So which version is everyone all getting


Well-Known Member
Now that DOA series has left the clutches of MS's grip and now muliplatform the online community will now be divided into PS3 and 360 players, which side are u on?

I will stick with the PS3 version for various reasons one of them being i no longer own a 360 and don't ever plan on rebuying one since i refuse to pay to play online, not to mention the dual shock dpad is far better than 360's terrible one so pad playiers like me who don't want to deal with arcade stick have a viable 1st party control option. The only downside of going PS3 is it will most likely have less players since TTT2 will be out 2 weeks earilier and is more popular with the playstation crowd and will steal alot DOA5's thunder where DOA is more popular with the xbox crowd and will have more players

D Glock

Well-Known Member
I'm planning on getting both versions. I'm aiming to purchase a PS3 in a few more weeks, especially for my birthday that's coming up very soon, strictly for DoA5.

And good to see you, Fork. It's been a while. ;)


Well-Known Member
I will buy it for PS3 at first, but I may eventually get the 360 version as well. It's mainly because I'm on my 5th 360 and I don't want to have to worry about the console failing again and not being able to play.

As far as the tournament scene, I expect it to be mainly 360-based... so pad players should keep that in mind. Either pick up a controller that works for you or look into dual-mod or converter options. I play stick, so it doesn't matter to me, but pad players that plan on going to tournaments should definitely figure out an alternative if they can't use a 360 pad very well.


Well-Known Member
Both. 360 for the familiarity (is that even a word?) and PS3 for security and free online. Prolly get the CE for 360.


Active Member
I'm getting the 360 version, if only because I don't own a PS3 at the moment. I'm actually planning on getting a PS3 or just putting my 360 into a GAEMS G155 case so I can carry it around with me and play (as I don't have internet at home; I carry my 360 in my backpack to a game lounge here in Yuba City) anywhere that has internet. I'm really hoping Tecmo/Team Ninja doesn't include a one-time pass code for online. That would completely suck.


Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to get it for both systems. If not at the same time then 360 first and ps3 later.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
If the game turns out to be a solid fighter then I'll likely get it on both systems so I can play with everyone in the community.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I wish they could've had an arcade version just as a sort of a Tecmo arcade swan song. Do they even make arcade games any more? Then again TN's swan song was DOA2M.