Soul Calibur Thread

Jackie Chan Fan

Well-Known Member
If you really want the Sophitia figure and the art book since as you said, like a dream come true, then by all means buy the Collector's Edition. You can buy the season pass later. At least you have the physical Sophitia. :)

But if your concern is the extra characters, forget what I said, Buy the Deluxe Edition. :)


Premium Donor
If you really want the Sophitia figure and the art book since as you said, like a dream come true, then by all means buy the Collector's Edition. You can buy the season pass later. At least you have the physical Sophitia. :)

But if your concern is the extra characters, forget what I said, Buy the Deluxe Edition. :)
Yeah I just may buy the CE, it doesn't come with the season pass which would be goddess tier but I suppose I can always buy it later xD


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It's cool that they bring back a Weapon Master style single player mode… but the quality of the CAS assets is fucking horrible lol
Just look at the dude they created in the trailer…

If they start announcing DLC characters already I think my guess of 20 characters +3 DLC at launch is probably pretty close. Pretty sure Cervantes and Lizardman will take a spot, not sure about Inferno… might just be the Arcade/Story boss again.


Active Member
I always like the idea of customisable characters, but in fighters they've always fallen too short of the proper roster.
Fingers crossed but those examples look ropey already.


Active Member
Not sure about this DLC at launch business - give me the best game you've got at launch. It's not a reward, its a punishment for not jumping through hoop x.


Premium Donor
New Soul Calibur 6 Trailer featuring Customization characters in their own Story Mode. Soul Calibur 6 is looking really good.
So excited! Can't wait to make my hot sexy CASs over again for that mode! <3 Idk if I should make my girl with the hime cut or the guy first tho >.>


Premium Donor
Create a Soul looks like its gonna be lit! ^.^


Jesus the possibilities....:oops:


Well-Known Member
Every time I see this game it looks just like SC5 with minute changes. Looks like a copy and paste. The only things interesting so far are the stages and gameplay.


Premium Donor
What do you expect, I think it's personally a bit much to ask that Project Soul just discard everything they brought to the create a soul table and just make new last minute content. Most of the stuff is old yeah, but that's been the case since SC4, they always reuse most of the older items, but they do include new items as well such as that new race select feature which I'm liking. Plus they didn't really have to change much graphics wise for SC6 since iirc people did claim that SC5 looked even better than some current gen games which i can kinda see.

There will be new stuff, they're just not promoting it now kinda like SC5 did, they had a ton of new content but a good portion had to be unlocked which adds replay value to the game if stuff is unlocked in story mode. Plus we don't really know the budget that SC6 had to work with since T7 still is the main dog in the race so we should be thankful that theres even a SC6 at all, especially with all the content it'll have.


Well-Known Member
Those graphics definitely aren't up to today' standards, look at how bad and blocky the demon guy with the apple looks...

V at least brought a lot of new outfits for the CAS characters and let us modify their bodies, add textures and facepaint.

But this is V's CAS mode slapped on a PS4. It's inexcusable.


Premium Donor
Well he is a create a soul, CASs to a degree have always been a bit less detailed than the official characters, plus they just announced the mode, they're likely still working on their models and such, plus the body hair tbh never looked that good(I hate body hair...) in any game besides on Rock who has it on him by default in SC4. And as I said, did you expect them to just toss out all the stuff they added in SC5? XD I feel it'll have more stuff but right now they're keeping most of the content secret