Senran Kagura Series


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Yeah, that's just telling you that you need to update the app. Wherever you got the apk from probably has the update available.
Oh. So the game doesn't update directly from a server, but instead just redirects to download page, which in this case is region-locked?

I guess I'll have to hope that the site I used keeps up with all future updates.

Thanks, again.


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I've been getting a lot of these colored Beybey (Bebe-tan?) cards, but I have no idea what they do or how to use them. Tried googling it, but man is Google a crapshoot when it comes to this game. Has anyone discovered their function?


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Looks like they're not planning to add the Mikarugas as DLC for the Burst remake.

I know that Gessen is very popular in Japan, but it honestly boggles my mind that Gessen/New Hebijo get so much love when they keep shafting the Mikarugas. The worst Mikaruga character is still better than the best Gessen character. Whatever is supposed to be appealing about those factions is completely beyond me.


Well-Known Member

I've been getting a lot of these colored Beybey (Bebe-tan?) cards, but I have no idea what they do or how to use them. Tried googling it, but man is Google a crapshoot when it comes to this game. Has anyone discovered their function?
The Bebe-tan cards are just to sell. The Ninto ones are just to level to your other cards.


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The Bebe-tan cards are just to sell. The Ninto ones are just to level to your other cards.
Oh. That seems... superfluous. Is it even possible to run out of copper coins? All I can seem to do with them is upgrade cards, but it's far more difficult to acquire upgrade cards than coins, so the latter seems to build-up indefinitely.

Finally got an SSR Ikaruga. yay


Well-Known Member
Since SK reflexions and the Burst remake are both coming out this year I won't be shocked If I get them both, I hope they continue to add more girls to reflexions though. I also hope that we start to see stuff for SK7 now that we've also now heard of burst etc being localized.


Well-Known Member
New DLC characters after Gessen and Mee-a-bee's Hebijo team (Kagura, Naraku and... Ryoki?):

Looks like they're not planning to add the Mikarugas as DLC for the Burst remake.

No word yet on the Mikaguras as DLC but if Kagura and Naraku will be in, theres a good chance they will be as well.


Well-Known Member
Idk if its still the case or will be the case in the western release, but I noticed on Japanese PSN you only buy Yumi and Miyabi the other Gessen and Hebijo girls are actually free.


Well-Known Member
Idk if its still the case or will be the case in the western release, but I noticed on Japanese PSN you only buy Yumi and Miyabi the other Gessen and Hebijo girls are actually free.
If EV was any indication, that won't be the case for the western release. The characters are free for a limited time and will be paid afterwards. The dlc missions for EV were free for...I think it was like a month after they came out in Japan? But they were paid from the get-go in the west.

Granted, I don't think it's as big a deal in this case, since the dlc characters are essentially just bonuses, while EV's dlc missions were, y'know, the story's epilogue.


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Do we know what music is available in Re:Burst? Obviously I expect Burst's original score in there, but is there an option for using Shinovi/Estival tracks (specifically for the guests)?

No word yet on the Mikaguras as DLC
Why does tamsoft/Honey Parade hate them so much?


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Any tips for ranking up in New Link's "PvP" arena? I'd really like to snag that SSR Hikage at the end of the season, but I seem to be stuck in the first "gold" rank, and every opponent has five max-level URs.

I'm currently using:
UR Ikaruga (Swimsuit) | UR Asuka (Bath Bubbles) | SR-promoted-to-UR Homura (tracksuit, falling) | SR-promoted-to-UR Haruka (tracksuit, lab) | SR-promoted-to-SSR Hikage (event, cannot be further promoted)


Premium Donor
I'm so ready for Burst Renewal on PS4, just imagine how hot Ryona will look with that gyaru tan ♡.♡

Also I want that that Reflexion or whatever that game on switch is since it has Ryona but I need to buy a switch >.> I may buy it tho since Xenoblade looks fun plus that guy rex is ♡.♡ I'm deadass serious when I say I wouldn't mind a male swap SK game, like god a female and male Ryona would be some boss shit


Well-Known Member
I'm so ready for Burst Renewal on PS4, just imagine how hot Ryona will look with that gyaru tan ♡.♡

Also I want that that Reflexion or whatever that game on switch is since it has Ryona but I need to buy a switch >.> I may buy it tho since Xenoblade looks fun plus that guy rex is ♡.♡ I'm deadass serious when I say I wouldn't mind a male swap SK game, like god a female and male Ryona would be some boss shit

Okay just make sure you don't go too crazy with the tanning...I've seen screenshots of the tanning in that game and..well they didn't make it look to great I'll say that...



Premium Donor
Okay just make sure you don't go too crazy with the tanning...I've seen screenshots of the tanning in that game and..well they didn't make it look to great I'll say that...

That actually doesn't look bad imo but if they had actually improved the skin shades rather than just caramelize the skin it would look better imo, I know in SF and Tekken the tans look better since they have more reflective skin than what SK had >.>

I was originally not gonna get Burst right away but when I saw that Ryona DLC and how her hair seems somewhat improved I figured why not XD I hope she was doing some really foul stuff before Shinovi versus tho. Like we already know Ryona is a dog and a freak but I want to see what else she was up to :p


Well-Known Member
I'm so ready for Burst Renewal on PS4, just imagine how hot Ryona will look with that gyaru tan ♡.♡

Also I want that that Reflexion or whatever that game on switch is since it has Ryona but I need to buy a switch >.> I may buy it tho since Xenoblade looks fun plus that guy rex is ♡.♡ I'm deadass serious when I say I wouldn't mind a male swap SK game, like god a female and male Ryona would be some boss shit

I'm Gessen guessing youve played peach beach splash by now; I can imagine the final level of the Hebijo story was your favorite wasnt it ;)? Or would you have prefered to play as her :rolleyes:?


Premium Donor
I'm Gessen guessing youve played peach beach splash by now; I can imagine the final level of the Hebijo story was your favorite wasnt it ;)? Or would you have prefered to play as her :rolleyes:?
Yeah I played it way back in December when I had ordered that special edition of it which gave me those really hot shiny swimsuits with the nip bumps♡ and uhhhh:oops: lets just say it was definitely a whole nother experience having Giant Ryona on my tv screen XD

I also bought all the DLC characters and leveled up everyone to max rank but I haven't played in like a month or two since I have no one to play with and I have to get a new WiFi provider one my dad is reported for TF. I'm also PISSED Mr. K wasn't an unlockable character, I thought I would hate him but Jesus... I ask on twitter and they never answer >.>

Also Neptunia was the worst DLC character, her hair and costume were trash imo, best DLC I would say is Ranka who imo I discovered is way better than rinka... She's like a tomboy and less cutesy and she has a perfect ponytail ♡.♡ I also liked Marie Rose and Honoka for dat ass. The BV girls weren't as hype as in EV so I regret buying all of them except for Kanu


Well-Known Member
Yeah I played it way back in December when I had ordered that special edition of it which gave me those really hot shiny swimsuits with the nip bumps♡ and uhhhh:oops: lets just say it was definitely a whole nother experience having Giant Ryona on my tv screen XD

What did you think of Ryobi's "punishment" after Ryona started the fire?