Senran Kagura Series


Well-Known Member
I know they aren't technically new but since I never got the dlc for EV, Naraku, Ayame etc are going to be like new characters to me! Also I'm listening to Naraku's theme right now and omg it's so good!

Also is that football thing what she uses as a weapon? ( like her outfit too )

I can't wait to hear the new soundtrack for PBS and SK7 I hope the characters have themes again.


Premium Donor
I know they aren't technically new but since I never got the dlc for EV, Naraku, Ayame etc are going to be like new characters to me! Also I'm listening to Naraku's theme right now and omg it's so good!

Also is that football thing what she uses as a weapon? ( like her outfit too )

I can't wait to hear the new soundtrack for PBS and SK7 I hope the characters have themes again.
Yeah that's her weapon. I don't play her much but she's one of the best characters, she's like a good version of phase 4. Once she hits you with that charged ball attack there's no escape unless you burst way. She's linear tho so you have to use her carefully. I love Ayame, I used her online a few times in the mini games, she's fun to use and pretty effective imo! :-D

And yeah.. Kanu isn't my favorite BV anymore, Lu Bu is way better XD


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I wasn't sure of the cool things the diorama could be used for but for gifs really use it in a good way! They're seamless.

I messed around with the diorama mode once but I wasn't that great ( I couldn't even get the girls to move higher to actually go on the chairs! XD Still I hope there's more things for PBS diorama mode.


Premium Donor
I'm literally drinking caramel coffee creamer in ice right now >.> But yeah, I played the BV girls online and lemme just say.. either Lu bu is bad against imu or I just suck at deathmatch, even with the best fucking girls in the game I still lose to cheap shit XD Whatever, I'm just gonna stick to survival, this game isn't made for PvP, it's literally just a circle jerk of random shit, and unless you hit first it's useless, I can only win when I'm being THAT dick and spamming ayane's Kunai or using cheap tactics and I don't wanna be THAT dick XD


Premium Donor
Same, I've tried every other minigame and love them but god, not knocking anyone who can play and do well in it but I always have to resort to playing like a coward if I wanna win. Survival I love tho, when I did play this game a lot before I was depressed I'd stay up to 11 making a room and playing on mt. orochi. The walker minigame I absolutely love, and the panty one me too, that game is really fun XD In some games I prefer playing in teams tho since I'm not always into playing by myself


Well-Known Member
Same, I've tried every other minigame and love them but god, not knocking anyone who can play and do well in it but I always have to resort to playing like a coward if I wanna win. Survival I love tho, when I did play this game a lot before I was depressed I'd stay up to 11 making a room and playing on mt. orochi. The walker minigame I absolutely love, and the panty one me too, that game is really fun XD In some games I prefer playing in teams tho since I'm not always into playing by myself

I wish I'd been able to play EV online at some point... to bad it's a subscription thing. Anyway maybe PBS will be better for online multiplayer since the way the game is designed it probably lends itself to multiplayer. Also quick suggestions for what I would like in SK7. I wouldn't be annoyed If they didn't do this but I feel like SK7 is the next main game and I'd like to see a few noticeable changes.

New character models : Not sure If they will since who knows how long they've been working on SK7 and there's a lot of characters they'd have to do it for but I'd like to see more uniqueness between the models and just the models to be updated in general.

Customization upgraded too : I like the customization but I'd like to see it be at like SC5 level where shoes,socks,trousers,tops,jackets etc are all there own slots and instead of 5 colour options I'd like a colour wheel.

Maybe I'll think of others later but that's what I can think of right now.


Premium Donor
I wish I'd been able to play EV online at some point... to bad it's a subscription thing. Anyway maybe PBS will be better for online multiplayer since the way the game is designed it probably lends itself to multiplayer. Also quick suggestions for what I would like in SK7. I wouldn't be annoyed If they didn't do this but I feel like SK7 is the next main game and I'd like to see a few noticeable changes.

New character models : Not sure If they will since who knows how long they've been working on SK7 and there's a lot of characters they'd have to do it for but I'd like to see more uniqueness between the models and just the models to be updated in general.

Customization upgraded too : I like the customization but I'd like to see it be at like SC5 level where shoes,socks,trousers,tops,jackets etc are all there own slots and instead of 5 colour options I'd like a colour wheel.

Maybe I'll think of others later but that's what I can think of right now.
I hope one day DOA collabs with SK and like how I want SK to render the DOA characters, TN could do the same for them, imagine a realistic Ryona.... in a DOA style fighting game!!!


Well-Known Member
I hope one day DOA collabs with SK and like how I want SK to render the DOA characters, TN could do the same for them, imagine a realistic Ryona.... in a DOA style fighting game!!!

I' almost surprised at this point that that's never happened because they're like bff's at this point with all these collabs so I don't think it's out of the question that one day we'll see a SK character in doa, And yeah it would be interesting to see how they'd render them. I can't think of who they'd pick though? The most possible characters would probably be Asuka, Homura or Yumi.


Premium Donor
I' almost surprised at this point that that's never happened because they're like bff's at this point with all these collabs so I don't think it's out of the question that one day we'll see a SK character in doa, And yeah it would be interesting to see how they'd render them. I can't think of who they'd pick though? The most possible characters would probably be Asuka, Homura or Yumi.
I think it'd depend on what weapons they use coupled with their style. Yumi is a shoe in but idk, she fights with fans and Mai and Nyo already do. Ayame would probably be a likely choice, Kat and Daidouji could too but they're not near as popular as Yumi or ayame. Ryona has a a chance too since her style is centered around dance, and Yozakura too but her blows imo are too excessive to fit in DOA.

If Ryona were added I'd probably drop Mai for her but idk xD


Well-Known Member
I like the sophisticated vibe I'm getting from them! They all look high society~

They are all rich and are from a highly respected school, so you're spot on

I hope Hyoki's (Leo's sister) and her squad gets added to SK7 too



-Age: 14
-Birthday: September 6th
-Height: 145cm
-Measurements: B89-W56-H85
-Cup size: F
-Blood type: AB
-Laterality: Right
-Fighting style: Slashes with her laser blade
-Favorite food: Luxurious food

A new member of Senki Shu, & Leo's little sister. She resents Leo, & doesn't consider her family for personal reasons. She uses a laser sword similar to Leo.

Summoning condition: Leo.



-Age: 20
-Birthday: February 4th
-Height: 170cm
-Measurements: B94-W52-H89
-Cup size: G
-Blood type: O
-Laterality: Right
-Fighting style: Uses electromagnetic waves to manipulate puppets
-Favorite food: Smoked sardines

The leader of Senki Shu. Her faction are the main antagonists of New Wave G Burst. She has the ability to control puppets & use them to her bidding.

Summoning condition: Using yoma as bait.


A member of Senki Shu. She speaks in an unsettling, soft-spoken tone, & doesn't appear to show any signs of rational thought when being dealt with. She absolutely hates love & affection, & she will go berserk as soon as someone shows signs of intimacy. She uses kitchen knives to cut up her victims.

Summoning condition: Love, affection & happiness.



-Age: 15
-Birthday: August 21st
-Height: 153cm
-Measurements: B88-W54-H85
-Cup size: E
-Blood type: B
-Laterality: Right
-Fighting style: Uses a huge mobile phone strap as a flail
-Favorite food: Candy

A member of Senki Shu. She puts up a playful, childish demeanor for unsuspecting victims, but lets her true colors show once she tries to attack. She uses a flail disguised as a phone charm to attack her foes.

Summoning condition: Unknown


A member of Senki Shu. An expert at puppetry, she loves to manipulate people for her own bidding. She has the ability to control people with her Mystic Eye powers.

Summoning condition: Unknown


Well-Known Member
If they are in SK7 as antagonists or what not I hope they stay antagonists and don't become friends or anything. Also I've saw some of the outfits that are in PBS and so far they look great! Here's one that looks great -


Finally I can make a Destiny's child diorama!



Premium Donor
My team is basically just gonna be white girls and Japanese girls XD Btw I seriously LOVE LU "Bi" Bu, I love doing her level two ninpo, she pretends to fall before doing this awesome attack...and then she says "You took that rather well!" or "Is that it?" but the way she says it in Japanese sounds like "Mm Already?" ♡.♡ I changed her clothes tho, I gave her a red cheongasm in memory of her reskin that I loved and I gave her shorter pixie cut hair since I like short hair on her

Her theme is also so epic, definitely my favorite out of them all xD So empowering!!