Senran Kagura Series


Well-Known Member
DFTmaW5VwAA-fQ_ can feel up the girls with the touch screen? How have i never known that? I need to try this out...


Well-Known Member
I just love the stigma that if you play anything with a comedic approach to sexuality or sexualized females you're automatically a cellar dwelling pervert nerd with no life or girlfriend and only perv on the girls...

I mean fair enough in some actually a lot of cases that is true but there is a ton of people that play games like DOAX and Senran Kagura for the game not the girls.


Well-Known Member
I just cracked the code... Kharma the wrestler ( Kia Stevens ) Also from America went to Japan to train her fighting skills in Dojo... Matsuri is following in her footsteps, This is obviously the real secret canon behind Matsuri!


Well-Known Member
If people hate you for the games you play and assume things about you because of the games you play, just don't pay attention to them. They're obviously the 'fake gamers' here. lol. *flashbacks to me getting called a fake gamer because i said wii sports was one of my favourite games to play*

Senran Kagura is fun, has memorable characters and has tons of shipping material, not to mention the game itself is fun to me because I love 3rd person beat-em-ups.

Also it's really hard to get an A on some levels and it makes ya ragin


Well-Known Member
Yeah there are many fanservice games I'm not interested in. Meanwhile SK is one of my favorite if not my favorite video games. The characters are interesting and the game is fun.

Even if one were to play a game simply for fanservice, those that feel the need to trash talk someone for liking such games needs to have several seats.

I just cracked the code... Kharma the wrestler ( Kia Stevens ) Also from America went to Japan to train her fighting skills in Dojo... Matsuri is following in her footsteps, This is obviously the real secret canon behind Matsuri!

Woah, queen following queen :cool:
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Premium Donor
Yeah there are many fanservice games I'm not interested in. Meanwhile SK is one of my favorite if not ny favorite video games. The characters are interesting and the game is fun.

Even if one were to play a game simply for fanservice, those that feel the need to trash talk someone for liking such games needs to have several seats.
Exactly, i love both the gameplay and the fanservice that comes with it although if it wasn't for Ryona I wouldn't play since she's my favorite OG girl, I liked her more and more when I read her tropes on tv tropes when I was looking up the series XD

Anyone imo who knocks those who like the sex appeal in the game can can tf up, especially if they're playing it. If they didn't like it, they wouldnt be playing it in the first place, everyone has something they like about the game that plays it
If people hate you for the games you play and assume things about you because of the games you play, just don't pay attention to them. They're obviously the 'fake gamers' here. lol. *flashbacks to me getting called a fake gamer because i said wii sports was one of my favourite games to play*

Senran Kagura is fun, has memorable characters and has tons of shipping material, not to mention the game itself is fun to me because I love 3rd person beat-em-ups.

Also it's really hard to get an A on some levels and it makes ya ragin
I just use Ryona and Lu Bu for easy As, what I like to do is stock up on scrolls and then I just hop and ground pound the enemies, if they're the stuck up turtle ones I just sacrifice a one ninpo(Ryona's level 1 Ninpo is unstable tho and Lu Bu you better off using her level 2 since it basically destroys crowds), and for the wolf girls you have to just use ninpos so they won't tear you up. Finally I save the scrolls so I can kill the girl at the end. It's harder tho at the end if theres more than one since often times you can kill 1 or 2 but one of them will still have low health and before you can even do anything they pussy out and do a transformation

As long as you get hit very little or not at all you're fine tho, but if you get 5 to 6 times you might as well restart since they're pretty strict as to how many hits it takes for you to lose your A


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Just pick Sayuri and spam Ninpo 1 for mobs and Ninpo 3 for bosses. I have never encountered a mission where that didn't work flawlessly.

Except for that one Renka mission, because your Ai partners like to snag all the kills with aerial raves and fuck up your combos. For that one just use Yang-mode Renka with Ninpo 2 for mobs and Ninpo 3 for the fat yeti things.


Well-Known Member
The Shinozuka girls look like they'll be the most entertaining team among the NW girls


Kaede - Manga Enthusiast
Hisui - Cosplay Enthusiast
Kasumi - PC Enthusiast
Motochika - Model Train Enthusiast
Kuroudo - Military Enthusiast


I've also just grown a lot more interest for Chihaya. She fights using shape shifting Japanese candy








Well-Known Member
Yeah Chihaya I've seen alot of on Twitter, plus she's the only girl up there I like XD Kaede is a close second tho

I like how the NW girls are so diverse

Milky Pop - Pop stars
Arc Angels - Rock stars
Maisen - International students
Shinozuka - Hobbyist
Sakigei - Musicians
Metropolitan - Elite students
Touno Tengu - Animal based
Zodiac Guiding - Star based
Senki Shu - Extremely Evil based

All they'd need is a Sports based team and they'd pretty much have everything


Well-Known Member
Also it's really hard to get an A on some levels and it makes ya ragin

I found the best way to get A grades in all the games I played is to just use Daidoji or Rin and go frantic (burst even gave a special rank for finishing a level by going frantic at the start.

I hear previous games in the series were more difficult, however.

Burst and deep crimson both have some frustrating levels but they get easier the more leveled up your characters are. As I said before, deep crimson has some annoying boss fights (that are not just fights against the other girls) but once you unlock the different upgrades like health regen which makes the girls unkillable, the game becomes really easy with the main challenge being maintaining your patience long enough to beat the bosses since they have a LOT of health (you have to drain their health meters up to 5 times to beat them).
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Well-Known Member
According to Senran International, looks like most people want SK7 to be a hybrid of the 3ds gameplay and versus gameplay

- Honestly, what Takaki and co. should do is take the good things from the 3DS games as well as the good things from the Versus games and combine them to create a fun experience. At least that way, it could cater to both crowds in some fashion. Of course, there's still going to be someone that you simply can't please but ah well. In the end though, I hope SK7 turns out to be a fun game.

- If it's going to star post-graduation Ikaruga and Katsuragi, I think it should be stealth-action (proper shinobi gameplay). Something like Metal Gear Rising with a lot more emphasis on stealth would be great. That would be a nice balance between realistic shinobi gameplay (tenchu style) and the fantasy shinobi combat SK is known for. Whatever they do, I do not want to see more of the SV/EV combat. After playing those two and Bhikkhuni, I am sick and tired of the Musou/beat-'em-up combat.

- I'd say a Hybrid of sorts, I like the Combat of EV, although improving upon it for SK7, however I do like the suggestion of a Stealth-Action in certain areas, which would require a proper Story Mode of course, as long as SK7 is enjoyable and has its SK Humor in it as well, should be a great game, maybe add in Yoma to fight as well, more in depth Story Arcs?

- I'd like SK7 to have improved SK2 gameplay with the long levels burst had.

- A hyrbid like Super Paper Mario would be the hypest. Some side scrolling sections, some full on 3D. Get the speed right between SK2 and EV, and keep the guard function from the Versus games, bam. I'd love it.

- ooo I like the sound of that, sounds a lot like Nier: Automata and that works and flows well, and yeah the guard mode from EV works in my opinion, so bring that back.

- I'd like to see an RPG style for SK7, make it sort of like Neptunia style of gameplay, with customizable moves and attacks, side quests, and an interesting flare of new costumes. The stealth elements be add a nice touch to game too.

- There really needs to be more of a new style of gameplay. Marvelous seems to want to push the series in a more competitive direction, but the problem is that Senran's gameplay simply does not translate well to a competitive environment. If they want to go with multiplayer, then I would much prefer to see co-op simply because it would be easier to adapt the gameplay to that play style by making the arenas more open, to prevent one player from getting in the other's way, as well as allowing for a full 4-player co-op campaign. That being said, this is only my personal view on the subject and I'm sure others have their own ideas.


Well-Known Member
^ Yeah that would be pretty cool and interesting. It wouldn't be too different where it would feel out of place for some, but could help diverse itself from the other 2 series

Wonder if they'll try to make the styling slightly more realistic.


A transition from animeish (2nd and 4th) to slightly less animeish (1st to 3rd) would be interesting


Premium Donor
I would prefer they keep it as what it is now, I like the simplicity of them just making it about killing goons and then one boss, but I wouldn't mind them making some levels like Deep Crimson where you scroll across. They should make goons a bit harder tho, they pose no real challenge at higher levels

They should add more dialogue at the end with boss fights since in EV it's kinda empty just using Ryoki and going through the forest to fight her sisters and she has to fight goons for no reason, and then when she finally does reach them all they do is introduce themselves and fight you...theres no conversation or interaction except in cutscenes