Tengu Players Unite !


Well-Known Member
I mained Seung Mina who was also absent from 5. I still bought it though... eventually.

It's crap for other reasons, though.

So I've heard, but the only 2 characters I was interested in being either annoyingly difficult to play (A.Patroklos) or competitively unplayable (Z.W.E.I) was the nail in the coffin for me even considering getting the game. Regardless of how good, or bad it ended up being.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
So I've heard, but the only 2 characters I was interested in being either annoyingly difficult to play (A.Patroklos) or competitively unplayable (Z.W.E.I) was the nail in the coffin for me even considering getting the game. Regardless of how good, or bad it ended up being.
He's pretty much casually unplayable as well. Jus' sayin'.
And A. Patroklos is not hard to use, imo.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if anyone noticed, or if its even worth noting, but that screen shows two random select slots, which seems a little overkill really. It could just be to save people from scrolling the width of the screen (because that's so tiring) but it could also be a placeholder for a slot for Tengu. I do agree that it would be a bit of a middle finger to the fans, and I can't see them not putting him in really.


Well-Known Member
Its pretty obvious he'll be in. at worst he wont be officially revealed and will be a secret unlockable like alpha was in vanilla DOA5. tengu fans need to worry more about him actually not being bottom tier shit than being in the game

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Its pretty obvious he'll be in. at worst he wont be officially revealed and will be a secret unlockable like alpha was in vanilla DOA5.

I wouldn't say it obvious that he'll be in. This is TN we're talking about. Still, I'll try to remain optimistic about it.

tengu fans need to worry more about him actually not being bottom tier shit than being in the game

I'm reasonably certain that he'll be better than his DOA4 and DOAD counterpart. Whether or not he's actually good though, we'll just have to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
So it seems they weren't planning on including Tengu in DOA5U. While I actually was suspecting as much, it still bums me out, mostly because he might end up being a copy-paste job from DOA4 if they do end up including him.

Hopefully he'll still make it, even if it should turn out that he joined as his low-tier DOA4 incarnation. To show the folks at Team Ninja that some of us would still like for him to return, I drew another costume idea based on his costume 2 (may or may not be a swimsuit):

(Seems I forgot to draw his sandal straps, but maybe they stay connected to his feet through sheer force of will? Same way he manages to do all his crazy moves without ever tripping over them.)
Times are dire. But when you're a tengu user in doa4 times were always dire, so that's nothing new. I wasn't going to take part in any of this. I'm more content to watch from the sidelines. But team ninja's actions have depressed me and forced my hand. So cheer up fellow followers of the One True Nose if its fan support they want for Tengu then I for one will give it to them. I even went so far as to make a twitter account (which pained me) and told them of my support. I've rallied several to my cause and they have been letting TN know on twitter and facebook and that's just the begining. This probably won't work but I have to try and if Tengu doesnt come back i wont buy this game so it's really all or nothing for me. So help out give em that #Tengu2013 and maybe just maybe The Birdman will fly again.

Also Koompy, I missed you too.


Well-Known Member
He speaks I have a twitter already and don't use it I will start using it now though. I need to get my twitting on. I'll twit with you if you can do it so can I. We gotta go MaxDrago on TN with our twits.
Thanks Koompy, it starts small but if I have to form rallies ill get the word out. Spoke to Master Ari and Gehbaktal this morning, theyre getting involved as well as all thats left of NOD. Even if there is to be no more Tengu, he will not go into the night quietly.
Im a twitter noob, but hashtags are basically commonalities. Implying you agree with something or support it or whatnot. putting it links to others use of it. not many on the Tengu2013 yet but baby steps my man.


Well-Known Member
Okay I twitted for like the 2nd time ever just now. I don't know how it looks the twitter feed doesn't show on this mini laptop. I may not want him back as bad as you or Forlorn, but I'd still like to play as him again.