DOA5LR Shall i be the only competitive player on PC. Please buy it :)


New Member
I got it pre-purchased on Steam, I'm quite excited for it. I even bought my friend a copy. He's never played DOA before, so I had to let him in on the fun too. lol.


New Member
Hell yeah, I'll join the Steam group, thanks for setting that up.

Does anyone know if the whole cast is available in the core purchase of LR, or are there still going to be DLC only characters? I wasn't able to find that info...
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Active Member
No, you're not going to be the only one on the PC version. I'm willing to bet that most of the people who get it for Steam will be veterans of DoA5 &/or DoA5U for either 360 or PS3.

While on this, does anyone know if there's to be an "upgrade" patch to the LR version if you already have DoA5U on 360 or PS3? or is that simply a pipe dream?


New Member
No, you're not going to be the only one on the PC version. I'm willing to bet that most of the people who get it for Steam will be veterans of DoA5 &/or DoA5U for either 360 or PS3.

While on this, does anyone know if there's to be an "upgrade" patch to the LR version if you already have DoA5U on 360 or PS3? or is that simply a pipe dream?


Although there's a bunch of fine print about what that does and doesn't include. I think the gist of it is that if you already own 5U, they offer a stripped down version of LR as a free patch. So you don't get the 1080p resolution, 4 new characters, all the new bewbs, story mode, or stages. But, at least you can stay compatible with the DoA scene and play online, so that was pretty cool of TN to do.


Active Member

Although there's a bunch of fine print about what that does and doesn't include. I think the gist of it is that if you already own 5U, they offer a stripped down version of LR as a free patch. So you don't get the 1080p resolution, 4 new characters, all the new bewbs, story mode, or stages. But, at least you can stay compatible with the DoA scene and play online, so that was pretty cool of TN to do.


New Member
I will be on PC I've played all the DOAs but when I switched to PCs gaming all ways wanted DOA to go on pc and now that it is I can not wait and I'll be kicking ass with my hayate so if you think you can take the new guy down come show what your made of I'll be waiting.


Active Member
I'd like to switch to the Steam version of the game, since the 360 and ps3 update seems kind of halfassed and I don't plan to buy a ps4 anytime soon, but I really wish Team Ninja would update and specify the system requirements on the steam page already. USFIV runs smoothly on my notebook, but I guess Last Round will be a little more demanding.


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Most Intel Core i5 laptops that I have looked at have Intel HD Graphics 4400 graphics cards, which means most games run at Medium to High Settings. At least, when I look up USF4 specs, those laptops can usually run USF4 on Medium or High smoothly. But Last Round is a port of a PS3 game, so I don't expect it to be TOO powerful, but who knows.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
But Last Round is a port of a PS3 game, so I don't expect it to be TOO powerful, but who knows.

Nowhere have they mentioned the PC version being a port of the PS3/360. The rumor came about because the recent Dynasty Warrior's PC release was. Different team completely though.

They'll update the System Requirements/Recommendation list when they can I imagine. Knowing what I know of PC development, you typically figure that out near the end of development after running through various compatibility tests. Typical exception is when using an already established engine, but Team NINJA hasn't released any PC games before so it'd have to be after the compatibility tests are done.

What settings you have available to you to customize performance also may not be done yet, so yeah "USF4 runs smoothly" but you can go from Arcade quality to a black box with 30 poly characters and 256x256 textures. That's a big range.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Nowhere have they mentioned the PC version being a port of the PS3/360. The rumor came about because the recent Dynasty Warrior's PC release was. Different team completely though.
I didn't say the PC version was a port of a PS3 game, just that Last Round in general is a port of a last gen game that's being slightly upscale for 1080p. I doubt the PC version is not going to have the new stages, costumes, and customization options that current gen consoles are getting. Otherwise, there would be no point in getting the PC version if it's based off the PS3/360 versions.


Active Member
If there'd a hard copy release of the pc version, which is doubtful, I'll get it.
But depending on how they handle costumes and stuff I might just never play it because I have dlc on ps3.


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What do people think the required graphics card is going to be for this game? The laptop I have now has the Intel Core i5 processor, but the graphics card is not the best for gaming. It could play most games at like low to medium settings, and some at high settings. If I can at least play DOA5LR with medium settings, then maybe, just MAYBE I would consider the Steam version in order to support the community.


Master Ninja
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Premium Donor
It'll run on a decent integrated graphics solution. The integrated graphics on my Surface Pro are capable of running a surprising amount of games. If you want it to run at high resolutions and look at least as good as the consoles, you'll need something beefier, naturally.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It'll run on a decent integrated graphics solution. The integrated graphics on my Surface Pro are capable of running a surprising amount of games. If you want it to run at high resolutions and look at least as good as the consoles, you'll need something beefier, naturally.
How does the Intel HD Graphics 4400 fair on most games? I know most modern games won't be able to run, but I'm sure there are some games that can run. For example, USF4 can run smoothly at high settings. But since DOA is more graphically intensive, I just want to make sure that my laptop can at least run it decently. It doesn't have to be running at ultra settings, but I'd at least like for DOA5LR to be able to run at medium settings, or low if need be.