests solely on Hayashi as director. It sucks that he's tarnished the entire team's name because the guy directing DOA5 obviously isn't him.


Most comments I heard from unhappy NG3 fans had to do with attacking being too easy and not challenging enough. Doesn't that remind you of a similar step taken in the DOA series? Hummmm?

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
Im not really worried because from what i have seen and played. DOA5 is gonna be the best one yet. Although the lei fang trailer was a little lack luster and dissapointing. The other trailers are great and im sure the games gonna be even better to play.


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d3v said:
The reaction to any DOA news that I'm seeing on a certain site who's front page I write for (okay, it's SRK) seems to be telling me that NG3's less than stellar reception is actually hurting DOA5. I mean, sure people can simply dismiss this as front page trolling (again, something that can get rather rampant on SRK), but the number of responses like this that I'm seeing in the comments is rather worrying.

I recently bought a PS3 just to play NG3. I initially wanted to get an Xbox 360 to play DOA4 but my skill is average and there are mostly experts playing and the PS3 has exclusives that I liked. I initially wanted to hold out on getting a console until DOA5 was released, but I was on the fence about getting it now or later with the release of NG3. After seeing it get slammed with a 3 on IGN, a rating that's generally given to 99¢ iOS/Android garbage, I was wondering should I reconsider. The Metacritic score didn't help either. I began ignoring the negative reviews to see where the game shines at; a rather time-consuming task given the dearth of negative review in constrast to the positive ones...

Anyway I had been studying NG3 videos, and I liked what I saw. What led me to pull the trigger was when I discovered that the guy who wrote the original NG way back in the day did the script for it.

My first console game was a Tecmo game (Tecmo Bowl, NES) and I played many different Tecmo games after that. The thing that Tecmo games of that era had common was that they all had "movie-like" cutscences which was rather new at that time. Tecmo became known for including cutscenes in their games so I saw the QTEs in NG3 as having interactive cutscenes so I didn't have a problem with them.

My only gripe with NG3 is the ubiquitous slowdown that occurs on the harder modes and on the later levels in the easier modes.

When I heard that Tecmo was making a fighting game (DOA1) my interest was piqued. DOA1 took forever to come to the US but when it did I enjoyed it. I enjoyed DOA2 on the Dreamcast, DOA2 Hardcore on the PS2, DOA3 and DOAU on the Xbox, and DOA4 on the Xbox 360, which I bought just to play DOA, and DOAD on the 3DS, which I bought just to play DOA.

It seems that IGN appears to make up to TN for slamming NG3 by teaming up with them for IGN Pro League at E3.

The DOA Xbox 360 fanbase should be covered, because how could a fan of a DOA character on DOA4 not want to pit their new and improved character against the rest of the world? The PS3 fanbase could possibly take a hit, but it shouldn't be that big of a hit considering the fact that DOA5 was a nominee for 5 E3 awards, including one from IGN. That may potentially garner more interest for DOA than the negative reception on NG3 could overshadow, and it was an unfinished product to boot.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I think they tried to sell NG3 to promote DOA5. Because if you think about it, people that heard NG3 had miserable reviews, they didn't think to buy it until a demo for DOA5 was announced for it. Then, you saw more sales of NG3 being brought because people wanted to play that demo. So basically Team Ninja is smart because they killed two birds with one stone.


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Tecmo/Team Ninja apparently listened to the (negative) reception from the Ninja Gaiden fanbase on NG3 and made a completely new Ninja Gaiden (3) from the ground up with tons of tweaks to the gameplay to make it play more like the well recieved NGS2. The general consensus of every one who's had hands on experience with it is that it's good and it's what NG3 should have been. The best article I found on it is at...

It was passed by at E3 because of the bad rap that was given by it's "beta version" but I've been hearing nothing but good things about it; new weapons, returning ninpo from pre-NG3 Ninja Gaidens, dismemberment, returning combos, sped up attacks...

On a side note, I guess that means that TN will pull an Capcom by burning the early adopters with an ultimate version wanting a fresh 60 bucks lol.


Tecmo/Team Ninja apparently listened to the (negative) reception from the Ninja Gaiden fanbase on NG3 and made a completely new Ninja Gaiden (3) from the ground up with tons of tweaks to the gameplay to make it play more like the well recieved NGS2. The general consensus of every one who's had hands on experience with it is that it's good and it's what NG3 should have been. The best article I found on it is at...

It was passed by at E3 because of the bad rap that was given by it's "beta version" but I've been hearing nothing but good things about it; new weapons, returning ninpo from pre-NG3 Ninja Gaidens, dismemberment, returning combos, sped up attacks...

On a side note, I guess that means that TN will pull an Capcom by burning the early adopters with an ultimate version wanting a fresh 60 bucks lol.

It's alright in this case. I don't think anybody actually bought NG3.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I've only ever played first Ninja Gaiden from the original Xbox. I messed up my game, so I wasn't able to beat Alma(I wasn't that great at the game and didn't have enough of w/e it was to last long enough against her). Eventually, I lost the game and haven't played it since, besides the demos that came out on Xbox360.

Arnell Long

Active Member
I actually bought NG3...when I started playing it...I said I was going to sell this as soon as I beat that I've beaten it I want to break it instead...

DOA5 Alpha demo is better than DOA4 in its entirety, DOA5 E3 Build was better than DOA5 Alpha in its entirety...NG3...sucked the moment it was revealed...


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
i was wary of NG3 since the beginning cause i didnt like what i was seeing it went from "YAY!" to "well it wont be that bad" long before its release.from the very beginning of DOA5 though ive seen nothing but good also once i learned Hiyashi was no longer the director behind it i felt very releaved.