So which version is everyone all getting


Well-Known Member
PS3, but I'm buying several CE's to sell off and use the profit for buying the disc locked content :cool:


Well-Known Member
I wish they could've had an arcade version just as a sort of a Tecmo arcade swan song. Do they even make arcade games any more? Then again TN's swan song was DOA2M.

Ya but it's mostly like the horse racing sims and pachinko. There's a Tecmo Arcade right off the Kadena Air Base in Okinawa.


Well-Known Member
Not enough Japanese play the game to support an arcade release. Besides, the arcade market is tough enough as it is.


Well-Known Member
Im a collector... But, not a great player. I got owned, nonstop when I played online. The AI doesn't counter and block like humans do :mad: or my friends. I like my DOA on Xbox, myself. But, can't pass up the PS3 version either. I bought NG3 on both consoles knowing exactly what I was in for :eek:

Arnell Long

Active Member
1 system "360", 1 game "DOA5", 1 ninja "Kasumi", 1 deep "Arnell Long"...lets go!!

When I get me another PS3 again, I'll possibly be getting DOA5 for that as well.


Active Member
PS3 version :D
They Should release an arcade version of DOA5 and expect the better, japanese players could take the game seriously.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why people are asking for an arcade release of DOA5. The chances of seeing such a release in any US arcades are slim to none. Most of you probably don't even have a real arcade anywhere near you.

Not to mention most (if not all) of you are used to playing the game with macros. Do you really think an arcade version of DOA5 would have a throw button or a P+K button?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
If the machines don't end up being the second VF3 arcade release with huge prices for the cabinets or hardware, then yeah, otherwise we might as well forget about an arcade release.


I don't know why people are asking for an arcade release of DOA5.

A common misconception with underdog fighting game fans is that if their game has an arcade presence it automatically becomes popular. They get this idea because of the way street fighter and mortal kombat made such a massive impact on american culture back when there was literally no competition.

If only it worked that way.... sadly we're not living in the 90's.